"Bessemer" Quotes from Famous Books
... small booklet to the other, "I have here the plans for a new method of making steel from pig iron. The Bessemer method, we'll call it. The principle involved is the oxidation of the impurities in the iron by blowing air through ... — Adaptation • Dallas McCord Reynolds
... strongly with Mr. Sager of Bessemer, Ala., about the paper in the book. If the stories are interesting, why in the name of Seven Kinds of Hades should anyone worry about the kind of paper as long as the print is readable. What is that old saying about ... — Astounding Stories, July, 1931 • Various
... greatest future importance. Electric furnaces for making steel are now maintained, and the industry has passed beyond an experimental condition. But it has not reached the point where it is competing with the Bessemer or the open hearth process of the manufacture of steel, while for the smelting of iron ores the electric furnace has not yet been found practical from an economic standpoint. Before 1880 Sir William Siemens showed that an electric arc could be ... — The Story Of Electricity • John Munro
... always, to this great lumbering elephantine moral Ernest? Am I justified in tying the cable round her dainty little neck with a silken thread, and then fastening it round his big leg with rivets of hardened steel on the patent Bessemer process? If a couple of persons, duly called by banns in their own respective parishes, or furnished with the right reverend's perquisite, a licence, come to me, a clerk in holy orders, and ask me to marry them, I've a vague idea that unless I comply ... — Philistia • Grant Allen
... reported as so much per cent. of the dioxide (MnO{2}). In smaller quantities it is very widely distributed. Manganese itself has a value for steel-making; or, rather, for the making of spiegeleisen and ferro-manganese, which are used in the Bessemer and Siemens processes. For this purpose the percentage of the metal (Mn) is required. Consequently the minerals of manganese may be considered in two aspects—(1) as a source of oxygen; and (2) as a source of manganese. These will require ... — A Textbook of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines. • Cornelius Beringer and John Jacob Beringer
... the sword of Damocles the bessemer voice of Pepperill severed the general atmosphere of amiability: "Where did you get ... — Tutt and Mr. Tutt • Arthur Train
... abundance as to be a great financial asset, but in that one—iron—it produces over half the output of the Lake Superior region, which alone of the United States iron fields produces any considerable quantity of ore of a quality required for manufacturing Bessemer steel. The analysis of the ores and names of the mines were given on the samples, which were shown in nearly 100 large glass jars. A chart of the Mesaba range; a large map of the State, showing the location of the mineral ... — Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission • Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission
... pasture was near his hotel. To bring the coal and ore to the blast furnaces took little labor, just as my driving in the cows cost the landlord but four cents a day. Next to the blast furnaces stood the mixer, the Bessemer open hearth furnaces, the ingot stripper building, the soaking pits and then the loading yards with their freight cars where the finished product in the form of wire, rails or sky-scraper steel is ... — The Iron Puddler • James J. Davis |