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Christian Scientist   /krˈɪstʃən sˈaɪəntɪst/   Listen
Christian Scientist

A member of the Protestant church founded in the United States by Mary Baker Eddy.

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"Christian Scientist" Quotes from Famous Books

... regimen and it disturbs your thoughts, you may take an idea and it disturbs your health. It is easy enough to say, as some do, that all ideas have a physical substratum; it is almost as easy to say with the Christian Scientist that all bodily states are amenable to our ideas. The truth doesn't, I think, follow the border between those opposite opinions very exactly on either side. I can't, for instance, tell you to go home and pray against these uncertainties and despairs, because ...
— Soul of a Bishop • H. G. Wells

... members of the healing art are treated seriously—though Dr Tregenna in the former was rather a caricature, and in The Doctor's Dilemma we had a brilliantly painted group of medical men. The Christian Scientist may complain of neglect, even if there was some anticipation of him in Judah, and a humble branch of the craft was handled ably by Mrs Merrick in Jimmy's Mother. The real quack has ...
— Our Stage and Its Critics • "E.F.S." of "The Westminster Gazette"

... with reproachful emphasis on the word. The speaker is a woman of sixty, whose face bears the stamp of successful self-discipline and a sound physique. "I have seen vegetarians who looked extremely sickly. Before I became a Christian Scientist I, too, sought health by various systems of diet. Now I know that all disease is but an error of mortal mind, and in Science and Health, by ...
— Mountain Meditations - and some subjects of the day and the war • L. Lind-af-Hageby

... a Christian Scientist, and Josephine says I have only myself to blame in that I encouraged her to model herself upon Miss Jacket. This strikes me as a little harsh, seeing that Miss Jacket, M.D., is a regular practitioner ...
— The Opinions of a Philosopher • Robert Grant

Words linked to "Christian Scientist" :   protestant, Christian Science, Church of Christ Scientist

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