"Alcalde" Quotes from Famous Books
... volcanic eruption, filling his heart with fire, he only knew that the Te Deum was over when the Spanish congregation came pouring out of the church. Feeling that his behaviour and attitude might seem ridiculous, he went back to head the procession, telling the alcalde and the governor that, feeling suddenly faint, he had gone out into the air. Casting about for a plea for prolonging his stay, it at once occurred to him to make the most of this excuse, framed on the spur of the moment. He declined, on a plea of increasing ... — The Thirteen • Honore de Balzac
... reason or another, do not desire to meet the Guardia Civil, and haunt the upper slopes of the Sierra Nevada, where they live, as live the beasts of the forest, seeking their meat from God, while the charitable, and, it is even whispered, the priest or the Alcalde himself, will at times lay an old coat or a loaf of bread at the roadside above the village, and never inquire who comes ... — Tomaso's Fortune and Other Stories • Henry Seton Merriman
... captain of the ship Marigalante and Alcalde of the City of Isabella, are to say and supplicate on my part to the King and Queen, our Lords, ... — Christopher Columbus, Complete • Filson Young
... the opinion of the Audiencia—and, joined in self-defense by the peaceful natives of Mindanao, make an incursion against Spaniards and natives in the Pintados in 1599, in which they take immense booty and many captives. The next year they return with a larger force, but are defeated by the alcalde-mayor of Arevalo, whereupon they resolve to be revenged. In Japan the death of Taicosama encourages Geronimo de Jesus, a Franciscan who has escaped crucifixion, to open negotiations with his successor Daifusama. The latter, desiring trade for his own northern province of Quanto, ... — History of the Philippine Islands Vols 1 and 2 • Antonio de Morga
... craft, impudence, and villainy, that some time elapsed before I could find an answer. I then reproached him in the bitterest terms for his breach of promise, and said that I was much tempted to return to the town instantly, complain of him to the alcalde, and have him punished at any expense. To which he replied, "Sir Cavalier, by so doing you will be nothing nearer Finisterra, to which you seem so eager to get. Take my advice, spur on the jaco, for you ... — The Bible in Spain • George Borrow
... the enemy had passed there, with the intention of burning the city of Arevalo and the village of Octong, with all their provisions. The captain and commander of our fleet was Captain Salgado, then alcalde-mayor of Sugbu. The two fleets met near Pan de Azucar [i.e., "Sugar Loaf"]. The Spaniards were very resolute. The enemy formed themselves in a crescent with sixty caracoas. So senseless were they that they untied their captives, threw them overboard, and came to attack our boats. ... — The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898, Volume XXIV, 1630-34 • Various
... warrant officer; sergeant, sergeant major; color sergeant; corporal, corporal major; lance corporal, acting corporal; drum major; captain general, dizdar[obs3], knight marshal, naik[obs3], pendragon. [Civil authorities] mayor, mayoralty; prefect, chancellor, archon, provost, magistrate, syndic; alcalde[obs3], alcaid[obs3]; burgomaster, corregidor[obs3], seneschal, alderman, councilman, committeeman, councilwoman, warden, constable, portreeve[obs3]; lord mayor; officer &c. (executive) 965; dewan[obs3], fonctionnaire[Fr]. [Naval authorities] admiral, admiralty; rear admiral, vice admiral, port admiral; ... — Roget's Thesaurus |