"Dude" Quotes from Famous Books
... a tall-shaped hat," volunteered Master Maloney, "an' he's wearin' a dude suit an' ... — Psmith, Journalist • Pelham Grenville Wodehouse
... her. She'd never recognize you as the dude who beat her son-in-law. You've changed consider'ble since then. You've even ... — Captain Pott's Minister • Francis L. Cooper
... Peter," said Watts. "What a tremendous dude we have come out. I wanted to joke you on it the first time I saw you, but this afternoon it's positively appalling. I would have taken my Bible oath that it was the last thing old Peter would become. Just look at him, Dot. Doesn't he fill you ... — The Honorable Peter Stirling and What People Thought of Him • Paul Leicester Ford
... was known, there had been more than Dr. Cecil Granthum—bah, what a sickening name! Cecil! It might as well be Adolphus or Regie or—what does a man want to pack around a name like that for? Probably he was the kind of man that the name sounded like; a dude with pink cheeks. ... — Chip, of the Flying U • B. M. Bower
... snorted Jessup. "He sure gets my goat, with them dude clothes, an' that misplaced piece of eyebrow on his lip, an' his superior airs. I wouldn't of thought Miss Mary was the ... — Shoe-Bar Stratton • Joseph Bushnell Ames
... in the corner yet, stately and tall, With a top that once shone like the sun. It whispers of muster-field, playhouse, and ball, Of gallantries, courtship, and fun. It is hardly the stick for the dude of to-day, He would swear it was deucedly plain, But the halos of memory crown its decay— My ... — Cap and Gown - A Treasury of College Verse • Selected by Frederic Knowles
... the pulpit is supposed to cannonade all sin of every variety and species, but, alas, it is usually too cowardly. The Spirit-filled man fears no one from Sandow down to Tom Thumb, from a plug-hat Bishop to a little pusilanimous dude preacher. ... — The Heart-Cry of Jesus • Byron J. Rees
... the common folks to-day, sir! The Governor with his politics, the adjutant-general with his tin soldiers, and the high and mighty Senator Corson with that party he's giving to-night so as to spout socially the news that his daughter is engaged to marry a millionaire dude. Thank God, we've got a man who 'ain't taken up with anything of that sort and can put all his mind on to a ... — All-Wool Morrison • Holman Day
... the caretaker. "Two days before they left a strange boy came to the mine and went to work on the breaker. He was an unusually well-mannered, well-dressed young fellow, and so the breaker boys called him a dude. He resented this, of course, and there was a fight at the first quitting time. These two boys, Jimmie, and Dick, stood by the new lad, and gave three or four of the tough little chaps who work on the ... — Boy Scouts in the Coal Caverns • Major Archibald Lee Fletcher |