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Dribble   /drˈɪbəl/   Listen

Flowing in drops; the formation and falling of drops of liquid.  Synonyms: drip, trickle.
Saliva spilling from the mouth.  Synonyms: drivel, drool, slobber.
The propulsion of a ball by repeated taps or kicks.  Synonym: dribbling.

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"Dribble" Quotes from Famous Books

... she continued: Yes, count on that. But inwardly she relaxed. Such danger as there may have been had gone. Under the dribble of the mucilage the fire in his eyes had flickered and sunk. He was too glued now for revolt. So she thought, but ...
— The Paliser case • Edgar Saltus

... not sufficient to give twenty-five musket cartridges to each man, and scarcely to serve the artillery in any brisk action one single day." He sent to Bermuda to seize a supply, but his vessels arrived too late. Supplies did slowly dribble in, and sometimes came in encouraging quantities when a store-ship was captured. But there never was plenty on hand, and too often not enough, for the powder would deteriorate in bad weather, as was shown at a skirmish at Lechmere's Point. As the troops formed for duty, cartridge boxes were examined, ...
— The Siege of Boston • Allen French

... lemo, lemo, made in the shade, with a spade, by an old maid, lemo, lemo. Here y' are now, gents, gitch nice cool drink, on'y five a glass. There is even the hook for the ice-cream candy man to throw the taffy over when he pulls it. I like to watch him. It makes me dribble at the mouth to ...
— Back Home • Eugene Wood

... longish, and I ran my hands through it till it stood up like a cockatoo's crest. Then I cunningly disposed the methylated spirits in the places most likely to smell. I burned a little on the floor, I spilt some on the counter and on my hands, and I let it dribble over my coat. In five minutes I had made the room stink like a shebeen. I loosened the collar of my shirt, and when I looked at myself in the cover of my watch I saw a specimen of debauchery which would have done credit to a Saturday ...
— Prester John • John Buchan

Words linked to "Dribble" :   trickle, run, propulsion, pour, feed, spittle, actuation, athletics, salivate, soccer, drip, flow, hit, association football, flowing, saliva, sport, basketball, hoops, course, leach, spit, drop, percolate, intravenous drip, basketball game

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