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Cookie   /kˈʊki/   Listen

Any of various small flat sweet cakes ('biscuit' is the British term).  Synonyms: biscuit, cooky.
The cook on a ranch or at a camp.  Synonym: cooky.
A short line of text that a web site puts on your computer's hard drive when you access the web site.

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"Cookie" Quotes from Famous Books

... fields,—it 's shorter than going by the road,—and then we can look round outside till it's time to go in. I want to have a good go at every thing, especially the lions," said Sam, beginning on his last cookie. ...
— Under the Lilacs • Louisa May Alcott

... down to it—I bet a cookie he stays just where I tell him to stay," insisted Cousin Egbert. The evident conviction of his tone alarmed his hearers, who regarded each ...
— Ruggles of Red Gap • Harry Leon Wilson

... and wash two cups of huckleberries, then drain them. Beat yolk of one egg and two tablespoons of sugar until light, add one tablespoon of milk, then the drained berries. Line one pie-plate with rich pastry or cookie dough, pour on it the berry mixture, put in the oven and bake light brown; remove from the oven, spread with a meringue made of the white of the egg beaten stiff, and two tablespoons of sugar added. Brown nicely. The white can be beaten with the ...
— The International Jewish Cook Book • Florence Kreisler Greenbaum

... was less on the beauties of the Fraser than on the Dog Creek hotel. Every week I had my dinner there before starting in mid-afternoon on my return to the ranch, and this day had succeeded one of misunderstanding with "Cookie" wherein all the boys of our outfit had come off second-best. I was hungry and that dinner at the hotel was going to taste mighty good. Out there on the range we had heard rumors of a war in Europe. We all talked it over in the evening and decided ...
— Introduction to the Science of Sociology • Robert E. Park

... them of the utter futility of casting pearls before swine. All the while the twenty minutes are going and the pupils have not yet learned how to divide fractions. Over in the next room the pupils know full well how to divide fractions and the teacher is rewarding their diligence with a cookie in the form of a story, while they wait for the bell to ring. Out of the room of the thirty-minute teacher come the children glowering and resentful; out of the other room the children come ...
— The Vitalized School • Francis B. Pearson

... little girls go shivering to school every morning after a breakfast of bread and tea, they return numb with cold after a dinner of more bread and tea and they go home to a supper of the same with a piece of stale cake or a cookie to help out. Nature calls aloud for nourishment and there is no answer. The girl enters her teens, finds a "job," goes to work, hungry the long year through, fighting to win out over the cold in winter, and to endure ...
— The Girl and Her Religion • Margaret Slattery

... Woods, The "Carry On" Castor Oil Chip on Your Shoulder, The Christmas Carol, A Christmas Gift for Mother, The Cleaning the Furnace Committee Meetings Contradictin' Joe Cookie Jar, The Couldn't Live Without You ...
— When Day is Done • Edgar A. Guest

... have a number of reasons. One could be that she'd get the beady eye anyway as soon as she showed up here. When Lyad goes anywhere, it's usually on business. After Quillan reported on your dinner party, I got all the information I could on her. The First Lady stacks up as a tough cookie! Also smart. Most of those Ermetynes wind up being dead-brained by some loving relative, and apparently they have to know how to whip up a sharp brew of poison before they're let into kindergarten. Lyad's been top dog among them ...
— Legacy • James H Schmitz

... declared Laddie, as he pulled a cookie out of his pocket. He had taken it away with him ...
— Six Little Bunkers at Uncle Fred's • Laura Lee Hope

... Wiggily looked on the floor, but there was no tack there, only some crumbs from a sugar cookie that Susie Littletail had been eating the night before, when her uncle had ...
— Uncle Wiggily's Adventures • Howard R. Garis

... eat and drink, for to-morrow we die! Dodo, you are the great American nuisance, in person. Katie, give me that tray and run back for the little rustic stand in the arbor—oh, thank you, Mr. Dalton! Now, Dodo, sit down there and don't speak till you have eaten that cookie all up." ...
— Joyce's Investments - A Story for Girls • Fannie E. Newberry

Words linked to "Cookie" :   Britain, macaroon, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, oreo, textual matter, cook, gingerbread man, teacake, ginger snap, cake, dog biscuit, U.K., fruit bar, brownie, United Kingdom, snap, ladyfinger, wafer, ginger nut, UK, tea biscuit, gingersnap, Great Britain, almond crescent, text, granola bar, kiss

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