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Debonaire   Listen

Having a sophisticated charm.  Synonyms: debonair, debonnaire, suave.
Having a cheerful, lively, and self-confident air.  Synonyms: chipper, debonair, jaunty.  "Life that is gay, brisk, and debonair" , "Walked with a jaunty step" , "A jaunty optimist"

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"Debonaire" Quotes from Famous Books

... and ryse agayn theyr lord and wole not be subget/ they ought to be pietous in herte/ whiche is auaillable to all thinge ther is pite in effecte by compassion/ and in worde by remission and pardon/ by almesse/ for to enclyne hymself to the poure For pite is nothynge ellis but a right grete will of a debonaire herte for to helpe alle men/ Valerius reherceth that ther was a Iuge named sangis whiche dampned a woman that had deseruyd the deth for to haue her heed smyten of or ellis that she shold dye in prison/ The Geayler that had pite on the woman put not her anone to deth ...
— Game and Playe of the Chesse - A Verbatim Reprint Of The First Edition, 1474 • Caxton

... high-nosed; of limbs and features neat; and, which added to the lustre of these external graces, of a stately and majestic comportment, participating in this more of her father than of her mother, who was of an inferior alloy, plausible, or, as the French hath it, more DEBONAIRE and affable: virtues which might well suit with majesty, and which, descending as hereditary to the daughter, did render her of a sweeter temper, and endeared her more to the love and liking of the people, who gave her the name and fame of a most ...
— Travels in England and Fragmenta Regalia • Paul Hentzner and Sir Robert Naunton

... times may be cited a casket with ornamental colonettes sent by Eginhard to his son. In 823, Louis le Debonaire owned a statuette, a diptych, and a coffer, while in 845 the Archbishop of Rheims placed an order for ivory book covers, for the works of St. Jerome, a ...
— Arts and Crafts in the Middle Ages • Julia De Wolf Addison

Words linked to "Debonaire" :   cheerful, refined

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