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Greek mythology   /grik məθˈɑlədʒi/   Listen
Greek mythology

The mythology of the ancient Greeks.

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"Greek mythology" Quotes from Famous Books

... Empire. The climate and natural products, the genius of its writers and the spirit of its religion—nothing came amiss to his voracious intellect, which assimilated the most diverse materials and pressed them all into his service. Greek mythology provided allusions for the adornment of his proclamations, the Koran would dictate his behaviour towards the Moslems, and the Bible was to be his guide-book concerning the Druses and Armenians. All three were therefore grouped together under the ...
— The Life of Napoleon I (Volumes, 1 and 2) • John Holland Rose

... lent him, and this plunge into a bath of the old literature, so new to him, had a tremendous effect upon his susceptible mind. He regretted deeply that Pico della Mirandola, who strove to harmonise Greek mythology with the Christian religion, had been snatched away by death before he could have had the opportunity to converse with him. He read his writings with avidity and listened to what Dovizio remembered of his arguments that the religion of the Greeks ...
— Romance of Roman Villas - (The Renaissance) • Elizabeth W. (Elizbeth Williams) Champney

... stage of culture oftentimes become the devils of a higher stage. So in the very highest stages of psychotheism we find beast-devils. In Norse mythology, we have Fenris the wolf, and Jormungandur the serpent. Dragons appear in Greek mythology, the bull is an Egyptian god, a serpent is found in the Zendavesta; and was there not a scaly fellow in the garden of Eden? So common are these beast-demons in the higher mythologies that they are used in every literature as rhetorical figures. So we find, as a figure of speech, the ...
— Sketch of the Mythology of the North American Indians • John Wesley Powell

... the overthrow of the primaeval order of Gods by Jupiter, son of Saturn the old king. There are many versions of the fable in Greek mythology, and there are many sources from which it may have come to Keats. At school he is said to have known the classical dictionary by heart, but his inspiration is more likely to have been due to his later reading of the Elizabethan poets, and their translations ...
— Keats: Poems Published in 1820 • John Keats

... and hardy, but still a harmless, production. As I said before, I am really a great admirer of tangible religion; and am breeding one of my daughters a Catholic, that she may have her hands full. It is by far the most elegant worship, hardly excepting the Greek mythology. What with incense, pictures, statues, altars, shrines, relics, and the real presence, confession, absolution,—there is something sensible to grasp at. Besides, it leaves no possibility of doubt; for those who swallow their Deity, really and truly, in transubstantiation, can hardly find any thing ...
— Life of Lord Byron, With His Letters And Journals, Vol. 5 (of 6) • (Lord Byron) George Gordon Byron

... Longfellow's poem "Enceladus" emphasizes this reference. For the story of the giants and the punishment of Enceladus see any good Greek mythology. ...
— Selections From American Poetry • Various

... What is here presented as Christianity is in fact the idealistic religious philosophy of the age, attested by divine revelation, made accessible to all by the incarnation of the Logos, and purified from any connection with Greek mythology and gross polytheism.[4] A motley multitude of primitive Christian ideas and hopes, derived from both Testaments, and too brittle to be completely recast, as yet enclosed the kernel. But the majority of these were successfully manipulated by theological art, and the traditional rule of faith was ...
— History of Dogma, Volume 2 (of 7) • Adolph Harnack

... Circe, according to Greek mythology, was an enchantress, who dwelt in the island of AEaea, and who possessed the power to transform men into beasts. (See any mythological text on Ulysses' wanderings.) In Arnold's fantastic, visionary poem, the magic potion, by which this transformation is accomplished, ...
— Matthew Arnold's Sohrab and Rustum and Other Poems • Matthew Arnold

... need be said here. As represented in the creation story, he was freer in his movements than any of the planets. He passed across the heavens daily as an overseer to see that everything was maintained in good order. As in Greek mythology, the sun was represented as riding in a chariot drawn by horses.[825] Scientific speculation advanced but little upon these popular fancies. The course that the sun took on the ecliptic was determined, and the ecliptic itself served as the guide for determining ...
— The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria • Morris Jastrow

... puzzle which men have so long found it. For, observe, Greek myth does not represent merely a humorous play of fancy, dealing with things religiously sacred as if by way of relief from the strained reverential contemplation of the majesty of Zeus. Many stories of Greek mythology are such as could not cross, for the first time, the mind of a civilised Xenophanes or Theagenes, even in a dream. THIS was the ...
— Myth, Ritual, and Religion, Vol. 1 • Andrew Lang

Words linked to "Greek mythology" :   naiad, bacchante, Typhon, Nereus, Aglaia, Crius, Laocoon, argonaut, Ge, pan, River Cocytus, Phaethon, Doris, Menelaus, Elysium, Damon and Pythias, Colchis, water nymph, Euphrosyne, harpy, Philemon, sphinx, Gaia, Hypnos, Cadmus, Polyhymnia, daphne, Apollo, Scylla, Cassiopeia, Jocasta, Cerberus, Helen, Euterpe, Artemis, hydra, Aegisthus, Tiresias, Orpheus, Theseus, nemesis, Uranus, Pegasus, Ganymede, Thalia, Helen of Troy, Ouranos, Parnassus, Gaea, hero, Hyperborean, Medea, Demogorgon, Bellerophon, Thea, Penelope, Hecate, Creon, andromeda, sea nymph, Pluto, Hestia, Selene, Gorgon, Athene, Laertes, Pasiphae, cyclops, Cassandra, Phoebus, Temple of Apollo, Oceanid, hector, Iphigenia, Demeter, Atlantides, Nike, Elysian Fields, Odysseus, Oread, boreas, Dardanus, Delphic oracle, Hyperion, Eurydice, Augeas, Charon, Hyades, River Styx, Euryale, adonis, Clytemnestra, hellhound, Hephaistos, Pontos, Aidoneus, pythoness, Pleiades, Icarus, Leda, Prometheus, River Lethe, Lethe, Hebe, goat god, Cocytus, Pallas Athene, Styx, Eris, grace, Pontus, Dionysian, Nyx, King Oedipus, Helios, Erato, Circe, Nereid, Io, stentor, Jason, Hades, Tantalus, maenad, Despoina, Procrustes, Eos, Pandora, Erebus, Tethys, chimaera, Electra, Cocus, Theia, triton, psyche, Oceanus, Hesperides, Proteus, oracle of Delphi, Zeus, Paris, hymen, Mount Parnassus, Nestor, Melpomene, Oedipus Rex, daedal, Trojan War, python, myrmidon, Hygeia, Cronus, eros, Orion, Pandora's box, terpsichore, medusa, Rhadamanthus, Mnemosyne, Laius, Kore, Pallas Athena, calypso, narcissus, Agamemnon, Geryon, Hephaestus, halcyon, Pallas, Aides, argus, Persephone, Cora, Galatea, Thetis, Orestes, Daedalus, Chiron, phoebe, Dionysus, zephyr, Themis, Perseus, Ares, Thanatos, Oracle of Apollo, Atreus, Cepheus, Phoebus Apollo, Poseidon, Alcyone, Tyche, Stheno, Antigone, Niobe, Nemean lion, Titaness, classical mythology, Oedipus, Pythia, Acheron, Urania, Augean stables, Clio, Patroclus, ichor, Typhoeus, calliope, Leander, Hermes, Hermaphroditus, River Acheron, atlas, Pygmalion, amazon, Charybdis, Minotaur, chaos, Asterope, Athena, Sterope, Cynthia, bacchant, echo, Epimetheus, Iapetus, chimera, titan, Liakoura, Sarpedon, Priam

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