"Container" Quotes from Famous Books
... cotton wicks are used, as in oil lamps, and those which are wickless, the former being generally considered more convenient and satisfactory than the latter. In Fig. 8 is shown a three-burner kerosene stove of the first type mentioned. Oil for the burners, or lamps, a is stored in the container b, which may be of glass or metal, and it is supplied to the reservoir of each burner by the pipe c. Each burner is provided with a door d, which is opened when it is desired to light the wick. The flame of ... — Woman's Institute Library of Cookery, Vol. 1 - Volume 1: Essentials of Cookery; Cereals; Bread; Hot Breads • Woman's Institute of Domestic Arts and Sciences
... imagination is piqued by anecdotes of some great man passing incognito, as a king in gray clothes!—of Napoleon affecting a plain suit at his glittering levee!—of Burns, or Scott, or Beethoven, or Wellington, or Goethe, or any container of transcendent power, passing for nobody!—of Epaminondas, "who never says anything, but will listen eternally!"—of Goethe, who preferred trifling subjects and common expressions in intercourse with strangers, worse rather than better clothes, and ... — Atlantic Monthly, Volume 6, Issue 35, September, 1860 • Various
... his vacuum suit, and the cabin of the boat was exhausted of its air. He checked his control board, making sure every switch and dial was in the proper position. Only then did he open the door and step out to the gray surface of the landing field. His suitcase—a spherical, sealed container that the Belt men jokingly referred to as a "bomb"—went with him. He locked the door of his boat and walked down the yellow-painted safety lane toward the nearest air lock leading into the interior ... — Anchorite • Randall Garrett
... cried Frank, raising his hand, "and that gas when expanded by heat soon becomes too buoyant for its container, and will, if allowed to continue expanding, burst ... — The Boy Aviators' Polar Dash - Or - Facing Death in the Antarctic • Captain Wilbur Lawton
... a metal container in which was a mess of stuff evidently intended as food. The guards halted and stepped aside to let her pass into the room. Then they backed out, constantly keeping Dex and Brand covered with the tubes, and closed ... — The Red Hell of Jupiter • Paul Ernst
... the uninitiated seems to have abolished GOD himself, although I am charitable enough to believe that he has full faith in GOD, after his own fashion. He claims to be inspired; to be equal to JESUS; nay superior; for one of them lately said: 'Greater is the container than the contained, therefore I am greater than GOD, for I contain God!' The ultra-spiritualist believes only by and through and in his own inward light. Let him take care, as Carlyle says, that his own contemptible tar-link does not, by ... — Knickerbocker, or New-York Monthly Magazine, March 1844 - Volume 23, Number 3 • Various
... from any dislike of the man, but from a lack of fineness in the man himself—an intangible thing that seems to be a matter of that unfashionable essence, the soul, as against the clay; of the thing contained, by an inverse metonymy, for the container. ... — The Street of Seven Stars • Mary Roberts Rinehart
... mast. It must have reached twenty feet into the air. And the aerial was dangling from it, too. Evidently the spy had fastened that on before raising the mast. Fifty feet distant stood a tree. The spy took something from the baggage container and walked over to the tree, where, Henry judged by the sound, he was fastening a hook. Then the spy carried over the other end of his aerial and fastened it to the hook. In the darkness Henry could see nothing of the details of this outfit, but he realized that the spy now had an ... — The Secret Wireless - or, The Spy Hunt of the Camp Brady Patrol • Lewis E. Theiss
... disassembled is given in Fig. 53. The most noticeable thing about the construction of this receiver is the absence of permanent magnets. The entire working parts are contained within the brass cup 1, which serves not only as a container for the magnet, but also as a seat for the diaphragm. This receiver is therefore illustrative of the type mentioned above, wherein the relation between the diaphragm and the pole pieces is not dependent upon any connection ... — Cyclopedia of Telephony & Telegraphy Vol. 1 - A General Reference Work on Telephony, etc. etc. • Kempster Miller |
Words linked to "Container" : bunker, Dumpster, containerize, showcase, workbag, coal scuttle, fuel pod, watering pot, scuttle, receptacle, pan, vitrine, handbag, contain, shaker, watering can, vessel, basket, mold, measure, bread-bin, dispenser, purse, instrumentation, waste-paper basket, dice cup, pocketbook, cup, cast, envelope, drinking glass, parcel, package, trough, storage ring, pot, wastebasket, box, savings bank, manger, flowerpot, bin, money box, cassette, dice box, cylinder, tin can, magnetic bottle, saltcellar, display case, breadbox, powder horn, pod, cannister, time capsule, can, thimble, instrumentality, circular file, pipe bowl, mailer, case, grab bag, canister, bank, workbasket, handbasket, wastepaper basket, workbox, bowl, wheeled vehicle, waste basket, capsule, empty, spoon, drawer, dish, glass, reliquary, mould, bag, powder flask, tin, coin bank |
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