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Enthralling   Listen

Capturing interest as if by a spell.  Synonyms: bewitching, captivating, enchanting, entrancing, fascinating.  "Roosevelt was a captivating speaker" , "Enchanting music" , "An enthralling book" , "Antique papers of entrancing design" , "A fascinating woman"

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"Enthralling" Quotes from Famous Books

... played the violins. Dorothy gave them the "A" note, and they put their instruments in tune, with that weird, fascinating combination of chords which prelude the opening strains of enthralling music. ...
— Dorothy Dale's Queer Holidays • Margaret Penrose

... in this dark carriage, was reclining, not Lady Landale (whose fate deed had already been signed, sealed and delivered to bring her nothing but disappointment), but her happier sister, still confronted with the fascinating unknown, hurrying under cover of night, within sound of the sea, to that enthralling lure, a lover—a real lover, ardent, daring, young, ready to risk all, waiting to spread the wings of his boat, and carry ...
— The Light of Scarthey • Egerton Castle

... that his opponent was bluffing. Had Miles "filled," then, with his one card; and was a straight being played against a straight, or a flush against a flush? Or had the stolid young man started with fours? The subdued excitement with which this duel was now being regarded was enthralling; they forgot to protest against the wild raising of the bets; and when Lionel and his implacable foe, having exhausted all their money, had recourse of nods—merely marking their indebtedness to the pool on a bit ...
— Prince Fortunatus • William Black

... like to think them; they didn't care two pins if we never discovered who had the iron bedstead, but they knew that, leafing over the book, we should light upon treasure where we sought it not, kernels of the sweetest meat in the hardest shells, stories of enthralling interest where we least expected them, but, most of all, and best of all, texts that long afterward in time of trouble should come to us, as it were the voice of one that also had eaten the bread of affliction, calling to us across the chasm of the centuries and saying: "O, ...
— Back Home • Eugene Wood

... day of the men in Paris, who, raving like Bacchantes, had stripped themselves naked in the Place de Concorde, and stabbed themselves to the heart, crying out to thunders of applause that life was too enthralling to be endured; of the woman who sang herself mad last night in Spain, and fell laughing and foaming in the concert hall at Seville; of the crucifixion of the Catholics that morning in the Pyrenees, and the apostasy of three bishops ...
— Lord of the World • Robert Hugh Benson

... Francisco enthralling, but a fire swept away the new city, and tent-life was accepted as one of many picturesque experiences. Soon, however, the Doctor's shingle ...
— The Shirley Letters from California Mines in 1851-52 • Louise Amelia Knapp Smith Clappe

... we revelled in the glories visible from our balcony, and thoroughly enjoyed the charms of the Northern night. Midnight suns must be seen to be understood, the gorgeous lights are enthralling. Our souls were steeped ...
— Through Finland in Carts • Ethel Brilliana Alec-Tweedie

... home, the scene of such happy hours, so many dreams and hopes, such heart-enthralling labors, hundreds of the ...
— Darkness and Dawn • George Allan England

... of herself as Nancy Simms; she knew herself now as Anne Champneys, a newer and better personality dominating that old, unhappy, ignorant self. If at times the man glimpsed that other shadowy self of hers, it was part of her mysterious appeal, her enthralling, baffling charm. It invested her with a shade of inscrutable, prescient sorrow, as of old unhappy far-off things. He hadn't the faintest idea of Nancy Simms, a creature utterly foreign to his experience. And because she did not love him, Anne Champneys never ...
— The Purple Heights • Marie Conway Oemler

... government of bishops, of which the bishop of Rome was the acknowledged head. But he did not anticipate—and I believe he would not have indorsed—their future encroachments and their ambitious schemes for enthralling the mind of the world, to say nothing of personal aggrandizement and the usurpation of temporal authority. And yet the central power they established on the banks of the Tiber was, with all its corruptions, fitted to conserve ...
— Beacon Lights of History, Volume IV • John Lord

... lips parted in frightened pleasure, he had sat opposite to him at the club, the red candleshades staining to a richer rose the wakening wonder of his face. Talking to him was like playing upon an exquisite violin. He answered to every touch and thrill of the bow.... There was something terribly enthralling in the exercise of influence. No other activity was like it. To project one's soul into some gracious form, and let it tarry there for a moment; to hear one's own intellectual views echoed back to one with all the added music of passion and youth; ...
— The Picture of Dorian Gray • Oscar Wilde

... Graces, down from Olympus in secret descending, Here doth the minstrel hide, and list to their numbers enthralling, ...
— The Poems of Goethe • Goethe

... death of the individual. Only the younger and physical races, or the remnant of that race of instinctive tradesmen which has failed as a spiritual experiment, can exist in the midst of the tendencies and conditions of metropolitan America. One of the most enthralling mysteries of life is that children will not come to highly evolved men and women who have turned back upon their spiritual obligations and clouded the vision ...
— Child and Country - A Book of the Younger Generation • Will Levington Comfort

... a good thing when you see one. Why," he went on warmly, "there is stuff in these reminiscences which would stir the blood of a jelly-fish. Let me quote you another passage to show that they are not only enthralling, but helpful as well. Let me see, where is it? Ah, I have it. 'A bully good way of putting a guy out of business is this. You don't want to use it in the ring, because by Queensberry Rules it's a foul; but you will find it ...
— Psmith, Journalist • Pelham Grenville Wodehouse

... epidemic. They thrilled with unacknowledgeable hopes. The Miss Minetts, though mature, grew pink and quivered, confessing themselves not averse to offering board and lodging to a suitable, a well-connected, well-conducted paying guest. To outpourings on the enthralling subject of the curate, Damaris found herself condemned to listen from every feminine visitor in turn. It held the floor, to the exclusion of all other topics. Her own long absence, long journeys, let alone the affairs of the world at large, were of no moment to these very local ...
— Deadham Hard • Lucas Malet

... woman on whom the remembrance of love has an enthralling power when love itself is traitor; commonly it is the man on whom the past has little influence, and to whom its appeal is vainly made; but here the position was reversed. He would have pleaded by it; she refused ...
— Wisdom, Wit, and Pathos of Ouida - Selected from the Works of Ouida • Ouida

... liberally to charity, but they give impersonally, not generously; they are in reality utterly selfish, engrossed in the enthralling game of becoming successful or more successful men, sacrificing their homes, their families and their health—for what? To get on; to better their position; to push in among those others who, simply because they have outstripped the rest in the matter of filling ...
— The "Goldfish" • Arthur Train

... period, possessing neither originality nor power, could only interest the erudite and the searchers. The domain of prose is more enthralling. Leibnitz, who wrote in Latin and French, and even in German, is pre-eminently the great thinker he is reputed to be; but though he never possessed nor even pretended to possess originality in style, he is nevertheless highly esteemed ...
— Initiation into Literature • Emile Faguet

... the East is a'calling, The picturesque isles of the sea, But with all their wild splendor enthralling, They ...
— Rhymes of the Rookies • W. E. Christian

... of extraordinary interest; those who do not yet realise how enthralling a subject word-history is could not do better than sample its flavour in ...
— The Romance of Names • Ernest Weekley

Words linked to "Enthralling" :   enchanting, captivating, fascinating, entrancing, attractive

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