"Load up" Quotes from Famous Books
... Dave. "Load up again as quickly as you can and we'll watch him," and then he proceeded to take care ... — Dave Porter At Bear Camp - The Wild Man of Mirror Lake • Edward Stratemeyer
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... to understand these things are dissatisfied with the slow aeons of evolution; they yearn to become more immediately useful, and so they demand and obtain knowledge of the shorter but steeper Path. There is no possibility of escaping the amount of work that has to be done. It is like carrying a load up a mountain; whether one carries it straight up a steep path or more gradually by a road of gentle slope, precisely the same number of foot-pounds must be exerted. Therefore to do the same work in ... — A Textbook of Theosophy • C.W. Leadbeater
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... April comes around each year there are certain wise men who proceed to load up their automobiles with their fishing tackle and in the early morning turn Capeward. They have experiences of previous years to guide them and know certain brooks and pools where the speckled beauties await them. The wise ones know just where to throw their lines and ... — Cape Cod and All the Pilgrim Land, June 1922, Volume 6, Number 4 • Various
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... will. Some time they'll want to load up this old boat. And then they'll have to open the door up there in the deck. So we'll ... — The Corner House Girls Growing Up - What Happened First, What Came Next. And How It Ended • Grace Brooks Hill
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... "Load up," Hys called out. "We're going to attack now, same plan I outlined earlier. Get Telt over here." In talking to his own men some of the harshness was gone from his voice. The tall soldiers of Nyjord moved in ready obeyance of their commander. They ... — Planet of the Damned • Harry Harrison
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... talking of you at the club last night, Ben," he said. "You were the only one of us who had sense enough to load up with A. P. & C. stock when it was selling at 80, and now it's jumped up to 150. Jim Randolph was fool enough to remark that you'd had the easiest success of ... — The Romance of a Plain Man • Ellen Glasgow
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... one of the boys had a birthday and his folks is well off and they had sent him some jack from the states to buy blankets and etc. with it and he thought it would be a sucker play to load up with bed close when spring was comeing so he loaded up with something else and some of the boys with him and for 50 or 60 franks over here you can get enough champagne to keep the dust layed all summer and of course some of the boys hadn't never tasted it before and they thought you could ... — The Real Dope • Ring Lardner
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... four o'clock that afternoon Bert began to load up the truck with the venetian blinds, which had been taken down ... — The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists • Robert Tressell
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... time, and it won't do to keep them waiting, for Ann is sure to have got some cakes made, and there's nothing puts a woman out more than people not being in to meals when they have something special ready. After that I shall go out with Dick and bring the barge ashore. He will load up her tomorrow, and take her back single handed; which can be done easy enough in such weather as this, but it is too much for one man if there is a strong wind blowing and driving her over to the one side ... — By England's Aid or The Freeing of the Netherlands (1585-1604) • G.A. Henty
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... Bates and Andy Green—and there's more scattered around here, that don't reely count except when it comes to eating. We like you, by cripes, and we like your cookin' fine! Now, you amble along to town and load up with the best there is—huh?" It occurred to him that his final remarks might be construed as giving orders, and he glanced at Weary and winked to show that he meant nothing serious. "So long, Jakie," he added over his shoulder and went ... — The Happy Family • Bertha Muzzy Bower
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