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Lampblack   Listen

A black colloidal substance consisting wholly or principally of amorphous carbon and used to make pigments and ink.  Synonyms: carbon black, crock, smut, soot.

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"Lampblack" Quotes from Famous Books

... converged the rays, luminous and non-luminous, we can intercept the former by the iodine, and do what we please with the latter. Experiments of this character, not only with the iodine solution, but also with black glass and layers of lampblack, were publicly performed at the Royal Institution in the early part of 1862, and the effects at the foci of invisible rays, then obtained, were such as had never been ...
— Fragments of science, V. 1-2 • John Tyndall

... were used, generally black, but sometimes red and sometimes green. The black ink was sometimes manufactured from a species of lampblack or ivory black, such as is often used in modern times for painting. Some specimens of the inkstands which were used in ancient times have been found at Herculaneum, and one of them contained ink, which though too thick to flow readily from the pen, it was still possible to write with. It was ...
— Romulus, Makers of History • Jacob Abbott

... or fifteen feet thick: the colour of the water is then very evident. By augmenting the thickness we absorb more of the light, and by making the thickness very great we absorb the light altogether. Lampblack or pitch can do no more, and the only difference in this respect between them and water is that a very small depth in their case suffices to extinguish all the light. The difference between the highest known transparency ...
— Six Lectures on Light - Delivered In The United States In 1872-1873 • John Tyndall

Words linked to "Lampblack" :   atomic number 6, carbon black, c, carbon, crock, smut, soot

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