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Fictitious character   /fɪktˈɪʃəs kˈɛrɪktər/   Listen
Fictitious character

An imaginary person represented in a work of fiction (play or film or story).  Synonyms: character, fictional character.

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"Fictitious character" Quotes from Famous Books

... there were some things in Gulliver on which he for one would keep his belief suspended, nothing equal to it, on that side, has come athwart me. However, he has made out that Teufelsdrockh is, in all human probability, a fictitious character; which is always something, for an Inquirer into Truth.—Will you, finally, thank Friend Ripley in my name, till I have time to write to ...
— The Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson, - 1834-1872, Vol. I • Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson
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... object had Mr. Quarter in view; and what was his design in going to her residence between nine and ten o'clock at night, under a lying pretence? Mr. Quarter comes from Canada. He knows all the Priests of Montreal. For what purpose did he assume a fictitious character, and utter base and wilful falsehoods, that, he might have access to her, with another man, when Maria Monk, as they hoped, would be without a protector? For what ignoble design did he put an old Truth Teller into ...
— Awful Disclosures - Containing, Also, Many Incidents Never before Published • Maria Monk
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... comparison on the surface, in the words as, like, or similar expressions; the metaphor is given directly without any note of comparison. The allegory, parable, or fable tells its story as if true, leaving the reader or hearer to discover its fictitious character and learn its lesson. All these are, in strict definition, fictions; but the word fiction is now applied almost exclusively to novels or romances. An allegory is a moral or religious tale, of which the moral lesson is the substance, and all descriptions and incidents but accessories, ...
— English Synonyms and Antonyms - With Notes on the Correct Use of Prepositions • James Champlin Fernald
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Words linked to "Fictitious character" :   Ali Baba, Sweeney Todd, Pluto, agonist, Iseult, Bunyan, Scaramouch, Othello, John Henry, shylock, Sherlock Holmes, Inspector Maigret, fictional character, Emile, Rodya Raskolnikov, Galahad, Frankenstein, Sir Galahad, protagonist, Walter Mitty, Lancelot, Holmes, Aladdin, Raskolnikov, Father Brown, trilby, Faustus, Tarzan, Little Red Riding Hood, Tarzan of the Apes, Commissaire Maigret, Arthur, Guinevere, Rip van Winkle, Svengali, Gulliver, Bluebeard, Rumpelstiltskin, Uncle Remus, Don Quixote, Falstaff, Perry Mason, Paul Bunyan, Beatrice, snoopy, imaginary being, pantaloon, Iago, Mother Goose, hamlet, Cheshire cat, Tom Sawyer, Isolde, Houyhnhnm, Huckleberry Finn, Faust, Kilroy, Wilkins Micawber, Guenevere, bond, Captain Horatio Hornblower, Chicken Little, Scaramouche, Huck Finn, argonaut, Todd, King Arthur, Lear, imaginary creature, lilliputian, Robin Hood, Ruritanian, Sir Gawain, Pierrot, Pangloss, Fagin, Uncle Tom, Peter Pan, Horatio Hornblower, Sir John Falstaff, goofy, Micawber, Dracula, Sinbad, Sinbad the Sailor, Babar, Cinderella, Simon Legree, Mr. Moto, Colonel Blimp, Beowulf, James Bond, Tristram, Tristan, Robinson Crusoe, El Cid, Little John, Marlowe, Sir Lancelot, Brer Rabbit, Gawain, King Lear, Frankenstein's monster, Uncle Sam, pied piper, yahoo, Philip Marlowe, Pied Piper of Hamelin, merlin

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