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Bonhomie   Listen

A disposition to be friendly and approachable (easy to talk to).  Synonyms: affability, affableness, amiability, amiableness, geniality.

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"Bonhomie" Quotes from Famous Books

... these external signs a voice rich, fluent, and racy, with the mellow "doric" of his country, and you have some faint resemblance of one "every inch a priest." The very antipodes to the 'bonhomie' of this figure, confronted him as croupier at the foot of the table. This, as I afterwards learned, was no less a person than Mister Donovan, the coadjutor or "curate;" he was a tall, spare, ungainly looking man of about five and thirty, with a pale, ascetic countenance, ...
— The Confessions of Harry Lorrequer, Vol. 1 • Charles James Lever

... elected him county clerk at the age of twenty-six and a member of Congress while yet in his thirties. His friends, attracted by his promise-keeping and truth-telling, included most of the people of the vicinage. He was not an orator, but he possessed the resources of tact, simplicity, and bonhomie, which are serviceable in the management of men.[1570] Moreover, as an organiser he developed in politics the same capacity for control that he exhibited in business. He had quickness of decision and flexibility of mind. There was no vacillation of will, no suspension of judgment, no procrastination ...
— A Political History of the State of New York, Volumes 1-3 • DeAlva Stanwood Alexander

... who had come here to give what testimony he could about his son. His face was as serene as usual; there was no sadness upon it, such as might have been expected in the aspect of a father so terribly bereaved; but the broad content and placid bonhomie ...
— The Living Link • James De Mille

Words linked to "Bonhomie" :   condescension, condescendingness, friendliness, amiability, affableness, sweetness and light, mellowness

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