"Flesh out" Quotes from Famous Books
... referred to a small green parrot which George had been holding in both hands. In some way it had wriggled loose from his grasp and twisting its head around had taken a good sized bit of flesh out of the back of his hand. This was the cause of George's ... — The Go Ahead Boys and the Treasure Cave • Ross Kay
... cruel. 'I seen my duty and I done it noble,' as the essay runs. I made that vacancy to get ahead of a rattlesnake that got me there, a venomous big one with nine police calls on its tail, and that's no snake story, either. I cut the flesh out to get rid of the poison. I was n't in a college laboratory and I had to work fast and use what tools I had with me. I killed the gentleman that did the mischief, though," Vic added carelessly, deftly slipping down his sleeve as if to ... — A Master's Degree • Margaret Hill McCarter
... that we once thought it right to eat men (we didn't); but I am not here concerned with their history, which is highly unhistorical. As a fact, anthropophagy is certainly a decadent thing, not a primitive one. It is much more likely that modern men will eat human flesh out of affectation than that primitive man ever ate it out of ignorance. I am here only following the outlines of their argument, which consists in maintaining that man has been progressively more lenient, ... — Orthodoxy • G. K. Chesterton |
Words linked to "Flesh out" : exemplify, detail, instance, particularize, put on, specialise, clear up, specialize, contract, clarify, elucidate, set forth, change, specify, gain, illustrate, modify, alter, feed, particularise, give |
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