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Dumas   /dˈuməz/  /dˌumˈɑ/   Listen

French writer remembered for his swashbuckling historical tales (1802-1870).  Synonym: Alexandre Dumas.

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"Dumas" Quotes from Famous Books

... camellia San Franciscans take very philosophically. It has not, for instance, the supremacy that Dumas gives it in "Camille." In Sacramento they feature it more and an Easterner who saw them picking it in branches instead of single flowers, exclaimed: ...
— Vignettes of San Francisco • Almira Bailey

... set myself. I am aware that it has been attempted once or twice already, beginning, perhaps, with the "Crimes Celebres" of Alexandre Dumas. I am not aware that the attempt has ever succeeded. This is not to say that I claim success in the essays that follow. How nearly I may have approached success—judged by the standard I had set myself—how far I may have fallen short, my readers ...
— The Historical Nights' Entertainment • Rafael Sabatini

... the wood came from Clermont en Beauvoisis, near Amiens; the finest, for the bas-reliefs, from Holland, by St. Valery and Abbeville. The Chapter appointed four of its own members to superintend the work: Jean Dumas, Jean Fabres, Pierre Vuaille, and Jean Lenglache, to whom my authors (canons both) attribute the choice of subjects, the placing of them, and the initiation of the workmen 'au sens veritable et plus eleve ...
— Our Fathers Have Told Us - Part I. The Bible of Amiens • John Ruskin

... fealty to his king. He has no more sense of delicacy toward women, or honor for them as women, than Achilles had. Some of his doings are too defamatory to be thought of, much less mentioned. No! Excuse me from D'Artagnan and the rest of Dumas' heroes. They may be French, but they are not heroic. About Dumas' romances there is a gallop which, with the unwary, passes for action and art. But he has not, of his own motion, conceived a single woman who was not seduced or seducible, ...
— A Hero and Some Other Folks • William A. Quayle

... distinguished Swedish diplomatist, entitled Christine de Suede et le Cardinal Azzolino (Paris, 1899). The writer points out the singular ignorance of the truth about Monaldeschi displayed by Browning and the elder Dumas.] ...
— Stradella • F(rancis) Marion Crawford

... the reactive effect of the environment in which he found himself. What an amazing group in Paris (beginning about 1830) was that with which he was associated! De Musset, de Vigny, Liszt, Rossini, Meyerbeer, Balzac, Dumas, Chopin, Heine, Delacroix, Gericault: young men representing every art and several nationalities, all under the lead of Hugo, that prince of Romanticists; their object being—revolt from conventional standards and a complete expression of their own personalities. Hugo, as he says in the ...
— Music: An Art and a Language • Walter Raymond Spalding

... the methods of the French Academy has to be chronicled: in 1869 it became the custom to discuss the claims of the candidates at a preliminary meeting of the members. In 1880, on the instance of the philosopher Caro, supported by A. Dumas fils, and by the aged Desire Nisard, it was decided to abandon ...
— Project Gutenberg Encyclopedia

... the next real synthesis, which was accomplished by Kolbe, when in 1845 he prepared acetic acid from its elements. Since then a splendid harvest of results had been gathered in by chemists of all nations. In 1834 Dumas made known the law of substitution, and showed that an exchange could take place between the constituent atoms in a molecule, and upon this law depended in great measure the astounding progress made in the wide ...
— Scientific American Supplement, No. 613, October 1, 1887 • Various

... products we have employed the Dumas method for total nitrogen. For the O.NO{2} groups we have found the nitrometer and the Schloesing methods to give concordant results. For the NO{2} groups it was thought that Limpricht's method, based upon reduction with stannous ...
— Researches on Cellulose - 1895-1900 • C. F. Cross

... George Meredith, R. L. Stevenson, Hawthorne, Peacock, Charles Kingsley, Henry Kingsley, Charles Reade, Anthony Trollope, Mrs. Gaskell, Walter Besant, Lytton, Disraeli, J. H. Newman, J. A. Froude, and Walter Pater—these are a few of the names which appear in the following pages; while Tolstoy, Dumas, Balzac, George Sand, Victor Hugo, De Vigny, Prosper Merimee, Flaubert, Theophile Gautier, Freytag, Scheffel, Hauff, Auerbach, Manzoni, Perez Galdos, Merejkowski, Topelius, Sienkiewicz, and Jokai are, perhaps, the chief amongst those representing ...
— A Guide to the Best Historical Novels and Tales • Jonathan Nield

... here, and the terrific current would promptly whisk the steamer down out of Talagouga gorge were she to leave off fighting it. We run on up past Talagouga Island, where the river broadens out again a little, but not much, and reach Njole by nightfall, and tie up to a tree by Dumas' factory beach. Usual uproar, but as Mr. Cockshut says, no mosquitoes. The mosquito ...
— Travels in West Africa • Mary H. Kingsley

... the manners which aroused the scorn of the king's surveyor. Chippendale has even shared with Sir William Chambers the obloquy of introducing the Chinese style, but he appears to have done nothing worse than "conquer," as Alexandre Dumas used to call it, the ideas of other people. Nor would it be fair to the man who, whatever his occasional extravagances and absurdities, was yet a great designer and a great transmuter, to pretend that all his Chinese designs were ...
— Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 6, Slice 2 - "Chicago, University of" to "Chiton" • Various

... an alloy forms one of the poles, and by the measurement of the resistivities, the densities, and the differences of potential or contact, the most valuable indications as to their constitution are obtained. M. Le Chatelier, M. Charpy, M. Dumas, M. Osmond, in France; Sir W. Roberts Austen and Mr. Stansfield, in England, have given manifold examples of the fertility of these methods. The question, moreover, has had a new light thrown upon it by the application of the ...
— The New Physics and Its Evolution • Lucien Poincare

... in the soldiers' ranks was an officer. He was a young man of twenty-five, lieutenant of the first company, named Ossian Dumas; two balls broke both of his legs as ...
— The History of a Crime - The Testimony of an Eye-Witness • Victor Hugo

... in 1840 by Messrs. Dumas and Peligot, who obtained it by treating methylic alcohol with a mixture of sea salt and sulphuric acid. It is a gaseous product at ordinary temperature, but when compressed and cooled, easily liquefies and produces a colorless, neutral liquid which enters into ebullition at 237.7 above zero and ...
— Scientific American Supplement, No. 358, November 11, 1882 • Various

... temperament which never makes its full appearance in any other of his fictions. We believe that it was his own favourite among his works. But Thackeray did not succeed in expressing the whole of himself in the romantic vein; perhaps because he did not cultivate it from the start like Scott and Dumas. He was able to put more of himself into Vanity Fair. To think of Thackeray is to think first of Vanity Fair. From the unerring—because instinctive—judgment of the world this book received recognition as ...
— George Du Maurier, the Satirist of the Victorians • T. Martin Wood

... against the latter. Excursion to France. Talks with President Grvy and with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Barthlemy-Saint-Hilaire. The better side of France. Talk with M. de Lesseps. The salon of Madame Edmond Adam. mile de Girardin. My recollections of Alexander Dumas. Sainte-Beuve. Visit to Nice. Young Leland Stanford. Visit to Florence. Ubaldino Peruzzi. Professor Villari. A reproof from a Harvard professor. Minghetti. Emperor Frederick III; his visit to the American Fisheries Exposition; the Americans win the ...
— Volume I • Andrew Dickson White

... my friends. In particular I remember those four of us who always called ourselves—in flat defiance, just as Dumas did, of mere arithmetic—"The Three Musketeers." I think that we loved one another very greatly during the four years we spent together in our youth. I like to believe we did, and to remember the boys who were once unreasonably happy, even now. It does not seem to count, somehow, that ...
— The Cords of Vanity • James Branch Cabell et al

... theatrical dress-maker. Madame Rodrigues always asks the journalists not to mention her by name. "Put simply," she says, "the first dress-maker in Paris. Everybody will know who is meant." This lady regards herself as the collaborator of Sardou and Dumas and Augier. Dumas is her peculiar favorite. "We understand each other," she says, "and he finds that ...
— Lippincott's Magazine, October 1885 • Various

Words linked to "Dumas" :   author, writer, Alexandre Dumas

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