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Dependant   Listen

Contingent on something else.  Synonyms: dependent, qualified.
Addicted to a drug.  Synonyms: dependent, drug-addicted, hooked, strung-out.

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"Dependant" Quotes from Famous Books

... impossible for me to proceed with the caravan, and I determined to remain where I was until I was cured; particularly, as all danger from the Turcomans having passed, it was needless to make myself any longer a dependant upon a caravan. Dervish Sefer, who was anxious to get to the wine and pleasures of the ...
— The Adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispahan • James Morier

... to. Besides, Caroline, I am no miser, no Harpagon: I do not want wealth for wealth's sake, but for the advantages it bestows,—respect, honour, position; and these I get as the husband of the great heiress. Should I get them as her dependant? No: for more than six years I have built my schemes and shaped my conduct according to one assured and definite object; and that object I shall not now, at the eleventh hour, let slip from my hands. Enough of this: ...
— Alice, or The Mysteries, Complete • Edward Bulwer-Lytton

... country, especially the sensitive mercantile classes, for whose losses, by spoliations, the treaty made provision, and those who were dependant upon trade, because they feared its influence in causing the inexecution of the treaty, and consequent war with Great Britain, by which their interests would be seriously effected. Other classes were also alarmed; indeed, all who loved peace and deprecated quarrels, much less physical ...
— Washington and the American Republic, Vol. 3. • Benson J. Lossing

... several points referred to by historians. It is curious to remark the complete subjection in which Charles, at this period, stood towards his brother; occasioned, perhaps, but the foreign supplies which he scrupled not to receive, being dependant on his adhesion to the policy of which the Duke of York was the avowed representative. Shortly before his death, Charles appears to have meditated emancipation from this state of thraldom; and ...
— Notes & Queries, No. 25. Saturday, April 20, 1850 • Various

... he is not a likely man himself to have brought a suit against another); and Euthyphro too is plaintiff in an action for murder, which he has brought against his own father. The latter has originated in the following manner:—A poor dependant of the family had slain one of their domestic slaves in Naxos. The guilty person was bound and thrown into a ditch by the command of Euthyphro's father, who sent to the interpreters of religion at Athens to ask what should be done with him. Before ...
— Euthyphro • Plato

Words linked to "Dependant" :   minion, addicted, charge, depend, recipient, receiver, conditional

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