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Areopagus   Listen

A hill to the to the west of the Athenian acropolis where met the highest governmental council of ancient Athens and later a judicial court.
The highest governmental assembly in ancient Athens (later a judicial court).

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"Areopagus" Quotes from Famous Books

... it well," answered Pericles, "and cannot but wonder that they are so ready to obey in these and the like occasions, and that the military men, who ought to be the chosen part of the citizens, are so mutinous and refractory." "And what say you," pursued Socrates, "to the Senate of the Areopagus; are they not all of them persons of great worth? Do you know any judges who discharge their office with more integrity, and who more exactly observe the laws, who more faithfully render justice to private men, and who more worthily acquit ...
— The Memorable Thoughts of Socrates • Xenophon

... he gave instances, when together with Aristides, he opposed Themistocles, who was advancing the authority of the people beyond its just limits, and resisted Ephialtes, who to please the multitude, was for abolishing the jurisdiction of the court of Areopagus. And when all of his time, except Aristides and Ephialtes, enriched themselves out of the public money, he still kept his hands clean and untainted, and to his last day never acted or spoke for his own private gain ...
— Plutarch's Lives • A.H. Clough

Words linked to "Areopagus" :   Athinai, Athens, Areopagite, capital of Greece, assembly, hill, Greek capital

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