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Italia   /itˈæliə/  /ɪtˈæljə/   Listen

A republic in southern Europe on the Italian Peninsula; was the core of the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire between the 4th century BC and the 5th century AD.  Synonyms: Italian Republic, Italy.

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"Italia" Quotes from Famous Books

... parte de la poblacion se compone de descendientes de los antiguos colonos espanoles y de los inmigrantes llegados de algunos paises de Europa; especialmente de Italia, Alemania, Francia y Espana. Gran parte de la poblacion vive en las ciudades; la capital, que es Buenos Aires, tiene por si sola casi la quinta ...
— A First Spanish Reader • Erwin W. Roessler and Alfred Remy

... lettere alla F * *, ed anche a me stesso fanno torto ai miei motivi; ma col tempo vedrai la tua ingiustizia. Tu parli del dolor—io lo sento, ma mi mancano le parole. Non basta lasciarti per dei motivi dei quali tu eri persuasa (non molto tempo fa)—non basta partire dall' Italia col cuore lacerato, dopo aver passato tutti i giorni dopo la tua partenza nella solitudine, ammalato di corpo e di anima—ma ho anche a sopportare i tuoi rimproveri, senza replicarti, e senza meritarli. Addio—in quella parola e compresa ...
— Life of Lord Byron, Vol. IV - With His Letters and Journals • Thomas Moore

... honours by the Society of Italia's Sons. John took possession of the shop when they returned home, and found the money ...
— The Goodness of St. Rocque and Other Stories • Alice Dunbar

... materials should be used. In addition to the publication of collections of original sources, works like the /Gallia Christiana/, begun in 1715 by the Benedictines of St. Maur and continued by them till the Revolution, /Espana Sagrada/ begun by the Augustinian Enrique Florez in 1747, and the /Italia Sacra/ (1643-1662) of Ferdinand Ughelli contained a veritable mine of information for future historians. Of the historical writers of this period the ablest were /Louis Sebastien Le Nain de Tillemont/ (1637- 1689), the author of the /Histoire des Empereurs pendant les six premiers ...
— History of the Catholic Church from the Renaissance to the French • Rev. James MacCaffrey

... Anglus, degustatis primum per Anglorum gymnasia humanarum artium elementis literarijs, vltramarinas statim visitare prouincias in animo constituit: Peragratis ergo Gallijs, Italia, Dalmatia, et Graecia, tum demum peruenit in Asiam, vbi non paruo labore, ac vitae suae periculo inter Saracenos truculentissimum hominum genus, Arabicam linguam ad amussim didicit In Hispaniam postea nauigio traductus, circa fluuium Hiberum Astrologicae artis studio, cum Hermanno ...
— The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries - of the English Nation. v. 8 - Asia, Part I. • Richard Hakluyt

... to so honourable a distinction. Gallo-Belgicus appears to have been rather an Annual Register, or History of its own Times, than a news-paper. It was written in Latin, and entitled. "MERCURIJ GALLO-BELGICI: sive, rerum in Gallia, et Belgio potissimum: Hispania quoque, Italia, Anglia, Germania, Polonia. Vicinisque locis ab anno 1588, ad Martium anni 1594, gestarum, NUNCIJ." The first volume was printed in 8vo. at Cologne, 1598; from which year, to about 1605, it was published annually; and from thence to the time ...
— Microcosmography - or, a Piece of the World Discovered; in Essays and Characters • John Earle

... iii. 10) says: 'Dein sinus Scylacius et Scyllacium, Scylletium Atheniensibus, cum conderent, dictum: quem locum occurrens Terinaeus sinus peninsulam efficit: et in ea portus qui vocatur Castra Annibalis, nusquam angustiore Italia XX millia ...
— The Letters of Cassiodorus - Being A Condensed Translation Of The Variae Epistolae Of - Magnus Aurelius Cassiodorus Senator • Cassiodorus (AKA Magnus Aurelius Cassiodorus Senator)

... had recognized Italy as a possible danger, had mitigated this by drawing Italy into the Triple Alliance. But she was well aware that fear of France, not love of Austria, made Italy take this step. Therefore to reduce the danger of a strong Italia Irredenta on the east of Adria she encouraged Atavism against Italianism, regarding the ignorant and incoherent Slavs as less dangerous than the industrious and scientific Italians. Similarly, England decided ...
— Twenty Years Of Balkan Tangle • Durham M. Edith

... mixtos; quia nec terra olim, sed classibus advehebantur, qui mutare sedes quaerebant, et immensus ultra, utque sic dixerim, adversus Oceanus raris ab orbe nostro navibus aditur. Quis porro, praeter periculum horridi et ignoti maris, Asia aut Africa aut Italia relicta, Germaniam peteret, informem terris, asperam coelo, tristem cultu aspectuque, nisi si patria sit? Celebrant carminibus antiquis (quod unum apud illos memoriae et annalium genus est) Tuisconem deum terra editum, et filium Mannum, originem gentis conditoresque. Manno tres filios assignant, ...
— Germania and Agricola • Caius Cornelius Tacitus

... double-headed eagle was pulled down from above the lofty portal of the Palazzo di Venezia, the people placed there in its stead one of white and gold, inscribed with the name ALTA ITALIA, and quick upon the emblem followed the news that Milan was fighting against her tyrants,—that Venice had driven them out and freed from their prisons the courageous Protestants in favor of truth, Tommaso and Manin,—that Manin, descendant of the ...
— At Home And Abroad - Or, Things And Thoughts In America and Europe • Margaret Fuller Ossoli

... il verde, il rosso, il bianco Gli stanno ben con una spada al fianco. E gli diro che il bianco, il verde, il rosso, Vuol dir che Italia il duro giogo ha scosso. E gli diro che il rosso, il bianco, il verde E un terno che si giuoca e non ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 231, April 1, 1854 • Various

... the fierce battle of the briny waves, and felt as she sat dying on the sinking wreck, that all she had striven for was in vain; how she had found that defeat, that engulping billow, had proved in the end a victory, and had placed her where she could watch over the destiny of Italia, her adopted country, and work for its regeneration, and fight for its liberty, as she could not have done had she been more successful in her ...
— Strange Visitors • Henry J. Horn

... man carries rest and contentment in his own mental life, and is equally himself at the Corona d'Italia and on a western ranch; while the weakling runs back to earlier associations like a colt to its stable. But Homer is also Emersonian at times. What could be more so than Achilles's memorable saying, which is repeated ...
— Cambridge Sketches • Frank Preston Stearns

... can be easily reached by the new railway from Novara, it is not likely to remain so little known much longer. The town is agreeable to stay in; it contains three excellent inns. I name them in geographical order. They are the Italia, the Croce Bianca, and the Posta, while there is another not less excellent on the Sacro Monte itself. I have stayed at all these inns, and have received so much kindness in each of them, that I must decline the invidious task of recommending any one of them especially. My book is intended ...
— Ex Voto • Samuel Butler

... il diritto al conseguimento del sou diritto al diritto che i tricolore italiano sventoli per sempre sulla Torre di Fiume. Io e i miei colleghi sentiama per Fiume lo stesso sentimento che provate voi, o cittadini di Bologna e d'Italia. Togliervi Fiume e una delle piu grandi barbarie del secolo. Non disperate; lasciate che Wilson ...
— Chit-Chat; Nirvana; The Searchlight • Mathew Joseph Holt

... by the magnitude of the task. Take heed that you do not undertake more than you have time or opportunity to complete; or else, embarking upon a labour of Hercules you may liken yourself to Sisyphus. Mazzuchelli began 'Gli Scrittori d'Italia,' but succeeded in finishing only the first two letters of the alphabet. The temptation to leave behind us some great work by which our name will become in time a household word, is doubtless a great one; but gigantic though our magnum opus may be in our own estimation, it does not follow ...
— The Book-Hunter at Home • P. B. M. Allan

... contain a more pregnant and important passage, or one more directly bearing on the present policy of the Britsh emprire, than this. It demonstrates: 1, That in former times Italy had been an exporting country: "olim ex Italia commeatus in longinquas provincias portabantur." 2, That at the time when Tacitus wrote, in the days of the Emperor Trajan, it had ceased to be so, and had come to import largely from Africa and Lybia, "sed nunc Africam potius et Egyptum exercemus." 3, That this was ...
— Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, No. 341, March, 1844, Vol. 55 • Various

... wearing apparel, it is his breeches pocket; but the young ladies could not think of leaving dear Italy and the dear priest; and then they had seen nothing of the country, they had only seen Naples; before leaving dear Italia they must see more of the country and the cities; above all, they must see a place which they called the Eternal City, or by some similar nonsensical name; and they persisted so that the poor governor permitted them, as usual, to have their way; and it was decided what route they ...
— Lavengro - The Scholar, The Gypsy, The Priest • George Borrow

... genere coniunxit, duas Musas et Melpomenen et Euterpen simul veneratus. Musicae miracula quis dignius cecinit? Pictoris Florentini sine fraude vitam quasi inter crepuscula vesperascentem coloribus quam vividis depinxit. Vesperi quotiens, dum foco adsidemus, hoc iubente resurgit Italia. Vesperi nuper, dum huius idyllia forte meditabar, Cami inter arundines mihi videbar vocem magnam audire clamantis, Pa o' me/gas ou' te/qnhken. Vivit adhuc Pan ipse, cum Marathonis memoria et Pheidippidis ...
— Introduction to Robert Browning • Hiram Corson

... features, but slights many of the national and provincial aspects of the Austrian question. V. Gayda's La crisi di un impero (2d ed., 1915), English ed., Modern Austria (New York, 1915) is an unusually able work by an Italian who sees clearly on every question except that of Italia Irredenta. A. Toynbee's Nationality and the War (London, 1915) is another very useful summary of the question. The official Austro-Hungarian point of view has been stated in such works, among many others, as Hitter ...
— The Russian Revolution; The Jugo-Slav Movement • Alexander Petrunkevitch, Samuel Northrup Harper,

... us some Jews; and the third imports different sorts of dervishes, who pay considerable sums into the imperial treasury for building churches, and for the privilege of ringing bells. I must also mention the papa (pope), the Caliph of the Franks, who lives in Italia, and does not cease his endeavours to make converts to his faith; but we are more than even with him, for we convert infidels in greater proportion than they, notwithstanding all the previous pain which man must suffer before he is accepted for ...
— The Adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispahan • James Morier

... o Dio redentore, Vedo l'Italia tutta a fiamma e foco, Per questi Galli, che con gran valore Vengon, per disertar non so che loco: Pero vi lascio in questo vano amore Di Fiordespina ardente poco a poco Un' altra volta, se mi fia concesso, ...
— Stories from the Italian Poets: With Lives of the Writers, Vol. 2 • Leigh Hunt

... with it the hopes of Ossoli and his wife. There would be neither fortune nor home for a Liberal now—only exile. Very sadly Margaret said goodbye to the soldiers in the hospitals, brave fellows whom she honored, who in the midst of death itself, would cry "Viva l' Italia!" ...
— Lives of Girls Who Became Famous • Sarah Knowles Bolton

... And thou, Italia, that for ages played A role whose majesty can ne'er be told, Hast thou, like all the rest, thy trust betrayed, Adored the ...
— Poems • John L. Stoddard

... valleys, and the mountains of La Suisse; The mosquitos of Martigny; the confusion of Sierre; The dirt of Visp or Minister, and the odours everywhere: Ye, who ne'er from Monte Rosa have surveyed Italia's plain, Till you wonder if you ever will get safely down again; Ye, who ne'er have stood on tip-toe on a 'knife-like snow-arete,' Nor have started avalanches by the pressure of your weight; Ye, who ne'er have packed your weary limbs in sleeping bags at night, Some few inches from ...
— Sagittulae, Random Verses • E. W. Bowling

... virtutibus HISCE Quas in homine et cive Et laudes et imiteris. Haud mediocriter ornati: Qui in literis variis versatus. Postquam felicitate SIBI PROPRIA Sese posteris commendaverat, Morte acerba raptus Anno oetatis 51 Eheul quam procul a patria! Prope Liburni portum in Italia, Jacet sepultus. Tali tantoque viro, patrueli suo, Cui in decursu lampada Se pottus tradidisse decuit, Hanc Columnam, Amoris, eheul inane monumentum In ipsis Leviniae ripis, Quas VERSICULIS SUB EXITU VITAE ILLUSTRATAS Primis ...
— The Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides with Samuel Johnson, LL.D. • James Boswell

... copy of Sismondi, because his is a field familiar to you, and on which you can judge him. His work is highly praised, but I have not yet read it. I have been occupied and delighted with reading another work, the title of which did not promise much useful information or amusement, 'L'Italia avanti il Dominio del Romani, dal Micali. It has often, you know, been a subject of regret that Carthage had no writer to give her side of her own history, while her wealth, power, and splendor ...
— Memoir, Correspondence, And Miscellanies, From The Papers Of Thomas Jefferson - Volume I • Thomas Jefferson

... to see one of Italia's children with a face like that!" said a Leatherstonepaugh as she studied the nun's features. "One would say that she had really found peace only ...
— Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Volume 26, July 1880. • Various

... Thou by many names adored, Child of Zeus the God of thunder, Of a Theban bride the wonder, Fair Italia's ...
— The Oedipus Trilogy • Sophocles

... Italiennes'; Muratori's 'Rerum Italicarum Scriptores'; the 'Archivio Storico Italiano'; the seventh volume of Michelet's 'Histoire de France'; the seventh and eighth volumes of Gregorovius' 'Geschichte der Stadt Rom'; Ferrari's 'Rivoluzioni d' Italia'; Alberi's series of Despatches; Gino Capponi's 'Storia della Repubblica di Firenze'; and Burckhardt's 'Cultur der Renaissance in Italien.' To the last-named essay I must acknowledge especial obligations. It fell under my notice when I had planned, ...
— Renaissance in Italy, Volume 1 (of 7) • John Addington Symonds

... Inscriptiones Lugubres. A Gulielmo Berchero cum in Italia, animi causa, peregrinaretur, ...
— English Travellers of the Renaissance • Clare Howard

Words linked to "Italia" :   piedmont, Alps, Eternal City, Puglia, Abruzzi e Molise, European Union, Rome, Dolomite Alps, Battle of Lake Trasimenus, Abruzzi, Battle of Ravenna, Bay of Naples, Mt. Vesuvius, Salerno, Sardinia, NATO, Bolzano, Campania, Lombardia, Sicily, ciao, Appian Way, Tuscany, Piemonte, Calabria, Europe, NIPR, calamary, Lombardy, Red Brigades, Latium, River Adige, commune, Herculaneum, battle of Solferino, br, Tyrolean Alps, Cannae, Emilia-Romagna, battle of Caporetto, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Ferrara, Po River, calamari, Italy, Valle D'Aosta, Roma, Trentino-Alto Adige, Caporetto, Etruria, Molise, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Mount Vesuvius, Brigate Rosse, Sardegna, European Economic Community, grissino, aloha, Italian capital, Venezia-Euganea, Umbria, Mont Blanc, Toscana, Papal States, Marches, River Arno, EC, Marengo, Ravenna, Arno River, European Community, magenta, battle of Trasimeno, Metaurus River, Tyrol, European nation, Veneto, po, the Alps, Brescia, Riviera, Apennines, Basilicata, squid, Trasimeno, Tirol, Anzio, Brindisi, solferino, Apulia, savoy, polenta, Sabine, capital of Italy, Vesuvius, Monte Bianco, Brenner Pass, EEC, Lazio, European country, Common Market, Lake Trasimenus, Revolutionary Proletarian Initiative Nuclei, Adige, spaghetti Western, Matterhorn, Liguria, Tivoli, Pompeii, Tibur, Italian Republic, Battle of Magenta, Lucania, Sicilia, Venetia, Marche, Italian, Revolutionary Proletarian Nucleus, al dente, eu, Arno, Flaminian Way

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