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Jingoism   /dʒˈɪŋgˌoʊɪzəm/   Listen

An appeal intended to arouse patriotic emotions.  Synonym: flag waving.
Fanatical patriotism.  Synonyms: chauvinism, superpatriotism, ultranationalism.

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"Jingoism" Quotes from Famous Books

... idea of country must be put to work in every mind and in every life. Otherwise all education of patriotism will tend toward inevitable jingoism, and arouse all the violent and introverted feelings that have made history a long story of wars without end. This idea of country has been too aristocratic. It must now become accustomed to a life of daily toil, and not ...
— The Psychology of Nations - A Contribution to the Philosophy of History • G.E. Partridge

... always damping down Blenkiron's volcanic utterances. 'Of course, as you know, the other side have an argument which I find rather hard to meet ...' 'I can sympathize with patriotism, and even with jingoism, in certain moods, but I always come back to this difficulty.' 'Our opponents are not ill-meaning so much as ill-judging,'—these were the sort of sentences he kept throwing in. And he was full of quotations from private conversations he had ...
— Mr. Standfast • John Buchan

... the public school is bringing young minds under the spell of worldliness. The result is selfishness, jingoism, narrow nationalism—an unthinking, a gullible generation to become the easy prey of exploiters and the ...
— Catholic Problems in Western Canada • George Thomas Daly

... Power should ever move navy or army in defence of any selfish British interest. They were—they still are, it may be said—the leading lights of what is called the Peace-at-any-price party, detesting war and "jingoism," and viewing patriotism, when found growing on British soil, with dry suspicion. Patriotism in Bulgaria is, however, to their view a growth of a different order, worthy to be encouraged and sheltered ...
— Bulgaria • Frank Fox

... means all that is middle-class, all that is of the essence of jingoism, all that is colourless, and without form, and void. It might be a beautiful word, but it is the most debased coin in the currency of language. Certain things are classed as natural, and certain things are classed as unnatural—for all the people born into the ...
— The Green Carnation • Robert Smythe Hichens

... the suppression of his right of franchise, the open and notorious examples of fraud, ballot-box stuffing and intimidation practiced in every Southern election for the last thirty years, on the one hand, and the unfaithfulness, "Jingoism," the free offering of bribes and the continued practice of duplicity, on the part of those claiming to be his friends, on the other hand, no fair-minded man would expect to find complete political perfection among a people thus treated. Thus has the ...
— Twentieth Century Negro Literature - Or, A Cyclopedia of Thought on the Vital Topics Relating - to the American Negro • Various

Words linked to "Jingoism" :   demagogy, nationalism, jingoistic, patriotism, superpatriotism, demagoguery, jingoist

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