"Graybeard" Quotes from Famous Books
... there are queer mice with only two legs, and some terrible mice that make a great noise." At this moment, Gaffer Graybeard came in, and White-paw said, "Sir, I've learned what a mouse-trap is." "Ah! then," said the sage, "you've not seen the world ... — Friends in Feathers and Fur, and Other Neighbors - For Young Folks • James Johonnot
... people thronged the rocky shore, And viewed that graybeard old and hoar; 'Oh! why thus dodderest at the oar, Unhappy soul?' The answer came: 'Forever ... — The Merryweathers • Laura E. Richards
... in your charge, Walter, and do with him as you will. Guard well lest he betray us once again. Take him from my sight, for his breath poisons the room. And now, Nigel, if that worthy graybeard of thine would fain twang his harp or sing to us—but what in ... — Sir Nigel • Arthur Conan Doyle
... porridge without even a mumbled "Spassiba"—thanks—and shouldered each other for seats at the tables. Then came a blind old man led by his two grandsons. His thanks were pathetically profuse. Next another graybeard, carrying an ivory cane and wearing a handsome fur coat, the only indications of his recent high station in provincial society except the unmistakable reserve and dignity of gentility. After him was a handsome Lett, who had been a station agent in Courland till his station was dynamited in the ... — World's War Events, Vol. II • Various
... his room, cleared away a pile of bags, saddles, camel-trappings, and other tokens of a nomadic life, and revealed a low divan covered with a ragged carpet. On a sack of barley sat his father, a blind graybeard, nearly eighty years old. On our way through the camp I had noticed that the Tartars saluted each other with the Arabic, "Salaam aleikoom!" and I therefore greeted the old man with the familiar words. He lifted his ... — The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 15, No. 87, January, 1865 • Various
... taken his eyes off her face; and again and again the maiden's weak heart had been cheered, as she saw the smile of sturdy intelligence and honest satisfaction which twinkled over that scarred and bristly visage; while every now and then the graybeard wagged approval, until she found herself, long before the end of the oration, addressing herself straight to her ... — Hypatia - or, New Foes with an Old Face • Charles Kingsley
... to be composed of men of many nationalities, was a French Canadian, who had been murdered by his companions because, while robbing a plantation in the interior,—they had frequently been known to cross the desert and the mountains,—he had forborne to kill an old man because as the trembling graybeard looked up at him he had reminded him of his father. Some of the leading demons of the band determined that they could not have such a fool as this for their leader, and he was killed ... — The Adventures of Captain Horn • Frank Richard Stockton
... no school that disciplines the mind, And broadens thought, like contact with mankind. The college-prisoned graybeard, who has burned The midnight lamp, and book-bound knowledge learned, Till sciences or classics hold no lore He has not conned and studied, o'er and o'er, Is but a babe in wisdom, when compared With some unlettered wand'rer, who has shared The hospitalities of every ... — Maurine and Other Poems • Ella Wheeler Wilcox
... am no graybeard whom the approach of death makes doting: talk not to me of the stars; I know only the things that my eye sees and my ear ... — The Pilgrims Of The Rhine • Edward Bulwer-Lytton
... be a graybeard to recall the time when every county-town in New England had, because it needs must have, its first rate lawyer, its distinguished surgeon, its comprehensive business-man,—and when a fixed and unchanging ... — Atlantic Monthly, Volume 7, Issue 42, April, 1861 • Various
... The graybeard slammed the door and laughed savagely. "You'll make no terms with the Black Caesar," he said. "This is the reign of the proletariat. The bourgeois ... — Astounding Stories of Super-Science, August 1930 • Various |