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Cabala   Listen

An esoteric or occult matter resembling the Kabbalah that is traditionally secret.  Synonyms: cabbala, cabbalah, kabala, kabbala, kabbalah, qabala, qabalah.
An esoteric theosophy of rabbinical origin based on the Hebrew scriptures and developed between the 7th and 18th centuries.  Synonyms: Cabbala, Cabbalah, Kabala, Kabbala, Kabbalah, Qabbala, Qabbalah.

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"Cabala" Quotes from Famous Books

... consider as that party. Some of them were not born into the world, and all of them were children, when I entered into that connection. I give due credit to the censorial brow, to the broad phylacteries, and to the imposing gravity of those magisterial rabbins and doctors in the cabala of political science. I admit that "wisdom is as the gray hair to man, and that learning is like honorable old age." But, at a time when liberty is a good deal talked of, perhaps I might be excused, if I caught something ...
— The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. V. (of 12) • Edmund Burke

... even that it has gained a footing with the Cabalists and with the mystics. A certain German of Swabian birth, converted to Judaism some years ago, who taught under the name Moses Germanus, having adopted the dogmas of Spinoza, believed that Spinoza revived the ancient Cabala of the Hebrews. And a learned man who confuted this proselyte Jew appears to be of the same opinion. It is known that Spinoza recognizes only substance in the world, whereof individual souls are but transient ...
— Theodicy - Essays on the Goodness of God, the Freedom of Man and the Origin of Evil • G. W. Leibniz

Words linked to "Cabala" :   Judaism, cabalistic, secret, theosophy, arcanum

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