"Branchy" Quotes from Famous Books
... the field plunging and floundering, and holding and grinning, and thinking what fools they were for not following my example—when, lo and behold! I got to the bottom of the field, and found there was no way out—no chance of a bore through the great thick, high hedge, except at a branchy willow, where there was just enough room to squeeze a horse through, provided he didn't rise at the ditch on the far side. At first I was for getting off; indeed, had my right foot out of the stirrup, when the hounds dashed forrard with such energy—looking like running—and ... — Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour • R. S. Surtees |
Words linked to "Branchy" : bushy, arboriform, arborescent, arboreous, branching, branched, tree-shaped, maple-like, ramous, well-branched, long-branched, brachiate, ramate, arboreal, thick-branched, arboresque, ramose, stiff-branched, dendroid, dendriform, dendroidal, maplelike, mop-headed, branchless, branch, treelike |
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