Someone who claims to speak the truth. Synonyms:affirmer, asseverator, avower, declarer."A declarer of his intentions" , "Affirmers of traditional doctrine" , "An asseverator of strong convictions" , "An avower of his own great intelligence"
... figures of John of Procida and of King Manfred, the last sovereign prince of the hated Suabian line that Gregory twice anathematized. Beneath the cold forbidding eye of the last of the Hohenstaufen and his friend and avenger here rest, strangely enough, the ashes of that "great and inflexible asserter of the supremacy of the sacerdotal order: the monk Hildebrand, afterwards Pope Gregory the Seventh." Born the son of a poor carpenter in the Tuscan village of Soana, this extraordinary man rose ... — The Naples Riviera • Herbert M. Vaughan Read full book for free!