"Artistic production" Quotes from Famous Books
... art. It does not aim at a beauty of the monumental kind, as a statue, a triumphal arch, or even a temple does. Its primary aim is shelter, to house man in nature,—and it forms, as it were, the connecting link between him and the outward world. Its results, therefore, are partly the free artistic production, and partly retain unmodified their material character. In the image carved by the sculptor, the stone or wood used derive little of their effect from the original material; the important character is that imparted to them ... — The Atlantic Monthly, Vol. I., No. 3, January 1858 - A Magazine of Literature, Art, and Politics • Various
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... if I could go to the tamarack swamp and bring from it with the same tools and material, a more artistic production than an Indian woman." ... — Michael O'Halloran • Gene Stratton-Porter
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... would be unjust to rate the influence of the latter on art and poetry too low, if only for the reason that society helped to shape that which existed in no other country—a widespread interest in artistic production and an intelligent and critical public opinion. And apart from this, society of the kind we have described was in itself a natural flower of that life and culture which was then purely Italian, and which since then has extended ... — The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy • Jacob Burckhardt
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... are best evinced by her true pathos or by the delicate touches of humour which pervade the book. Another commendable feature of the novel is an alert skill in construction which stamps it as a thoroughly artistic production. ... — More Cricket Songs • Norman Gale
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... not delay to pass here in review the damage which the criticism of choice does to artistic production, with the prejudices which it produces or maintains among the artists themselves, and with the contrast which it occasions between artistic impulse and critical exigencies. It is true that sometimes it seems to do some good also, by assisting the artists ... — Aesthetic as Science of Expression and General Linguistic • Benedetto Croce
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... of Spain improved immensely in the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella (1479-1516) and the country entered upon a period of internal homogeneity and tranquility which might be expected to foster artistic production. Such was the case; but literature was not the first of the arts to reach a highly refined state. The first half of the sixteenth century is a period of humanistic study, and the poetical works coming from it were still tentative. ... — Modern Spanish Lyrics • Various
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... panes of glass, and manufactured 'transparencies' out of different thicknesses of cap-paper. 'I feel a sort of tender pity for Anna and myself,' wrote Mary long afterwards, 'when I remember how we were always seeking and struggling after the beautiful, and after artistic production, though we knew nothing of art. I am thankful that we made no alms-baskets, or hideous abortions of that kind. What we did was from the innate yearnings of our souls for perfection in form and colour; and our accomplished ... — Little Memoirs of the Nineteenth Century • George Paston
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... criticisms of our own. We think the foregoing explanation correct enough, so far as it goes, though it deals with the merest rudiments of the subject, and really does nothing toward elucidating the deeper mysteries of artistic production. For this there is needed a profounder psychology than M. Taine's. But whether his theory of art be adequate or not, there can be but one opinion as to the brilliant eloquence with which it ... — The Unseen World and Other Essays • John Fiske
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... life, a period of delays and thwarted schemes and servile labours. What makes the sense of disappointment greater, is that the facade of S. Lorenzo was not even finished.[319] We hurry over this wilderness of wasted months, and arrive at another epoch of artistic production. ... — Renaissance in Italy Vol. 3 - The Fine Arts • John Addington Symonds
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Words linked to "Artistic production" : style, art, creative activity, formalistic, illuminate, conventionalize, moderne, lithograph, fill in, miniate, nonrepresentational, show, picture, drawing, sit, sculpt, talaria, fine art, cartoon, expressive style, emblazon, tension, film, decalcomania, ground, silkscreen, blazon, watercolor, topiary, printmaking, illustrate, limn, charge, idealogue, ceramics, portray, stylize, rubricate, theorizer, perfumery, theorist, sketch, deaccession, Americana, depict, ensemble, shade, render, doldrums, mould, watercolour, distemper, etch, theoriser, origami, stagnancy, stipple, cathartic, esthetics, finger-paint, celluloid, formalised, represent, carving, fresco, draftsmanship, present, formalized, releasing, stylise, drafting, creation, expo, arts and crafts, glyptography, stencil, draw, gastronomy, pose, stagnation, interpret, authenticator, popular, artistic creation, paint, sculpture, decoupage, exposition, aesthetics, exhibition, model, pop, mold, longueur, charcoal, tout ensemble, appraiser, cinema, aquatint, engrave, theoretician, posture, repaint, vocabulary, painting, chalk out |
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