"Chemical process" Quotes from Famous Books
... volumes in folio, of the acta sanctorum, in dog-Latin, would be a formidable enterprise to the most laborious German. I expect, with you, they are the most enormous mass of lies, frauds, hypocrisy, and imposture, that ever was heaped together on this globe. By what chemical process M. Camus supposed that an extract of truth could be obtained from such a farrago of falsehood, I must leave to the chemists and moralists ... — Memoir, Correspondence, And Miscellanies, From The Papers Of Thomas Jefferson - Volume I • Thomas Jefferson
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... regenerative process, argued that there must be three similar stages in the preparation of the Stone, which was the pattern of all metallic perfection; and that they derived their beliefs concerning the colours, and other peculiarities of each stage in the supposed chemical process, from the characteristics of each stage in the psychological ... — Bygone Beliefs • H. Stanley Redgrove
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... method will gain favor. The motive power on the electric launch is the electric current; we must decide upon the mode of procuring the current. The mode which first suggested itself to Professor Jacobi, in the year 1838, was the primary battery, or the purely chemical process ... — Scientific American Supplement, No. 430, March 29, 1884 • Various
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... task of sweeping front steps, standing at a street corner, laden with grocery bundles. Minnie wasted hours in what she called "running over to Ma's for a minute." The two quarreled a great deal, being so nearly of a nature. But the very qualities that combated each other seemed, by some strange chemical process, to bring them ... — One Basket • Edna Ferber
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... it several times through the water, from one vessel to another, and still found that it was very strongly inflammable; so that I have no doubt of its being genuine inflammable air, like that which is produced from metals by acids, or by any other chemical process. ... — Experiments and Observations on Different Kinds of Air • Joseph Priestley
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... a difference in the evidences by which these different subjects are communicated to the mind, as there are in the subjects themselves. It is acknowledged, without controversy, that we cannot demonstrate by any mathematical or chemical process that there ever was such an emperor in Rome as Augustus Caesar, or such a governor in Judea as Pilate, or such a man as Jesus; but then we are not, on this account, or any other, unable to find such kind ... — A Series of Letters In Defence of Divine Revelation • Hosea Ballou
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Words linked to "Chemical process" : pyrochemistry, hydrogenation, natural process, deaminization, polymerisation, zymosis, mechanism, amylolysis, cleavage, dissociation, association, gassing, natural action, agglutinating activity, chlorination, demineralization, demineralisation, deamination, activity, acylation, de-iodination, desalination, bluing, chelation, zymolysis, syneresis, ferment, calcification, synaeresis, cracking, precipitation, sequestration, chemical science, erosion, chemical reaction, peptization, chemical change, peptisation, synthesis, contact action, desalinization, fermentation, chemical mechanism, digestion, photosynthesis, intumescence, reaction, decalcification, pyrochemical process, blueing, decarboxylation, proteolysis, corroding, swelling, agglutination, desalinisation, polymerization, chemistry, nitrification, action, intumescency, gasification, corrosion, inversion, fermenting, iodination, transamination, catalysis |
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