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Limbers   /lˈɪmbərz/   Listen

A channel or gutter on either side of a ship's keelson; carries bilge water into the pump well.

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"Limbers" Quotes from Famous Books

... slow-moving oxen fortunately were unable to drag the heavier naval guns to the same position to share the fate that quickly befell. A very heavy fire was opened from the Boer rifle pits, and although the gunners stuck manfully to their pieces until the ammunition in the limbers was exhausted, they were compelled then to leave them on the plain, retreating for shelter to a donga. The breech-blocks, even, were not carried away; it is said because they expected to return again to action. The naval ...
— Story of the War in South Africa - 1899-1900 • Alfred T. Mahan

... brown to wine color, with occasional patches of evergreen to set off the whole. Once or twice the road left the river to cut across over the mountains, and it cost our horses much exertion to drag the limbers up the steep, slippery trail. It was curious to notice the difference between those who dwelt along the bank and the inhabitants of the upland plateau. The latter appeared distinctly more "outlandish" and less sleek and prosperous. The highlands we found veiled in mist, and as I looked ...
— War in the Garden of Eden • Kermit Roosevelt

Words linked to "Limbers" :   channel, plural form, plural

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