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Chemical science   /kˈɛməkəl sˈaɪəns/   Listen
Chemical science

The science of matter; the branch of the natural sciences dealing with the composition of substances and their properties and reactions.  Synonym: chemistry.

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"Chemical science" Quotes from Famous Books

... science may be, I believe will be, step by step toward it, on many different roads converging toward it from all sides. The kinetic theory of gases is, as I have said, a true step on one of the roads. On the very distinct road of chemical science, St. Claire Deville arrived at his grand theory of dissociation without the slightest aid from the kinetic theory of gases. The fact that he worked it out solely from chemical observation and experiment, and expounded it to the world without any hypothesis whatever, and seemingly even without consciousness ...
— Scientific American Supplement, No. 460, October 25, 1884 • Various

Words linked to "Chemical science" :   alkalinise, liberate, chemical reaction, geochemistry, organic chemistry, carbonyl, decomposition, distill, mercurous, acyclic, reverse osmosis, fluorocarbon, convert, conjugate, compound, Dalton's law, alkalise, tetravalent, acetify, electronegativity, basic, rich, trivalent, atomic weight, valence, chemical phenomenon, neutral, bind, isolate, reversibly, theory of electrolytic dissociation, cacodylic, carburise, alkalinize, polymerize, sequester, nitrate, break up, chemical change, alchemize, distil, univalent, actinide series, atom, admix, take up, acceptor, dissociate, clathrate, include, group, electrolysis, semisynthetic, catabolize, saturate, radiochemistry, soaking up, unsaturated, attenuate, saturation point, carboxylic, acidify, transmute, equilibrate, catalyse, light, abundance, chemical action, moonshine, Arrhenius theory of dissociation, ethereal, chemical group, alkalify, glycerolize, deaden, foryml, alchemise, migration, purify, sublimate, iodize, chemical decomposition reaction, deoxidise, adsorb, emulsion, long chain, break down, sorb, rarefy, benzylic, state, rectification, peptise, inhibit, unreactive, acid value, theory of dissociation, strip, volatile, clean, allomerism, equilibrium law, conjugated, buffer, pH scale, law of chemical equilibrium, basify, azido, Ostwald's theory of indicators, multivalence, chemical compound, scavenge, sensitizer, atomic theory, man-made, molecule, state of matter, law of equivalent proportions, law of mass action, reform, sulfurette, polyvalence, activity, ligate, theory of indicators, carbocyclic, preisolate, isomerise, saponify, oxidize, react, law of partial pressures, thermochemistry, thoriate, suspend, indicator, supernatant, lipophilic, equilibrium constant, nuclear chemistry, desorb, mixture, chain, radical, pentavalent, mercuric, cyclic, carbolated, volatilise, isomerize, ring, synthetic, alkalize, stoichiometry, reaction, saturated, allylic, oxidise, law of constant proportion, acid, copolymerize, polymerise, detoxicate, formulate, law of reciprocal proportions, inorganic chemistry, sensitiser, atomistic theory, negativity, molecular weight, multivalent, atomism, physical chemistry, demineralise, catalyst, decarboxylate, photochemistry, carboxyl, law of definite proportions, acetylise, organic, catalyze, absorb, atomist theory, denitrify, acidic, displacement reaction, displacement, relative atomic mass, crack, reversible, carburet, sublimation, anticatalyst, decompose, valency, indifferent, monad, free, law of multiple proportions, immunochemistry, natural science, decomposition reaction, volatilize, glycerolise, polyvalent, femtochemistry, chemist, periodic table, copolymerise, Dalton's law of partial pressures, osmosis, chemical chain, carbonize, polymorphous, amphoteric, atomic mass, inorganic, catabolise, electrochemistry, peptize, carburize, iodinating, pH, distribution law, hydrophobic, resublime, lipotropic, aromatic, extract, reduce, transaminate, build, bivalent, sulphurette, calcine, chemoimmunology, acetylate, bound, technical-grade, critical, fractionate, alloy, butylate, etherify, reactive, absorption, association, demineralize, hydrophilic, noncritical, carboxylate, dimorphism, solvate, closed chain, deoxidize, Henry's law, chemical process, heavy, fullerene, pleomorphism, open-chain, alkaline, surface chemistry, membered, resuspend, inert, inactive, accelerator, periodic law, hydrous, dissociation, acetylize, oxidate, ammonify, oleophilic, polymorphic, deglycerolize, make pure, carbonylic, esterify, Mendeleev's law, deglycerolise, alkylic, polyvalency, amphiprotic, alkalic, relative molecular mass, multivalency, release, divalent, technical grade, polymorphism, anhydrous, iodise, coke, long-chain molecule, de-iodinating, detoxify, carbonise, monovalent, bate, hydrated, imbibition, valent

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