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Depravation   /dˌɛprəvˈeɪʃən/   Listen

Moral perversion; impairment of virtue and moral principles.  Synonyms: corruption, degeneracy, depravity, putrefaction.  "Moral degeneracy followed intellectual degeneration" , "Its brothels, its opium parlors, its depravity" , "Rome had fallen into moral putrefaction"

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"Depravation" Quotes from Famous Books

... of places, titles, and pardons; and Pelham would have ordered his servants to turn out of his house any man who had offered him money for a peerage or a commissionership of customs. It is evident, therefore, that the prevalence of corruption in the Parliament cannot be ascribed to a general depravation of morals. The taint was local; we must look for some local cause; and such a cause will without difficulty ...
— The History of England from the Accession of James II. - Volume 3 (of 5) • Thomas Babington Macaulay

... abolitionists: so different, indeed, that their disappointment is fully manifested, in the extracts made from their published documents. As an apology for the failure, it seems to be their aim to create the belief, that the dreadful moral depravation, existing in the West Indies, is wholly owing to the demoralizing tendencies of slavery. They speak of this effect as resulting from laws inherent in the system, which have no exceptions, and must be equally as active in the ...
— Cotton is King and The Pro-Slavery Arguments • Various

Words linked to "Depravation" :   degeneracy, deprave, immorality

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