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Disparate   /dˈɪspərɪt/  /dɪspˈɛrɪt/   Listen

Fundamentally different or distinct in quality or kind.  "Disparate ideas"
Including markedly dissimilar elements.

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"Disparate" Quotes from Famous Books

... see my good friend Mme. Vezin registered at the Casino, where I recognised an acquaintance or two. That decided me to spend the night and call at her villa. Her salon never failed to divert me, for, drawing together the most disparate people, she handled them with easy generalship. Under her chandelier ardent art students from the Middle West and the poor relations of royalty might be heard exchanging confidences and foreign tongues. ...
— The Collectors • Frank Jewett Mather

... objected to nothing,—her sweet long body, the tired grace with which she carried her lovely head, her tender, stroking ways, the evenness of her temper (which only that of her teeth could surpass),—all this threatened to make of Amilcare a poet or a saint, something totally disparate to his immediate proposals. His nature saved him for the game which his nature had ...
— Little Novels of Italy • Maurice Henry Hewlett

... antipathetic to her than that of its author; and critics who talk about the 'Strauss and Feuerbach period' should be careful to explain that the phrase covers no implication that she was at anytime an admirer or a disciple of Strauss. There are extremes not only too remote but too disparate to be included in ...
— George Eliot; A Critical Study of Her Life, Writings & Philosophy • George Willis Cooke

... to my argument to enter on this somewhat lengthy examination of the spiritual nature of man, because, while we acknowledge the unity of man, we are compelled to recognize in his religious sense and aspirations and capacities something quite disparate—something that we could not get by a natural process of growth from such beginnings of reason as are ...
— Creation and Its Records • B.H. Baden-Powell

... ordained to the end, the specific difference derived from the object is not an essential determination of the species derived from the end, nor is the reverse the case. Wherefore one of these species is not under the other; but then the moral action is contained under two species that are disparate, as it were. Consequently we say that he that commits theft for the sake of adultery, is guilty of a twofold malice in one action. On the other hand, if the object be of itself ordained to the end, one of these differences is an essential determination of the other. Wherefore one of these ...
— Summa Theologica, Part I-II (Pars Prima Secundae) - From the Complete American Edition • Saint Thomas Aquinas

... grande courant d'eau, qui a battu et mine ce massif, en s'y brisant avec force; car on ne peut supposer, avec quelque vraisemblance, que cet ouvrage ait ete fait par le volume d'eau qui y coule actuellement: et il ne faut pas s'etonner de ce disparate; par-tout vous le trouverez; ce qui demontre evidemment que la quantite d'eau diminue insensiblement, et que la partie solide de notre globe augmente a proportion que la partie liquide diminue; et s'il faut encore etendre ce principe, j'ajouterai, que par-tout vous verrez les ...
— Theory of the Earth, Volume 2 (of 4) • James Hutton

... thus set apart," writes Mr Grote, in his preface, "from the region of history, are discernible only through a different atmosphere—that of epic poetry and legend. To confound together these disparate matters is, in my judgment, essentially unphilosophical. I describe the earlier times by themselves, as conceived by the faith and feeling of the first Greek, and known only through their legends,—without presuming to measure how much or how little of historical matter these legends ...
— Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 62, No. 382, October 1847 • Various

Words linked to "Disparate" :   different, heterogeneous, disparity, heterogenous, disparateness

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