Worn and broken down by hard use. Synonyms:decrepit, derelict, flea-bitten, run-down, woebegone."A decrepit bus...its seats held together with friction tape" , "A flea-bitten sofa" , "A run-down neighborhood" , "A woebegone old shack"
Having a rasping or grating sound. Synonym:screaky.
... the time of the World's Fair quite a lot of people still favored the simpler and more understandable forms of art expression. We went to Chicago and religiously visited the Art Building, and in our nice new creaky shoes we walked past miles and miles of brought-on paintings by foreign artists, whose names we could not pronounce, in order to find some sentimental domestic subject. After we had found it we would stand in front of it for ... — Cobb's Bill-of-Fare • Irvin Shrewsbury Cobb Read full book for free!