"Fluster" Quotes from Famous Books
... two later the origin of the fluster came in, looking, it must be confessed, not much more amiable than his voice had been: he was extremely pale, too, his blue eyes had hollow rings round them, and there were tired wrinkles on his forehead. However he offered Laura a friendly hand which she took with her soul ... — The Getting of Wisdom • Henry Handel Richardson
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... studying John Bull, as I may say, stuffed naked—his greed, his usuriousness, his hypocrisy, his perfidy of the back-stairs, all swelled to the superlative—such as was well worth the little disarray and fluster of our passage ... — St Ives • Robert Louis Stevenson
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... her that I had been placed there by my father, and should not consent I hardly know what I did wish 1811ff I hardly knew ... As we passed out of the gate, I looked back at the mansion 1870 ... back to the mansion which put him in a terrible fluster 1851/70 ... a terrible flutter we have little peace in the house 1870 we have but little peace in the house the servant delivered a packet of letters 1811ff ... a package of letters my uncle found it impossible to submit to these stern injunctions ... — Alonzo and Melissa - The Unfeeling Father • Daniel Jackson, Jr.
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... alont, Miss Chris," she said, skilfully reducing the charge to a single offence. "Des' let dat ar chicken alont. 'Tain' no use yo' rilin' yo'se'f 'bout dat. Hit's done en it's been done. Hit don't becomst de quality ter fluster demse'ves over de gwines on uv er low-lifeted fowl. You des' bresh yo'se'f down an steddy like hit ain' been fool you ef you knowed yo'se'f. You des' let dat ar chicken be er little act uv erdultery betweenst you en me. Ef'n it's gone, hit'll ... — The Voice of the People • Ellen Glasgow
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... continued Joe, without waiting for a reply; "suppose that the house is alight. Well, the first thing you've got to do, is not to get into a fluster. That can't do no good, you know, and is sure to do mischief. Keep cool. That's the first thing, ma'am; and be deliberate in all ye do. The second thing is, to wrap a blanket round ye, an' get out of the house as fast as ye can without stoppin' to dress. It's of no use lookin' put out, ... — Fighting the Flames • R.M. Ballantyne
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... by the violent opening of the door. His Aunt Mirabelle stood there, dynamic, and behind her, in a great fluster of dismay and apprehension, stood the chairman of the Quarters Committee of ... — Rope • Holworthy Hall
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... amongst the simply decorated graves in the humble churchyard;[9] after discussing with great relish our repast of eggs and bacon, and Welsh ale, the best the village afforded, (by the way, we shall not readily forget the fluster of our Welsh hostess when we talked of dining on our arrival at the little hostelrie) we then rode down to the sea-shore, intending to cross the sandy beach of Oxwich, which extends several miles, on our return to the Gower Inn. The tide flows with great rapidity on this coast, and it had already ... — The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction, No. 494. • Various
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... half the parcels in her fluster, 'I've had a letter!' It was in her hand, whereas the parcels had been merely under her arms. 'The postman gave it me himself as I came up the steps. I'm a great correspondencer, you know.' And she darted through the steam to tell her mother. Jimbo passed her, carrying the tea-pot, the ... — A Prisoner in Fairyland • Algernon Blackwood
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... both of us die," says Mrs Boffin, "and other eyes might see that lonely look in our child." So of a night, when it was very cold, or when the wind roared, or the rain dripped heavy, she would wake sobbing, and call out in a fluster, "Don't you see the poor child's face? O shelter the poor child!"—till in course of years it gently wore ... — Our Mutual Friend • Charles Dickens
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... half there was a brief fluster. Two Gridley men went "woozy" over the same signal. But alert Dave Darrin rushed in and snatched a clever advantage out of ... — The High School Captain of the Team - Dick & Co. Leading the Athletic Vanguard • H. Irving Hancock
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... her head, aware of a small fluster of guilt. There had been considerably less actual coverage in the Beldon costume than there was in the minute two-piece counterpart to Brule's silver trunks she wore at the moment. She'd have to tell Brule about the Beldon stunt, since it was more than likely he'd hear ... — Legacy • James H Schmitz
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... pretty dear from his mother; and had all declared their hearts came into their mouths when he went alone into the library to see his grandfather, for "there was no knowing how he'd be treated, and his lordship's temper was enough to fluster them with old heads on their shoulders, let ... — Little Lord Fauntleroy • Frances Hodgson Burnett
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... succeed in groping its way to it and destroying it; but then it would be much better to attack such a vessel and capture it boldly with a few desperate men on a tug. At the utmost the submarine will be used in narrow waters, in rivers, or to fluster or destroy ships in harbour or with poor-spirited crews—that is to say, it will simply be an added power in the hands of the nation that is predominant at sea. And, even then, it can be merely destructive, while a sane and high-spirited ... — Anticipations - Of the Reaction of Mechanical and Scientific Progress upon - Human life and Thought • Herbert George Wells
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... no, sir! Really, you quite fluster me with all those long words. Who ever heard that fried ham and eggs were bad ... — The Ocean Cat's Paw - The Story of a Strange Cruise • George Manville Fenn
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... sufficient period of idealism, men become hopelessly self-conscious. That is, the great affective centers no longer act spontaneously, but always wait for control from the head. This always breeds a great fluster in the psyche, and the poor self-conscious individual cannot help posing and posturing. Our ideal has taught us to be gentle and wistful: rather girlish and yielding, and very yielding in our sympathies. In fact, many young ... — Fantasia of the Unconscious • D. H. Lawrence
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... of this amiable weakness offered a perpetual temptation to play upon Laploshka's fears of involuntary generosity. To offer him a lift in a cab and pretend not to have enough money to pay the fair, to fluster him with a request for a sixpence when his hand was full of silver just received in change, these were a few of the petty torments that ingenuity prompted as occasion afforded. To do justice to Laploshka's resourcefulness it must be admitted that he always ... — Reginald in Russia and Other Sketches • Saki (H.H. Munro)
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... to wilfully deceive them. Very probably he had his excuse ready. Malcolm could almost hear his words. "I said nothing about the Jacobis because I knew your prejudice, and I did not want to fluster you. I thought Mrs. Godfrey would spin her yarn, and I left it to her. It was not my fault if the Wallaces took to them, and that they were often up at Fettercairn." Some such words Cedric would say when he ... — Herb of Grace • Rosa Nouchette Carey
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... administered. In its flurry it must have disturbed one of the dye-secreting molluscs, which had escaped my notice, for in a few seconds the water was richly imbued. Thereupon both the sharks began to manifest great uneasiness, and eventually with fluster and splashing they worked among the fissures of the coral and shot out into the unimpregnated sea. The sharks seemed to find the presence of the forlorn groveller in the mud unendurable when it stained the water red, though apparently indifferent to its presence as long, as ... — My Tropic Isle • E J Banfield
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