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Carry over   /kˈæri ˈoʊvər/   Listen
Carry over

Transfer or persist from one stage or sphere of activity to another.
Transport from one place or state to another.
Hold over goods to be sold for the next season.  Synonym: hold over.
Transfer from one time period to the next.  Synonym: carry forward.

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"Carry over" Quotes from Famous Books

... enforced[27] to make in the General Assembly. That clause is as followeth: Item. That it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said Captain John Martin, his heyers, executours and assignes to governe and comaunde all suche[28] person or persons as at this time he shall carry over with him, or that shalbe[29] sente him hereafter, free from any comaunde of the Colony, excepte it be in ayding and assisting the same against[30] ...
— Colonial Records of Virginia • Various

... example of such slight errors is that of movement. When we are looking at objects, our ocular muscles are apt to execute very slight movements which escape our notice. Hence we tend, under certain circumstances, to carry over the retinal result of the movement, that is to say, the impression produced by a shifting of the parts of the retinal image to new nervous elements, to the object itself, and so to transform a "subjective" ...
— Illusions - A Psychological Study • James Sully

... a little toss of her head, and he turned, too, breaking a sprig of southernwood. Dorcas was glad to treasure the last sight of him putting to his lips the fragrant herb she had bruised for his sake. It seemed to carry over into daylight the joy of the richer night; it was like seeing the silken thread on which her pearls were strung. ...
— Meadow Grass - Tales of New England Life • Alice Brown

... that nobler culture to which my friend on the right has alluded when he says that it is born of the Spirit of God—the culture which has made New England, which is born of God, and which it is our mission to carry over the world. [Applause.] ...
— Modern Eloquence: Vol II, After-Dinner Speeches E-O • Various

... justification and their sanctification too. And there are many good but ill-instructed men among ourselves who have just this taint of that old heresy cleaving to them still—this taint, namely, that they are tempted to carry over the suretyship and substitutionary work of Christ into such regions, and to carry it to such lengths in those regions, as, practically, to make Christ to minister to their soft and sinful living, ...
— Bunyan Characters - Third Series - The Holy War • Alexander Whyte

... improvement in artillery and the possession of powerful modern guns by the Boers had gravely imperilled the position of Ladysmith. The military authorities could never have anticipated that the town would be besieged by foes armed with artillery that could carry over five miles. But such was the case now, and all there felt, as soon as it was decided to defend the place till the last, that the position was ...
— With Buller in Natal - A Born Leader • G. A. Henty

... very ill for carrying provisions to the Bandanese. The weather being tolerably good, and having our skiff at Pulo-way, I resolved to go over to the ship in her myself; for I could not hire men to carry over the junk, if I would have loaded her with silver, and I had not a man with me sound enough to stand on his legs; so I hired three natives, and put to sea in the skiff. When out of sight of Pulo-way, it came on to blow a heavy storm, so that I had to ...
— A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Vol. VIII. • Robert Kerr

... significance aimed at, and every touch and detail added in tune to this idea, the comparison might have been different. But it is rarely that good drawings are done this way. Fine things seem only to be seen in flashes, and the nature that can carry over the impression of one of these moments during the labour of a highly-wrought drawing is very rare, and belongs to the few great ...
— The Practice and Science Of Drawing • Harold Speed

... stable; and yet we are obliged to confess that nothing on earth is stable—nothing among physical things, and just as little among mental and spiritual things. But there are many kinds of change. We are apt to confuse them with one another, and in so doing to carry over to the nobler sorts thoughts applicable only to the lower. In beginning, then, the discussion of self-development, I think it will conduce to clearness if I offer a conspectus of all imaginable changes. I will set them in groups and show their different ...
— The Nature of Goodness • George Herbert Palmer

... go on foot. Trouble thyself not, O king, I shall carry Panchala's daughter wherever she will be incapable of walking. O king, I have decided upon this. Therefore let not thy mind be distracted. I shall also carry over inaccessible tracts those tender-bodied heroes, the twins, the delight of their mother, wherever they will be ...
— Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa Bk. 3 Pt. 1 • Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa

... induce it, or to expel it from the field? 'Force' and 'pressure,' however pertinent to physical inquiries, are surely out of place in an investigation of the relations between the phenomena of mind. Plainly a distinction has to be made if we are to carry over the concept of inhibition from the domain of nervous activity to the conscious domain. Inhibition cannot, it should seem, have the same sense in both. We find, accordingly, that Baldwin, who defines nervous inhibition as 'interference with the normal result of a nervous ...
— Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 1 • Various

Words linked to "Carry over" :   transport, hold on, die hard, persist, shift, carry-over, accountancy, carry forward, endure, accounting, prevail, transfer, run, keep

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