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Disablement   Listen

The condition of being unable to perform as a consequence of physical or mental unfitness.  Synonyms: disability, handicap, impairment.  "Hearing impairment"

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"Disablement" Quotes from Famous Books

... is perhaps the happiest stage of the whole curriculum, and Tommy runs a chance of being spoiled ere he is ready for the fighting line, or, in case of permanent disablement, for the care of his own kith ...
— With The Immortal Seventh Division • E. J. Kennedy and the Lord Bishop of Winchester

... representations sometimes achieved their end. It was otherwise with the Russians. They were never consulted. And when their representatives in Paris respectfully suggested that all such changes as might be decided upon by the Great Powers during their country's political disablement should be taken to be provisional and be referred for definite settlement to the future constituent assembly, the ...
— The Inside Story Of The Peace Conference • Emile Joseph Dillon

... at least Derek asked no questions, made no allusion to the mutiny, not even to the cause of his own disablement. It had been impossible to tell whether the concussion had driven coherent recollection from his mind, or whether he was refraining from an instinct of self-preservation, barring such thoughts as too exciting. Nedda dreaded every day lest ...
— Forsyte Saga • John Galsworthy

... have the most interesting matter for my book, bar accidents, I ought to get all I have laid out and a profit. But, second (what I own I never considered till too late), there was the danger of collisions, of damages and heavy repairs, of disablement, towing, and salvage; indeed, the cruise might have turned round and cost me double. Nor will this danger be quite over till I hear the yacht is in San Francisco; for though I have shaken the dust of her deck from my feet, I fear ...
— Letters of Robert Louis Stevenson - Volume 2 • Robert Louis Stevenson

... washerwomen, clowns, whales, asses, elephants, and what not, and issues that affected the welfare of millions of men were dressed and judged like a rally in some idiotic pantomime. A tragic war in South Africa, that wrecked many thousand homes, impoverished two whole lands, and brought death and disablement to fifty thousand men, was presented as a quite comical quarrel between a violent queer being named Chamberlain, with an eyeglass, an orchid, and a short temper, and "old Kroojer," an obstinate and very cunning old man in a shocking bad hat. The conflict was carried ...
— In the Days of the Comet • H. G. Wells

... whether his ruler be King, Kaiser, or President. But not one in a hundred proletarians really thinks like that. It is not the hope of personal profit works upon men to risk life. Let some exploiter of industry desire to employ a thousand men at dangerous work, with the risks of death or disablement equal to those of war; let it be known that one in six will be killed and another be disabled, and what sum will purchase the service of workers? They will risk life for the State, though given a bare subsistence ...
— National Being - Some Thoughts on an Irish Polity • (A.E.)George William Russell

... unselfishness, but it reveals them rather than creates them. It shows the worth of a nation, but it should want a great deal of evidence before I believe that it does more than prove to people that they are braver than they know. I can't believe vaguely in death and sorrow and disablement and waste being good things. It is merely a question of what you are paying so ghastly a price for. In the Napoleonic wars the price was paid for the liberties of Europe, to show a great nation that ...
— Father Payne • Arthur Christopher Benson

Words linked to "Disablement" :   hearing impairment, visual disorder, softness, dysphasia, visual impairment, bow leg, descensus, genu valgum, prolapse, bowleg, anorgasmia, amputation, bandy legs, visual defect, bow legs, disintegration, prolapsus, unfitness, dysomia, knock-knee, disable, handicap, disability of walking, hearing disorder, pigeon toes, hypoesthesia, vision defect, bandy leg, genu varum, tibia vara, astasia, tibia valga, bandyleg, hypesthesia

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