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Hermaphrodite   /hərmˈæfrədˌaɪt/   Listen

One having both male and female sexual characteristics and organs; at birth an unambiguous assignment of male or female cannot be made.  Synonyms: androgyne, epicene, epicene person, gynandromorph, intersex.

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"Hermaphrodite" Quotes from Famous Books

... a view of preparing for his master a pleasure more suitable to his taste than that which a play like 'Hamlet,' we suppose, could afford him, brings in the three gamesters:—Nano, a dwarf; Castrone, a eunuch; and Androgyne, a hermaphrodite. [12] The latter is meant to represent Shakspere; for he is introduced by Nano as a soul coming from Apollo, which migrated through Euphorbus and Pythagoras (Meres uses these two names in his eulogy of the soul of Shakspere). [13] After having recounted several other stages in the migration of ...
— Shakspere And Montaigne • Jacob Feis

... which encircle the main-mast, and slide up and down it as the sail is hoisted or lowered: it is extended by a gaff above and a boom below. Brigantine is a derivative from brig, first applied to passage-boats; in the Celtic meaning "passage over the water." (See HERMAPHRODITE OR BRIG-SCHOONER.) ...
— The Sailor's Word-Book • William Henry Smyth

... was what is termed, in nautical parlance, an "hermaphrodite brig," of about one hundred and fifty tons burden; and had been engaged, for some twelve or fifteen years, in the West India trade. This vessel could not with propriety be regarded as a model of grace and beauty, but gloried ...
— Jack in the Forecastle • John Sherburne Sleeper

... had once undertaken to erect a cabin in some remote part of it, but for some reason had abandoned the enterprise and constructed his present hermaphrodite habitation, half residence and half groggery, at the roadside, upon an extreme corner of his estate; as far away as possible, as if on purpose to show how radically he had changed ...
— Can Such Things Be? • Ambrose Bierce

... of the ovum. The actual blending of the two cells produces a third cell, which is the germ of the child, or the new organism conceived. One may also say of this sexual coalescence that the STEM-CELL IS A SIMPLE HERMAPHRODITE; it unites both ...
— The Evolution of Man, V.1. • Ernst Haeckel

... our stern, reported herself as forty-nine days from Buenos Ayres, bound to Liverpool. Before she had passed us, "sail ho!" was cried again, and we made another sail, far on our weather bow, and steering athwart our hawse. She passed out of hail, but we made her out to be an hermaphrodite brig, with Brazilian colors in her main rigging. By her course, she must have been bound from Brazil to the south of Europe, ...
— Two Years Before the Mast • Richard Henry Dana

... and scrutinized her closely, and as he replaced it in the binnacle said: "We are going to have southerly weather I think; she loomed very large when I first saw her, and I took her for a ship; but now she seems to be an hermaphrodite. It's of no consequence to us however what she is, and we shall soon ...
— Nature and Human Nature • Thomas Chandler Haliburton

... produces both sperm-and egg-cells within its body is termed an hermaphrodite. Very few hermaphrodites exist among the vertebrates, although they may be found in one or two species (e.g., the hagfish). There are no truly hermaphroditic mammals, i.e., individuals in which both the male and the female germ cells function, ...
— Taboo and Genetics • Melvin Moses Knight, Iva Lowther Peters, and Phyllis Mary Blanchard

... time on this mountain, and at their union they were transformed—the youth into a hideous looking creature, the K[o]-y[e]-m[e]-shi (Plate XX); the maiden into a being with snow white hair, the K[o]-m[o]-k[)e]t-si. The [t]K[o]-thl[a]-ma (hermaphrodite) is the offspring of this unnatural union. The youth said to his sister, "We are no longer like our people; we will therefore make this mountain our home. But it is not well for us to be alone; wait here and I will go and prepare a place for our others." Descending the mountain, ...
— The Religious Life of the Zuni Child - Bureau of American Ethnology • (Mrs.) Tilly E. (Matilda Coxe Evans) Stevenson

... cattle to the West Indies; a title bestowed upon them by sailors, who are very much in the habit of indulging in that figure of speech called by rhetoricians metonymy; in this instance applying the genuine name of all Connecticut men, and some Rhode Islanders, to a fore-topsail schooner, or hermaphrodite brig, as the case might be. He was next, by a sort of metamorphosis, or rather metastasis, not uncommon with those of "steady habits," a travelling tin-pedler; and his adventures and hard bargains, during a visit or two to the western and southern states, might prove ...
— An Old Sailor's Yarns • Nathaniel Ames

Words linked to "Hermaphrodite" :   bisexual, biology, bisexual person, androgynous, biological science, hermaphroditic

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