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Enticement   /ɪntˈaɪsmənt/   Listen

Something that seduces or has the quality to seduce.  Synonym: temptation.
Qualities that attract by seeming to promise some kind of reward.  Synonyms: come-on, lure.
The act of influencing by exciting hope or desire.  Synonym: temptation.

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"Enticement" Quotes from Famous Books

... we began, and once again from Cardinal Capecelatro and Father Pope, and we have done. What His Eminence says of the first founder of any Oratorian Congregation may more or less apply to the great Oratorian whom we have mourned: "The sweet enticement of music is quite in harmony with the spirit of St. Philip, and imparts to piety an ineffable gladness and gentleness and grace. Take away from our Saint his delight in music, and you leave his image in our hearts mutilated, despoiled of much ...
— Cardinal Newman as a Musician • Edward Bellasis

... often-times the utmost distress. In consequence of his unremitting zeal and exertions upon this arduous service for the comfort and welfare of the soldiers under his superintendence, as well as to prevent their deserting to the enemy, from whom they received every enticement to do so, he was frequently offered passports and encouragements to go to England, and abandon the soldiers, by the American authorities; but flattering himself that he was most useful to them, and being impelled by a sense ...
— Memoirs and Correspondence of Admiral Lord de Saumarez. Vol II • Sir John Ross

... frequently enticed by display of vestments and music; and, if the Ritualists can pervert the mothers, they know that the next generation is theirs." This is significant, because it signifies that, however weak and easy of enticement the "female mind" may be, it has a mighty power to influence ...
— A Domestic Problem • Abby Morton Diaz

Words linked to "Enticement" :   attractiveness, come-on, forbidden fruit, seduction, leading off, leading astray, bait, attraction, entice, hook, influence, allurement, sweetener, blandishment, wheedling, solicitation

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