"Batrachian" Quotes from Famous Books
... in our ponds. These familiar English forms are represented in other countries of the Northern Hemisphere by creatures, some of which (as we shall hereafter see) are of very great interest indeed. The whole group constitutes the second Batrachian order—the order Urodela. ... — The Contemporary Review, Volume 36, September 1879 • Various
... fat. It was a droll moment with Nature, when she entertained herself and prepared entertainment for us by devising the frog, that burlesque of bird, beast, and man, and taught him how to move and how to speak and sing. Iglesias and I did not disdain batrachian studies, and set no limit to our merriment at their quaint, solemn, half-human pranks. One question still is unresolved,—Why do frogs stay and be tickled? They snap snappishly at the titillating straw; they snatch at it with ... — The Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 10, No. 58, August, 1862 • Various |
Words linked to "Batrachian" : true frog, crapaud, South American bullfrog, Alytes obstetricans, tree frog, tree toad, tongueless frog, midwife toad, amphibian, Batrachia, true toad, sheep frog, Gastrophryne olivacea, Hylactophryne augusti, anuran, obstetrical toad, tailed frog, ranid, Bombina bombina, spadefoot, eastern narrow-mouthed toad, Ascaphus trui, barking frog, tailed toad, Leptodactylus pentadactylus, spadefoot toad, zoology, South American poison toad, bell toad, Liopelma hamiltoni, zoological science, toad, tree-frog, toad frog, ribbed toad, robber frog, salientian, leptodactylid, fire-bellied toad, leptodactylid frog, Alytes cisternasi, western narrow-mouthed toad, Gastrophryne carolinensis |
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