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Llama   /lˈɑmə/   Listen

Wild or domesticated South American cud-chewing animal related to camels but smaller and lacking a hump.

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"Llama" Quotes from Famous Books

... Iriarte, of course, had written a fable or two in arte mayor verse. Cf. Fabula XXXIX.] page lxxix Soldados, la Patria | nos llama a la lid; Juremos por ella | vencer o morir; Serenos, alegres, | valientes, osados, Cantemos, soldados, | el himno a la lid: Ya nuestros acentos | el orbe se admire, Y en nosotros[42] mire | los hijos del Cid; Ya nuestros acentos | el orbe se admire, Y en nosotros mire | los ...
— Modern Spanish Lyrics • Various

... silver gray, and the llama sack, violet lined, to need no tight corsage beneath, her fair wrists and arms showing white and cool in the wide drapery sleeves, she looked a very lovely lady. Sylvie was proud of her handsome, elegant mother. She grew a great deal braver always when Mrs. Argenter ...
— The Other Girls • Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney

... added, that these magnificent works were constructed by a people ignorant of the use of iron, and unsupplied with wheel-carriages. The only beast of burden was the llama; and the long files of these patient and docile animals, winding along the broad causeways of the Andes recalled to the invaders the long strings of mules stepping in single file along the rocky paths cut out from the sides of the Iberian sierras. Iron and fire-arms ...
— Old Roads and New Roads • William Bodham Donne

... domesticated in Asia, and Clark Wissler[1] shows that to be one great centre of cultural distribution for this animal. It spread from Asia into Europe, and from Europe into America. The llama was early domesticated in South America. The American turkey had its native home in Mexico, the hen in Asia. The dog, though domesticated very early in Asia, has gone wherever the human race has migrated, ...
— History of Human Society • Frank W. Blackmar

... bronco, broncho^, cayuse [U.S.]; creature, critter [U.S.]; cow pony, mustang, Narraganset, waler^; stud. Pegasus, Bucephalus, Rocinante. ass, donkey, jackass, mule, hinny; sumpter horse, sumpter mule; burro, cuddy^, ladino [U.S.]; reindeer; camel, dromedary, llama, elephant; carrier pigeon. [object used for carrying] pallet, brace, cart, dolley; support &c 215; fork lift. carriage &c (vehicle) 272; ship &c ...
— Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases: Body • Roget

... food to-day is matter of bovine origin. But the Ox is a newcomer in the land, an importation of the Spanish conquest. What did the Megathopae, the Bolbites, the Splendid Phanaeus eat and knead, before the arrival of the present purveyor? The Llama, that denizen of the uplands, was not able to feed the Dung-beetles confined to the plains. In days of old, the foster-father was perhaps the monstrous Megatherium, a dung-factory of ...
— The Glow-Worm and Other Beetles • Jean Henri Fabre

... in pagodas, stood a Dago Scotch-and-sodas, Scaled the mighty Mississippi's snow-clad peaks, Galloped madly on a llama through lagoons at Yokohama And ...
— Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 156, Jan. 15, 1919 • Various

... the fleece of the Peruvian sheep, which is a species of llama. The staple is of good length and soft, but is not quite as lustrous as mohair, the natural colors being either white, black, brown, or fawn. It is used chiefly in the ...
— Textiles • William H. Dooley

... the presence of callosities on the legs of the camel and llama "are the unmistakable results of rubbing or friction; so also with the callosities of baboons and the pouched monkeys, and the double soles of man's feet."[133] In this point he anticipates Erasmus Darwin and Lamarck. As we shall see, however, his notions ...
— Lamarck, the Founder of Evolution - His Life and Work • Alpheus Spring Packard

... the house, and were greeted by Mrs. Peterkin and Elizabeth Eliza, Mrs. Peterkin with her llama lace shawl over her shoulders, as a tribute to the Spanish teacher. Mr. Peterkin was careful to take his party in first, and deposit them in a distant part of the library, far from the Turk or the German, even putting the Frenchman and ...
— The Peterkin Papers • Lucretia P Hale

... remarked upon the habits of the elephant, llama and guanaco in returning to the same spot; and this reminds me of a coincidence in my experience that few persons will believe when ...
— The Minds and Manners of Wild Animals • William T. Hornaday

... on the shore and bore coconuts in their top branches. Men red as copper galloped over the immense green prairies and threw their arrows at the buffaloes, who turned against them with their sharp horns. An enormous cobra which had crept up the stem of a tall palm tree threw itself on to a little llama that was grazing at the foot. Knaps! it was all ...
— The Lilac Fairy Book • Andrew Lang

... Pliauchenia, and Macrauchenia. It ranges from Tierra del Fuego and the adjacent islands, northwards over the whole of Patagonia, and along the Andes into Peru and Bolivia. On the great mountain chain it is both a wild and a domestic animal, since the llama, the beast of burden of the ancient Peruvians, is no doubt only a variety: but as man's slave it has changed so greatly from the original form that some naturalists have regarded the llama as a distinct species, which, ...
— The Naturalist in La Plata • W. H. Hudson

... down some socks. My idea was in perfect unison with that of my hosier and haberdasher. Socks were going to be unprocurable in a few months. I patted myself on the back and bought up the 1916 vintage of Llama-Llama footwear. The following week thirty-seven shirts arrived and I had to buy ...
— Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 153, Nov. 28, 1917 • Various

... there, with his massive head and sagacious eyes; and a famous actress, ugly, thin, with a long, slightly crooked face, tinted hair, and the melancholy, mysterious eyes of a llama. Claude Drew, at a little table behind Madame von Marwitz, negligently turned the leaves of a book. Lady Rose Harding, the only one of the company with whom Gregory felt an affinity, though a dubious one, talked to the French actress and to Madame von Marwitz. Lady ...
— Tante • Anne Douglas Sedgwick

... has not left, at Versailles, half so much occasion for moralizing; perhaps the neigbhboring Parc aux Cerfs would afford better illustrations of his reign. The life of his great grandsire, the Grand Llama of France, seems to have frightened Louis the well-beloved; who understood that loneliness is one of the necessary conditions of divinity, and, being of a jovial, companionable turn, ...
— Seeing Europe with Famous Authors, Volume 3 • Various

... trial of the Moriarty gang left two of its most dangerous members, my own most vindictive enemies, at liberty. I travelled for two years in Tibet, therefore, and amused myself by visiting Lhassa and spending some days with the head Llama. You may have read of the remarkable explorations of a Norwegian named Sigerson, but I am sure that it never occurred to you that you were receiving news of your friend. I then passed through Persia, looked in at Mecca, and paid a short but interesting visit to the Khalifa at Khartoum, ...
— The Return of Sherlock Holmes - Magazine Edition • Arthur Conan Doyle

... equal, vertical bands of red (hoist side), white, and red with the coat of arms centered in the white band; the coat of arms features a shield bearing a llama, cinchona tree (the source of quinine), and a yellow cornucopia spilling out gold coins, all ...
— The 2000 CIA World Factbook • United States. Central Intelligence Agency.

... partieron, hasta esta isla, mil y sete cientas leguas. Las otras tres naues dentro de cincuenta dias hallaron muchas islas, y aportaro en algunas dellas, y passaron en cada vna dellas muchas cosas, que estan grande la relacion, que ocupa veynte pliegos de papel. En fin aportaron a vna isla grande que se llama Iubu, y alli hizieron amistad conel rey della, que se hizo desta manera. Saco se el rey sangre del pecho, y el capitan assi mesmo, y echada la sangre de entrabos en vna copa de vino la partiero por medio, y el vno ...
— The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803, Volume II, 1521-1569 • Emma Helen Blair

Words linked to "Llama" :   guanaco, alpaca, even-toed ungulate, artiodactyl, Lama peruana, artiodactyl mammal, Lama pacos, domestic llama, Lama guanicoe

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