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Fork over   /fɔrk ˈoʊvər/   Listen
Fork over

To surrender someone or something to another.  Synonyms: deliver, fork out, fork up, hand over, render, turn in.  "Render up the prisoners" , "Render the town to the enemy" , "Fork over the money"

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"Fork over" Quotes from Famous Books

... the Reenforcement of Sound.*—1. Vibrate a tuning fork in the air, noting the feebleness of the tone produced. Then hold the stem against a door or the top of a table, noting the difference. 2. Hold a vibrating tuning fork over a tall jar, or bottle, and gradually add water. If the vessel is sufficiently tall, a depth will be reached where the air in the vessel reenforces the sound from the fork. 3. Hold a vibrating fork over the mouth of a small fruit jar, partly covered with a piece of cardboard. By varying ...
— Physiology and Hygiene for Secondary Schools • Francis M. Walters, A.M.

Words linked to "Fork over" :   pass, hand, bail, give away, pass on, reach, turn over, give

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