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Cookhouse   Listen

The area for food preparation on a ship.  Synonyms: caboose, galley, ship's galley.
A detached or outdoor shelter for cooking.

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"Cookhouse" Quotes from Famous Books

... fewer than twenty-nine corpses of tribesmen were found round the cookhouse, and in the open space over which the three charges had taken place. This, when it is remembered that perhaps twice as many had been wounded and had crawled away, enables an estimate to be formed of the desperate nature of the ...
— The Story of the Malakand Field Force • Sir Winston S. Churchill

... lecture. Mr. Moss had just finished explaining the three kinds of sights that could be taken, when he asked the funny man, "What is a fine sight?" and Deegan answered, "It's a good roast of beef coming from the cookhouse, sir." The company was then dismissed amid ...
— A Soldier's Life - Being the Personal Reminiscences of Edwin G. Rundle • Edwin G. Rundle

... call de Yanks, fightin' our folks, but dey wasn't fightin' round us. Den one dey mamma took sick and she had hear talk and call me to de bed and say, 'Lucinda, we all gwine be free soon and not work 'less we git paid for it.' She sho' was right, 'cause Marse John calls all us to de cookhouse and reads de freedom papers to us and tells us we is all free, but iffen we wants to stay he'll give us land to make a crop and he'll feed us. Now I tells you de truth, dey wasn't no one leaves, 'cause we all ...
— Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves. - Texas Narratives, Part 2 • Works Projects Administration

... eaten even to repletion, and the Doctor was obliged to confess that he had eaten enough. Still, Halimah, the female cook of the Doctor's establishment, was in a state of the greatest excitement. She had been protruding her head out of the cookhouse to make sure that there were really two white men sitting down in the veranda, when there used to be only one, who would not, because he could not, eat anything; and she had been considerably exercised ...
— How I Found Livingstone • Sir Henry M. Stanley

Words linked to "Cookhouse" :   shelter, cuddy, galley, caboose, ship's galley, ship, kitchen

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