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Allegretto   Listen

A quicker tempo than andante but not as fast as allegro.
A musical composition or musical passage to be performed at a somewhat quicker tempo than andante but not as fast as allegro.

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"Allegretto" Quotes from Famous Books

... hainch, an' upward e'e, He croon'd his gamut, one, two, three, Then in an Arioso key, The wee Apollo Set off wi' Allegretto glee ...
— The Complete Works of Robert Burns: Containing his Poems, Songs, and Correspondence. • Robert Burns and Allan Cunningham

... The Allegretto ended, Honour swung round on her stool, and set forth her Chumba project without reference to Eldred's threatened departure. Desmond laughingly professed himself ready to obey orders, within reasonable limits; and it was finally decided that he should write at once ...
— The Great Amulet • Maud Diver

... Allegretto 1. See, amid the winter's snow, Born to us on earth below; See the tender lamb appears, Promised from ...
— The St. Gregory Hymnal and Catholic Choir Book • Various

... modern noisy type which imitates a whole orchestra with flutes and bells and beats of drums, but a melancholy old-fashioned barrel-organ [Footnote: A melancholy barrel organ. What does the author mean by this?] which knew how to lend a dreamy mystery to the gayest allegretto, [Footnote: Allegretto: lively, a musical term to denote the tempo of a composition.] and in whose proudest tempo di Marcia [Footnote: Tempo di Marcia: marching time.] there sounded an unmistakable undertone of resignation. And in the tenderer pieces of the repertoire, where the melody, muffled and ...
— Short Stories and Selections for Use in the Secondary Schools • Emilie Kip Baker

Words linked to "Allegretto" :   fast, composition, music, tempo, piece, piece of music, opus, musical passage, musical composition, passage, pacing

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