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Goody-goody   /gˈʊdi-gˈʊdi/   Listen

Affectedly or smugly good or self-righteous.

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"Goody-goody" Quotes from Famous Books

... written; it is not goody-goody, although its moral is excellent; and it is just the book to give to girls, who will delight both in the letterpress and the twelve illustrations by Miss Hammond, who has never ...
— The Dash for Khartoum - A Tale of Nile Expedition • George Alfred Henty

... this. She carried it and forgot to give it to me when I shook her. I am glad she didn't wait and bring it over to Alston Terrace. I don't care much for that type of girl. She's priggish and goody-goody, isn't she?" Miss Walbert promptly took ...
— Marjorie Dean, College Sophomore • Pauline Lester

... Nome King enslaved the Royal Family of Ev—another goody-goody lot that we detest," said the General. "But Ozma interfered, although it was none of her business, and marched her army against us. With her was a Kansas girl named Dorothy, and a Yellow Hen, and they marched directly into the Nome King's cavern. ...
— The Emerald City of Oz • L. Frank Baum

... they must do something finer and be something finer than in the past. The friendship of one man like Fenton Lane is worth more than the attention of a wilderness of muffs and sticks, as papa calls them. What I fear is that I shall appear goody-goody, and that would disgust every ...
— An Original Belle • E. P. Roe

... Miss Harlowe was going to New York City on Friday night. You can have the girls come up here on Saturday afternoon. I'll invite Evelyn to luncheon and keep her away until after six o'clock. She wouldn't like it if she knew. She's a regular goody-goody this year. What you must do is to get the things out of the other trunks. Then the girls can see them. I'll come to-morrow for these things I've selected; so have them wrapped up for me. If we manage it quietly no one need be the wiser, for the girls won't breathe a word of ...
— Grace Harlowe's Problem • Jessie Graham Flower

... was very fond of his cousin, but he did like to tease her, and once in the fall, before they came to stay in the barn, he called her a "goody-goody" because she wouldn't jump the fence and run away with him. He said she wouldn't do such things because she didn't know what fun was. Then she did show that she had a temper, for her brown eyes snapped and her soft lips were raised until she ...
— Among the Farmyard People • Clara Dillingham Pierson

... goody-goody, at all. But it's the most interesting thing mother taught me: the watching how everything 'happens' in life, like a wonderful picture or even a curious, beautiful puzzle. Each part, each thing, fits so perfectly ...
— Reels and Spindles - A Story of Mill Life • Evelyn Raymond

... were gone, the colorless face lighted up from within. "I understand now." She walked round the table and leaned over the dishes toward him and laughed. "Alfred," she tittered, "you certainly are the most goody-goody old poke of a stick that ever wore man's clothes, and you are blind, blind as a day-old kitten. You know men, all grades and styles of 'em, but you are a born fool when it comes to women. When that ...
— Dixie Hart • Will N. Harben

Words linked to "Goody-goody" :   toady, lackey, crawler, good, sycophant, ass-kisser

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