"Human foot" Quotes from Famous Books
... before we came to any inhabited place. At last we struck the Te-ti-pe- wa-say (Tittabawassee), one of the principal branches of Saginaw river, and following down that stream on the ice we came to an Indian camp which stood by the river side, and also saw many human foot-prints on the ice, but the camp was deserted and we found nothing to eat. We left the place and once more followed the river, and after walking about half a mile we came to another Indian camp, and saw blue smoke coming out of it. As we came up to the ... — History of the Ottawa and Chippewa Indians of Michigan • Andrew J. Blackbird
... of their perturbation was imprinted deeply in the mud of the pathway—the irregular outlines of an enormous, naked, human foot—a great, uncouth foot that bespoke a monster of another world. While, still more uncanny, in view of what they had heard in the farm house during the previous night, there lay, sometimes partially obliterated by the footprints ... — The Oakdale Affair • Edgar Rice Burroughs
... 1300) visited Central Asia, crossed China and Thibet, and brought news to Europe of the fairyland of Japan. Sight-seeing as an end in itself was discovered. Long sea-voyages for commercial purposes were no novelty, but no human foot had ever trod the summits of the Lower Alps, unless it had been the foot of a peasant whose cattle had strayed. Petrarch was the first man (in 1336) to climb a barren mountain, the Mont Ventoux in Provence, voluntarily undergoing a certain ... — The Evolution of Love • Emil Lucka
... enough in a practical land, to shun such a spot of perplexity; but on that day I was following the Open Road, and it led me straight to the moist dark stillness of the tamaracks. I cannot here tell all the marvels I found in that place. I trod where human foot had never trod before. Cobwebs barred my passage (the bars to most passages when we came to them are only cobwebs), the earth was soft with the thick swamp mosses, and with many an autumn of fallen ... — Adventures In Friendship • David Grayson |
Words linked to "Human foot" : pes, arteria digitalis, human being, flatfoot, os tarsi fibulare, human, arcuate artery, heel, vena metatarsus, leg, calcaneus, foot, splayfoot, digital arteries, vena intercapitalis, arteria metatarsea, toe, little toe, vertebrate foot, instep, metatarsal vein, hallux, man, intercapitular vein, pedal extremity, great toe, heelbone, homo, sole, metatarsal artery, arteria arcuata, big toe, pes planus |
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