"Commercial enterprise" Quotes from Famous Books
... the cabinet, turned it around and stood peering at the complicated chassis. A small brass nameplate caught his eye: Manufactured by the Tanganyika Company, Dodoma, Empire of Tanganyika, East Africa. Under charter of the Atomic Commercial Enterprise Commission. Warning: Permit only an accredited employee of this company ... — Made in Tanganyika • Carl Richard Jacobi
... which he sought inspiration was Holland. "Roden's Corner," published in 1898, broke new ground: its plot, it will be remembered, turns on a commercial enterprise. The title and the main idea of the story were taken from Merriman's earliest literary venture, the beginning of a novel—there were only a few chapters of it—which he had written before "Young Mistley," and which he ... — The Slave Of The Lamp • Henry Seton Merriman
... nations, and the balance of power, apparently for a moment broken, again restored. Amongst the rival nations that may be considered as forming the republic of modern Europe, you will see one pre-eminent for her maritime strength and colonial and commercial enterprise, and you will find she retains her superiority only because it is favourable to the liberty of mankind. But you must not yet suffer the vision of modern Europe to pass from your eyes without viewing some other results of the efforts of men of genius, which, like those of gunpowder and the press, ... — Consolations in Travel - or, the Last Days of a Philosopher • Humphrey Davy
... merchant has his snug retreat in the vicinity of the metropolis, where he often displays as much pride and zeal in the cultivation of his flower garden, and the maturing of his fruits, as he does in the conduct of his business, and the success of a commercial enterprise." —Rural ... — Picturesque Quebec • James MacPherson Le Moine
... the Moleswich society, partly because they were acknowledged to be the first persons there, in right not only of old settlement (the Braefields had held Braefieldville for four generations), but of the wealth derived from those departments of commercial enterprise which are recognized as the highest, and of an establishment considered to be the most elegant in the neighbourhood; principally because Elsie, while exceedingly genial and cheerful in temper, had a certain power of will (as her runaway folly had manifested), and ... — Kenelm Chillingly, Complete • Edward Bulwer-Lytton
... secure the thrones of Spain; for this reason he had married in succession two of the daughters of Ferdinand and Isabella; and for this purpose he had consented, at their request, to expel the Jews, to whose commercial enterprise Portugal owed much, from his dominions. Personally he was an ungrateful and {174} a suspicious ruler. He never employed Vasco da Gama after his second voyage in 1502, and he kept the profits of the commerce which had been opened for Portugal ... — Rulers of India: Albuquerque • Henry Morse Stephens
... pittance of men like John Dalton, or the voluntary starvation of the late Graff; but compare what is considered as competency or affluence by your Faradays, Liebigs, and Herschels, with the expected results of a life of successful commercial enterprise: then compare the amount of mind put forth, the work done for society in either case, and you will be constrained to allow that the former belong to a class of workers who, properly speaking, are not paid, and ... — Fragments of science, V. 1-2 • John Tyndall
... philosopher at Hawes, Mrs. Hannaford startled her with a strange story. The form it took was this: That Piers, having for a whispered reason no share in his father's possessions, had perforce given up his hopes of commercial enterprise, and returned to his old subordinate position at Odessa. The two legitimate sons would gladly have divided with him their lawful due, but Piers refused this generosity, would not hear of it for a moment, stood on his pride, and departed. Thus Mrs. Hannaford, who fully believed what she said; and ... — The Crown of Life • George Gissing |
Words linked to "Commercial enterprise" : agriculture, overcapitalization, operation, butchery, intangible, cinema, chain, employee-owned enterprise, astuteness, butchering, roll, commercial activity, gambling hell, capitalist, printing, dull, privatise, business concern, market place, publication, film, gambling house, administration, commercialism, factory farm, privatize, packaging, commerce, transportation, business people, shrewdness, market, overcapitalisation, business organisation, business activity, player, building, touristry, celluloid, agribusiness, gambling den, tourism, line of business, marketplace, transport, businesspeople, field of operation, perspicacity, stagnancy, advertising, publishing, enterprise, perspicaciousness, doldrums, tangible, business sector, industry, concern, storage, construction, bankroll, co-op, stagnation, publicizing, discount business, shipping, venture, cooperative, field, hostile, gaming house, establishment, finance, employee-owned business, sluggish, fishing, copartner, real-estate business, business organization, mercantilism, manufacture, slow, disposal |
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