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Gantlet   /gˈɔntlət/   Listen

To offer or accept a challenge.  Synonym: gauntlet.  "Took up the gauntlet"
A glove of armored leather; protects the hand.  Synonyms: gauntlet, metal glove.
A glove with long sleeve.  Synonym: gauntlet.
The convergence of two parallel railroad tracks in a narrow place; the inner rails cross and run parallel and then diverge so a train remains on its own tracks at all times.
A form of punishment in which a person is forced to run between two lines of men facing each other and armed with clubs or whips to beat the victim.  Synonym: gauntlet.

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"Gantlet" Quotes from Famous Books

... a liner, and her bonds in the purser's safe; and eventually the liner stole out into the ocean, through such a gantlet of lurking demons as old superstitions ...
— The Cup of Fury - A Novel of Cities and Shipyards • Rupert Hughes

... Never should they feed themselves upon her sorrow. She went on, smiling here and there. The low hum, the pallid lights, the murmur from the organ, all seemed cruelly accented. Her pew was third from the chancel; she was but half-way through the gantlet of curious eyes. ...
— Half a Rogue • Harold MacGrath

... the ladies were of course doubly anxious to be landed. But our stern commander, for we were on a government boat, would not listen to their prayers, but carried us instead on board the "Pensacola," a sloop-of-war which was now lying in the river, ready to go to sea, and ready also to run the gantlet of the rebel batteries which lined the Virginian shore of the river for many miles down below Alexandria and Mount Vernon. A sloop-of-war in these days means a large man-of-war, the guns of which are so big that they only stand on one deck, whereas a frigate would have them on two ...
— Volume 2 • Anthony Trollope

... miles. As the advance body waited in the snow for those in the rear to join them, the glare of flames from the burning cantonments told that the evacuation had been completed, and that the whole multitude was now at the mercy of its savage foes. It was evident that they had a frightful gantlet to run through the fire of the enemy and the winters chilling winds. The snow through which they had slowly toiled was reddened with blood all the way back to Cabul. Baggage was abandoned, and men and women alike pushed forward for their ...
— Historical Tales, Vol. 4 (of 15) - The Romance of Reality • Charles Morris

... at an accident. Captain Winfree looked over this civilian crowd. Each person wore, pinned to a lapel, perched in a hatbrim, or worn like a corsage, a small white feather. "We'd best hurry, Peggy," he said, urging her toward the gantlet. ...
— The Great Potlatch Riots • Allen Kim Lang

... except that with women it was always business. They spoke of certain new rich people with affected contempt; but I could see that they were each proud of knowing such millionaires as they could claim for acquaintance, though they pretended to make fun of the number of men-servants you had to run the gantlet of in their houses before you could get to ...
— Through the Eye of the Needle - A Romance • W. D. Howells

... smoke-wreathed valley. The out-riding flankers exchanged constant shots with the skulking savages hiding in every ravine and coulee. Pausing only to protect their wounded, fighting their way step by step, N Troop ran the gantlet and came charging into the cheering lines with every pound of their treasure safe. Weir of D, whose dismounted troopers held that portion of the line, strode a pace forward to greet the leader, and as the extended hands of the officers met, there echoed down to them from the north the ...
— Bob Hampton of Placer • Randall Parrish

... along," replied Pearce. "He's sure been runnin' a gantlet. His strike stopped work in the diggin's. What do you think of that, Kells? The news spread like smoke before wind. Every last miner in camp has jest got to see ...
— The Border Legion • Zane Grey

Words linked to "Gantlet" :   coat of mail, railroad, glove, body armor, suit of armour, gauntlet, railway, challenge, metal glove, body armour, cataphract, corporal punishment, suit of armor, railroad track

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