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Give off   /gɪv ɔf/   Listen
Give off

Have as a by-product.
Give off, send forth, or discharge; as of light, heat, or radiation, vapor, etc..  Synonyms: emit, give out.

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"Give off" Quotes from Famous Books

... things and made the astounding discovery that they were bodies which were constantly being reproduced and growing; than when one of these rounded bodies was once formed and had grown to its full size, it immediately began to give off a little bud from one side, and then that bud grew out until it had attained the full size of the first, and that, in this way, the yeast particle was undergoing a process of multiplication by budding, just as effectual and just as complete as the process of multiplication of a plant by budding; ...
— Yeast • Thomas H. Huxley

Words linked to "Give off" :   shine, spark, radiate, absorb, effuse, scintillate, sparkle, ray, fume, steam, have, give out, smoke, reflect, reek, emit, feature, shoot

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