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American state   /əmˈɛrəkən steɪt/   Listen
American state

One of the 50 states of the United States.

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"American state" Quotes from Famous Books

... possible sites for a Germany in America. But this ambition never assumed a concrete form. Everywhere the Americans, with their energy and organizing capacity, had preceded the incoming Germans and retained the political sovereignty of the American state. ...
— Our Foreigners - A Chronicle of Americans in the Making • Samuel P. Orth
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... vigor would have been permissible, but ran his unpracticed eye unnecessarily over the whole field of American diplomacy. "That distance and three thousand miles of intervening ocean make any permanent political union between a European and an American state unnatural and inexpedient," may have been a philosophic axiom to many in Great Britain as well as in the United States, but it surely did not need reiteration in this state paper, and Olney at once exposed himself ...
— The Path of Empire - A Chronicle of the United States as a World Power, Volume - 46 in The Chronicles of America Series • Carl Russell Fish
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Words linked to "American state" :   Pelican State, Magnolia State, Little Rhody, nm, OH, Old North State, la, ar, KS, Hoosier State, VT, Treasure State, Beehive State, United States of America, Old Line State, Gopher State, hi, Michigan, mi, al, Keystone State, America, Bay State, il, Land of Lincoln, Oregon, Wyoming, US, Heart of Dixie, Cornhusker State, New Hampshire, TN, id, United States, First State, ME, Bluegrass State, CT, FL, Utah, Tar Heel State, West Virginia, Idaho, Kansas, Alabama, New Jersey, Sunflower State, Wolverine State, Volunteer State, slave state, Empire State, Pine Tree State, ca, Peach State, Mississippi, ms, Ocean State, Florida, Mountain State, Grand Canyon State, New York, Illinois, Peace Garden State, Lone-Star State, Prairie State, Evergreen State, Delaware, SD, Ohio, Everglade State, Old Colony, Iowa, mn, OR, Montana, Centennial State, Virginia, co, mo, Hawai'i, Camellia State, Tennessee, ga, KY, Sooner State, the States, Louisiana, Nutmeg State, Mount Rushmore State, mt, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Texas, state, Aloha State, free state, Battle Born State, South Carolina, Land of Enchantment, RI, USA, Hawkeye State, Constitution State, Pennsylvania, md, Arizona, Vermont, Garden State, WY, NJ, AZ, Oklahoma, Old Dominion, Colorado, Maryland, Kentucky, Washington, ne, NC, Alaska, Indiana, Great Lakes State, Georgia, ma, Mormon State, California, Missouri, congressional district, Arkansas, U.S., Nevada, New Mexico, Buckeye State, TX, province, pa, Badger State, sc, Diamond State, Granite State, Massachusetts, U.S.A., Palmetto State, AK, Silver State, NY, Sagebrush State, Land of Opportunity, IA, VA, WI, Wisconsin, Last Frontier, NH, ut, Maine, ok, DE, North Star State, nd, in, Sunshine State, Empire State of the South, New York State, WA, Connecticut, Beaver State, North Carolina, Old Dominion State, NV, Gem State, Coyote State, Green Mountain State, Rhode Island, Calif., Equality State, Show Me State, Golden State, Nebraska, Hawaii, WV, jersey

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