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Ac   /ˈeɪsˈi/   Listen

A radioactive element of the actinide series; found in uranium ores.  Synonyms: actinium, atomic number 89.
An electric current that reverses direction sinusoidally.  Synonyms: alternating current, alternating electric current.

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"Ac" Quotes from Famous Books

... Ennis fell. Those, though left in from malice, as Ibanez was a bitter enemy of the Jesuits, serve to present the man in his habit as he wrote. However, Ibanez has so much mutilated the text of the journal that occasionally the sense is left obscure. *3* 'Hoc itaque nuncio laeti altero ac incensi . . . Sacramento expiationis et pane fortim roborati' (Ennis, 'Efemerides'). *4* Cardiel, in his 'Declaracion de la Verdad', p. 426, says: 'Lo mismo es 28,000 mil Indios que igual numero de ...
— A Vanished Arcadia, • R. B. Cunninghame Graham

... gave his advice to his younger daughter, not, in truth, knowing how her heart stood. But a man, when he undertakes to advise another, should not be down in the mouth himself. Equam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem, non secus ac bonis. If not, your thoughts will be too strongly coloured by your own misfortunes to allow of your ...
— The Landleaguers • Anthony Trollope

... consueverant, aut jure debuerant aut clebeni, causasque et negotia praedicta cum omnibus et singulis emergentibus, incidentibus et connexis, audiendum, examinandum, et fine debito terminandum, etiam summarie et de plano, sine strepitu et figura justitiae, sola facti veritate inspecta, ac etiam manu regia, si opportunum visum fuerit eidem comiti de Rivers, vices nostras, appellatione remots." The office of constable was perpetual in the monarchy; its jurisdiction was not limited to times of war, as appears from this patent, and as ...
— The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part B. - From Henry III. to Richard III. • David Hume

... they never tuck in their tails. If the explanation which I have given of the expression of affection in dogs be admitted, then it would appear that animals which have never been domesticated—namely wolves, jackals, and even foxes— have nevertheless ac- quired, through the principle of antithesis, certain expressive gestures; for it is Dot probable that these animals, confined in cages, should have learnt them by imitating dogs. [4] Many particulars are given by Gueldenstadt in his account of the jackal in Nov. Comm. Acad. Sc. ...
— The Expression of Emotion in Man and Animals • Charles Darwin

... circumveniunt incommoda, vel quod Quaerit et inventis miser abstinet, ac timet uti; Vel quod ...
— The Guardian Angel • Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

... of Jumieges, Hist. vii. 34. 'Ingentem exercitum ex Normannis et Flandrensibus ac ...
— A History of England Principally in the Seventeenth Century, Volume I (of 6) • Leopold von Ranke

... totius orbis traditionem ac fidem, contra tot historicocum ... nemine contradicente, consensum, demum agitari coepta est; et a nobis ... tam abunde ventilate, ut magis copia quam inopia laborare videamur. GISBERT VOET. Spicilegium ad Disceptationem ...
— Tacitus and Bracciolini - The Annals Forged in the XVth Century • John Wilson Ross

... questioned, unless, indeed, they are comprehended under the term Bladum, and are consequently to be considered as the portion of the Impropriator. The tithes given by the Endowment to the President and Chaplains of St. Elizabeth College are—'Decimae Bladi cujuscunque generis, Foeni ac Lanae,' and ...
— John Keble's Parishes • Charlotte M Yonge

... porta and portus were in fact so closely allied, that they both alike signified a market place or a gate. Thus, in the will of Edmund Harengeye, enrolled in the Court of Husting, London, we find the following: "Ac eciam lego et volo quod illa tenementa cum magno portu vocato le Brodegate ... vendantur per executores meos."—Hust. ...
— London and the Kingdom - Volume I • Reginald R. Sharpe

... Ca-a-ac-ck! A long warning sound rang through the snow-laden air and the party of five felt the surface of the ice parting beneath them. They turned and sped away from the water with all the speed at their command, and soon the dangerous spot was left behind, but not before poor Hans had ...
— The Rover Boys out West • Arthur M. Winfield

... Preface, "laboris nostri partem in eo praecipue fuisse versatam; ut et virorum in linguarum cognitione eminentissimorum opera uteremur, et castigatissima omni ex parte vetustissimaque exemplaria pro archetypis haberemus; quorum quidem, tam Hebraeorum quam Graecorum ac Latinorum, multiplicem copiam, variis ex locis, non sine summo labore ...
— The History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella The Catholic, V3 • William H. Prescott

... II., by far the greatest name in his age. Yet even Giuliano did not at first impress men with his power. Jacobus Volaterranus (Mur. xxiii. 107) writes of him: 'Vir est naturae duriusculae, ac uti ingenii, mediocris literaturae.' ...
— Renaissance in Italy, Volume 1 (of 7) • John Addington Symonds

... they went directly to the power room. Here they heard the soft purring of a large oscillator tube and the indistinguishable murmur of smoothly running AC generators powered by ...
— Islands of Space • John W Campbell

... mecum revolvo, occurrit mihi quod in Bibliotheca studiosi saecularium litterarum puer quondam, ut se aetatis illius curiositas habet, praetereundo legissem. Nam cum supra memoratae aedis ordinator ac dominus, inter expressas lapillis aut ceris discoloribus, formatasque effigies vel Oratorum vel etiam Poetarum specialia singulorum autotypis epigrammata subdidisset; ubi ad praeiudicati eloquii venit poetam, hoc ...
— The Care of Books • John Willis Clark

... who, before eating himself gives every day, for a year, only a handful of grass unto a cow belonging to another, is regarded as undergoing a vow or observance which bestows the fruition of every wish. Such a person ac-quires children and fame and wealth and prosperity, and dispels all evils ...
— The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 4 • Kisari Mohan Ganguli

... comparare infrascriptos libros magna cum diligentia correctos, ac in huiusmodi littera moguntie impressos, bene continuatos, veniant ad locum ...
— The Book-Hunter at Home • P. B. M. Allan

... which was by this following Experiment: I took a Glass-Tube, of the form of that described in the sixth Figure, and chusing two heterogeneous fluids, such as Water and Oyl, I poured in as much Water as filled up the Pipes as high as AB, then putting in some Oyl into the Tube AC, I deprest the superficies A of the Water to F, and B I raised to G, which was not so high perpendicularly as the superficies of the Oyl F, by the space FI, wherefore the proportion of the gravity of these two Liquors was ...
— Micrographia • Robert Hooke

... called bitumen and the verb is linere, "to daub, besmear, etc." Next in chronological order comes the mother of Moses, who "took for him an ark of bulrushes, and daubed it with slime and with pitch" (Exodus, ii. 3), bitumine ac pice in the Vulgate. Bitumen, or mineral pitch, was regularly applied to this purpose, even by Elizabethan seamen. Failing this, anything sticky and unctuous was used, e.g., clay or lime. Lime now means ...
— The Romance of Words (4th ed.) • Ernest Weekley

... meae periculo, in hoc florentissimum Angliae regnum, dulcissimam patriam meam, tandem aliquando perveni, pro Superiorum meorum voluntate, Dei gloriam et animarum salutem promoturus; verisimile esse putavi, me turbulento hoc, suspicioso ac difficillimo tempore, sive citius, sive aliquanto tardius, in medio cursu abreptum iri. Quapropter ignarus quid de me futurum sit, quum Dei permissu in carceres et vincula forte detrudendus sim, ad omnem eventum scriptum hoc condidi: quod ...
— Ten Reasons Proposed to His Adversaries for Disputation in the Name • Edmund Campion

... three A's, denoting a full stop. In "Signalese" similar-sounding letters are given names to avoid confusion. A is Ac; T, Toe; D, Don; P, Pip; ...
— Action Front • Boyd Cable (Ernest Andrew Ewart)

... heart; his hideous and tumultuous dreams—his baffled sleep—and his sleepless nights—compose the picture of an AEschylus. What a master's sketch lies in these few lines: "Incitabatur insomnio maxime; neque enim plus tribus horis nocturnis quiescebat; ac ne his placida quiete, at pavida miris rerum imaginibus: ut qui inter ceteras pelagi quondam speciem colloquentem secum videre visus sit. Ideoque magna parte noctis, vigilse cubandique tsedio, nunc toro residens, nunc per longissimas porticus vagus, ...
— The Caesars • Thomas de Quincey

... low: it should be at least $40, if not $45.' Why, then, does the Society attempt to impose upon public credulity, by stating that only $20 are requisite for every individual transportation, when the actual cost has been more than thrice, and is likely to be more than double that amount?[AC] ...
— Thoughts on African Colonization • William Lloyd Garrison

... "Ac-vance, friend, and give de countersign," responded the literal soldier, who at such a time would have accosted a spirit of light or goblin damned with ...
— Atlantic Monthly, Volume 14, No. 84, October, 1864 - A Magazine Of Literature, Art, And Politics • Various

... possibly combining two or three lists already in first-letter order, carried the alphabetical arrangement one stage further; instead of transcribing the A-words as they stood, he went through them, picking out first those that began with Aa-, then those in Ab-, then those in Ac-, and so on, to Az. Then he did the same with the B-words, picking out first all in Ba-, then Be-, Bi-, Bl-, Bo-, Br-, Bu-, By-; and so exhausting the B-words. Thus, at length, in this second recension, the Vocabulary stood, not yet completely alphabetical, but alphabetized as far ...
— The evolution of English lexicography • James Augustus Henry Murray

... on his ac- count, shut her up, and whipped her with the raw-hide, adding an injunction never to be seen snivelling again because she had a little work to do. She was very careful never to shed tears on his account, ...
— Our Nig • Harriet E. Wilson

... lived still in 562, aged almost 100 years, left a souvenir for music in the fifth chapter of his treatise on the "Discipline of Letters and Liberal Arts" (De Artibus ac Disciplinis Litterarum). He enumerates the fifteen modes of Alypius as not having been abandoned, and establishes them in their natural order, calling them tones. Here also we find the classification ...
— A Popular History of the Art of Music - From the Earliest Times Until the Present • W. S. B. Mathews

... But he seems to have forgot mouth and ears, and makes no mention of a nose: he only says, [66][Greek: Akephaloi, hoi en stethesin ophthalmous echontes.] Both these and the Cunocephali were denominated from their place of residence, and from their worship: the one from Cahen-Caph-El, the other from Ac-Caph-El: each of which appellations is of the same purport, the right noble, or sacred [67]rock of ...
— A New System; or, an Analysis of Antient Mythology. Volume II. (of VI.) • Jacob Bryant

... unrestraint of theatrical gesticulation. Cicero says (De Or. I. 59. 251): "Nemo suaserit studiosis dicendi adulescentibus in gestu discendo histrionum more elaborare." Quintilian echoes (I. 11. 3): "Ne gestus quidem omnis ac motus a comediis petendus est.... Orator plurimum ... aberit a scaenico, nec vultu nec manu nec excursionibus nimius." And in the Auctor ad Herennium we find (III. 15. 26): "Convenit igitur in vultu ...
— The Dramatic Values in Plautus • William Wallace Blancke

... and received no satisfactory reply: in the words of Erasmus, 'Totius negotii caput ac fontem ignorant, divinant, ac delirant omnes;' ["All ignore, guess, and rave about the head and fountain of the whole question at issue."] so I resolved myself to inquire and to decide. I subjected to my scrutiny ...
— The Disowned, Complete • Edward Bulwer-Lytton

... explained his system of representation, admitting that from his other occupations he could rarely commit perfectly to memory the words he was required to utter. "I tell you how I manage. I inwariably contrives to get a reg'lar knowledge of the natur' of the char-ac-ter, and ginnerally gives the haudience words as near like the truth as need be. I seldom or never puts any of you out, and takes as much pains as anybody can expect for two-and-six a week extra, which is all I gets for doing such-like parts ...
— A Book of the Play - Studies and Illustrations of Histrionic Story, Life, and Character • Dutton Cook

... England being collected at the end of July 1255 at Lincoln, Hugh, a schoolboy, while playing with his companions (jocis ac choreis) was by them kidnapped, tortured, and finally crucified. His body was then thrown into a stream, but the water, tantam sui Creatoris injuriam non ferens, threw the corpse back on to the land. The Jews then buried ...
— Ballads of Mystery and Miracle and Fyttes of Mirth - Popular Ballads of the Olden Times - Second Series • Frank Sidgwick

... the runners. "Behold me, for I am a man![AB] my feet are as swift as the West-wind. With the coons and the beavers I ran; but where is the elk or the cabri?[80] Come!—where is the hunter will dare match his feet with the feet of Tamdoka? Let him think of Tate[AC] and beware, ere he stake his last robe on the trial." "Oho! Ho! Ho-heca!"[AD] they jeered, for they liked not the boast of the boaster; But to match him no warrior appeared, for his feet wore the wings ...
— The Feast of the Virgins and Other Poems • H. L. Gordon

... terminus et diem vicinum senio iam Deus adplicat. 5 Quid nos utile tanti spatio temporis egimus? Aetas prima crepantibus flevit sub ferulis: mox docuit toga infectum vitiis falsa loqui, non sine crimine. Tum lasciva protervitas, 10 et luxus petulans (heu pudet ac piget) foedavit iuvenem nequitiae sordibus ac luto. Exin iurgia turbidos armarunt animos et male pertinax vincendi studium subiacuit casibus asperis. 15 Bis legum moderamine frenos nobilium reximus urbium, ius civile bonis reddidimus, ...
— The Hymns of Prudentius • Aurelius Clemens Prudentius

... only passage, so far as I know, in which Lesley speaks of the king in connection with the martyr is the following: "Suae pertinaciae, ac flagitii poenas igni luebat, adhortante magno Catholicae Religionis protectore Rege ipso, quem et sanguinis propinquitate attigerat" (Lesley's 'De Origine,' 1578, p. 427; 1675, p. 407). This is rendered by Dalrymple: "For his obstinacie and wickednes committed, he is burnte at command of the ...
— The Scottish Reformation - Its Epochs, Episodes, Leaders, and Distinctive Characteristics • Alexander F. Mitchell

... humanis, non tamen in primam magnitudinem patentium. Eorum hominum, ut sic dicam, major annona est. Sedulum esse, nihil temere loqui, assuescere labori, et imagine prudentiae et modistiae tegere angustiores partes captus, dum exercitationem ac usum, quo isti in civilibus rebus pollent, pro natura et magnitudine ingenii ...
— Biographia Literaria • Samuel Taylor Coleridge

... He ac—he accepts it? He really accepts it? What an obliging man he is, that Godfrey! And you into the bargain—with your haste. Have you entirely lost your senses, sir? The whole thing was intended to scare Ulrich. I wanted him to listen to reason—to yield. ...
— The German Classics of The Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Vol. IX - Friedrich Hebbel and Otto Ludwig • Various

... ancient authors are silent as to the article of silk, there are grounds for supposing it was not unknown in Tangut and Kitai. Several expressions in the Bible warrant the opinion that silk was used in the time of Solomon, and the vestes perlucid ac fluid Medis of Justin seem to convey a description of silken robes. This mode of the first introduction of silk into China is offered as mere conjecture, for which I have no other authority in support ...
— Travels in China, Containing Descriptions, Observations, and Comparisons, Made and Collected in the Course of a Short Residence at the Imperial Palace of Yuen-Min-Yuen, and on a Subsequent Journey thr • John Barrow

... "Principio coelum, ac terras, camposque liquentes, Lucentemque globum, Lunae, Titaniaque astra Spiritus intus alit, totamque infusa per artus Mens agitat molem, et magno se ...
— Lectures on Language - As Particularly Connected with English Grammar. • William S. Balch

... sylver, And knitten on a colere for owre comune profit, And hangen it upon the cattes hals; than hear we mowen Where he ritt or rest or renneth to playe." ... Alle this route of ratones to this reson thei assented; Ac tho the belle was y-bought and on the beighe hanged, Ther ne was ratoun in alle the route, for alle the rewme of Fraunce, That dorst have y-bounden the ...
— Outlines of English and American Literature • William J. Long

... was reprinted at Warsaw in 1824; together with Vincent Kadlubeck's Res gestae principum ac ...
— Historical View of the Languages and Literature of the Slavic - Nations • Therese Albertine Louise von Jacob Robinson

... Philosoph., Book I. Ch. 5. Nec bibliothecae potius comptos ebore ac vitro parietes quam ...
— The Care of Books • John Willis Clark

... protested, "it would take me a quarter-of-an-hour to get to the Commandant's office and another quarter to get back. I'm sure I couldn't get a certificate of identity under an hour and a-half. It is now twenty-five past three. You close at four. To-morrow morning at five ac emma I entrain for Cherbourg.... You see how impossible it ...
— Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 156, March 12, 1919 • Various

... see Caylus, Memoires de l'ac des Inscr. Levesque, sur les Progres successifs de la Peinture chez les Grecs; I. I. Grund, Mahlerei der Griechen; Meyer's Kunstgischichte; Muller, Hist, of Ancient Art; Article on Painting, Ency. ...
— The Old Roman World • John Lord

... vis abdita quaedam Obterit, et pulchros fasces, saevasque secures Proculcare ac ludibrio sibi ...
— The Best of the World's Classics, Restricted to Prose, Vol. VII (of X)—Continental Europe I • Various

... repelled the invader. Tacitus says of her people, that, "surrounded by numerous and very powerful nations, they are safe, not by obsequiousness, but by battles and braving danger"; [Footnote: "Plurimis ac valentissimis nationibus cincti, non per obsequium, sed prutiis et periclitando tuti sunt."—Germania, Cap. XL.] and this same character, thus epigrammatically presented, has continued ever since. Yet this was not without that painful experience which teaches what Art has so often attempted ...
— The Duel Between France and Germany • Charles Sumner

... scriptores loquuntur, venatu memorabili semper inclytus, qui a prima aetate capiendis leonibus et pardis, cervis, caeterisque sylvestribus animalibus, sudorem officii virilis impendit, quique semper in sylvis ac montibus vixit, perferens calorem, pluvias, et omnia mala que in se continent venatoriae voluptates; quibus duratis, solem ac pulverem in bellis Persicis tulit. Non aliter etiam conjuge assueta, quae multorum sententia fortior marito fuisse perhibetur; mulierum omnium nobilissima, Orientalium ...
— Zenobia - or, The Fall of Palmyra • William Ware

... Dunelmensis omnibus ad quos prsentes litter peruenerint salutem. Sciatis qud assignauimus & deputauimus dilectos & fideles nostros Radulphum de Ewrie cheualier senescallum nostr[u] Dunelmi, Williamum Chanceler cancellarium, infra comitatum & libertatem Dunelmi, ac Williamum Claxton vicecomitem nostrum Dunelmi coniunctim & diuisim, ad plenam & pacificam seisinam, de duabus partibus medietatis cuiusdam pontis vocati Tinebridge, in villa nostra de Gatesheued, infra comitatum & libertatem Dunelmi existentis. Qu quidem du partes medietatis ...
— Chronicles (3 of 6): Historie of England (1 of 9) - Henrie IV • Raphael Holinshed

... on the forehead, nose, and other parts of the face. When this matter is pressed out, the tube gives it a cylindrical form. The parts around the distended tubes sometimes inflame. This constitutes the disease called, "ac'ne punc-ta'ta." ...
— A Treatise on Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene (Revised Edition) • Calvin Cutter

... y adelante vamos: [1185] Tanto mejor si sois el diablo mismo, Y Dios y el diablo y yo nos conozcamos, Y acbese por fin ...
— El Estudiante de Salamanca and Other Selections • George Tyler Northup

... his potius nugis tota illa dedisset Tempora saevitiae, claras quibus abstulit urbi Illustresque animas, impune ac vindice nullo." ...
— Critical and Historical Essays, Volume III (of 3) • Thomas Babington Macaulay

... gives some of Calvin's earlier utterances against interest. For Bishop Sands;s sermon, see p. 11. For Filmer, see his Quaestio Quodlibetica, London, 1652, reprinted in the Harleian Miscellany, vol x, pp. 105 et seq. For Grotius, see the De Jure Belli ac Pacis, lib. ii, cap. xii. For Cotton Mather's argument, see the Magnalia, London, 1702, pp. ...
— History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom • Andrew Dickson White

... many pupils, and his teaching led to the foundation of the Medical School of the Methodists. His most important maxim was that a cure should be effected "tuto, celeriter, ac jucunde," and he believed that what the physician could do was of primary importance, and vis medicatrix naturae only secondary. He was thus directly opposed to the teaching of Hippocrates. He had little or no faith in drugs, and relied mainly ...
— Outlines of Greek and Roman Medicine • James Sands Elliott

... he wore open, regarding the furniture with an appraising look. With difficulty he extracted a card from an inside pocket. "If you're thinkin' of buyin' anythin', Major, that's me card, an' I'll be very 'appy to ac' for you." ...
— Berry And Co. • Dornford Yates

... Praefatus, vel alii, inhibitioni ac prohibitioni et interdicto hujusmodi contravenerint, Regem ipsum ac alios omnes supradictos, sententias censuras et poenas praedictas ex nunc prout ex tunc incurrisse declaramus, et ut tales publicari ...
— History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth. Vol. II. • James Anthony Froude

... Cheerman, it's orl on the squar'. We know Mr. Henly can't tell a lie; but I'm powerful dubersome that thar's a balyance dyue this yer committee from the gent who hez the flo'—if he ain't done gone laid it yout fo' sable ac—ac—fo' fyirst-class funerals." ...
— The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce, Volume 8 - Epigrams, On With the Dance, Negligible Tales • Ambrose Bierce

... various orders of insects, Hemiptera (earwigs, field-bugs, etc.), Orthoptera (cockroaches, grasshoppers, locusts, etc.), Diptera (flies, etc.), Neuroptera (dragon flies, May flies, Ac.), Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths), Coleoptera (beetles), and Hymenoptera (bees, wasps, and Ichneumon-flies, etc.), the Lepidoptera and Coleoptera will find most favour in his eyes, owing to their brilliancy of colouring, variety of shape and ...
— Practical Taxidermy • Montagu Browne

... have conceived the plan of founding this monastery some time before the middle of the fourteenth century, for we find the following entry in its chronicles which speaks of John and Charles, and in a Latin quaintly picturesque and careless: "Nos Johannes dei gracia Boemie rex ac Lucemburgensis comes et Karolus eius primogenitus marchio Morawie." It would not be easy to get any more mistakes of grammar and spelling into this sentence. So John had made a donation to the new foundation—out of some one else's pocket; the butchers of Prague were privileged ...
— From a Terrace in Prague • Lieut.-Col. B. Granville Baker

... the parchment, and amid the breathless attention of all present, read the celebrated document, which in history bears the name of its first words "Dominus ac Redemptor Noster." This letter stated that in all ages the pope had claimed the right to found religious orders or to abolish them. It cited Gregory, who had abolished the order of the Mendicant Friars; and Clement V., who had suppressed that of the Templars. ...
— Joseph II. and His Court • L. Muhlbach

... praebentia, clauduntur. Materies obstructa cumulatur; sanguine aliisque humoribus circumagitur: fit plethora. Natura opprimi nolens, excessus huius expulsionem conatur. Febris nova accenditur. Pars oneris, in membranam trachaealem laxatam ac debilitatam transfertur. Glandulae pituitariae turgentes bronchia comprimunt. Liber aeri transitus negatur: hinc respiratio difficilis. Hac vero translatione febris minuitur: interdiu remittitur. Dyspnoea autem aliaque symptomata vere hypochondriaca, ...
— Travels Through France and Italy • Tobias Smollett

... with lofty contempt of the "vana ac superstitiosa praesumptio" of the poor woman's companions in trying to alleviate her sufferings with "herbs and frivolous incantations." Vain enough, no doubt, but the "mulierculae" might have returned the epithet "superstitious" ...
— Lectures and Essays • Thomas Henry Huxley

... vniuersorum. [ab]Giselbertus in lib. altercationis Synagogae et ecclesiae, cap. 20. Maria quasi maria, saith Augustinus de Leonissa, sermon 5 vpon Aue maria, for as all riuers come from the seas, and returne to the seas againe, Ecclesiastes 1. 7: [ac]so forsooth (if you will vndertake to beleeue him) all grace is deriued from Mary, and ought to be returned again to Mary. We finde so much in [ad]Rosario Mariae, reparatrix & saluatrix desperantis animae, &c. That which is worse, their ...
— An Exposition of the Last Psalme • John Boys

... Why live I here? the vows of GOD are | on me; | and I may not stop to play with shadows or pluck earthly flowers, | till I my work have done, and | rendered up ac ...
— A Retrospect • James Hudson Taylor

... Calvin, that a acquievistis imperio, pessimo laqueo vos in duistis—If you have acquiesced in authority, you have wrapped yourselves in a very evil snare. As touching any ordinance of the church we say with Whittaker, Obediendum ecclesioe est sed jubents ac docenti recta—We are to obey the church but commanding and teaching right things. Surely, if we have not proved the controverted ceremonies to be such things as are not right to be done we shall straight obey all the ceremonial laws made thereanent, and as for the ...
— The Works of Mr. George Gillespie (Vol. 1 of 2) • George Gillespie

... difficulty in making each other understand, and the pantomime and various methods of communication resorted to were often very funny to see. Potokomik and I started in at once to learn what we could of each other's language, and it is wonderful how much can be accomplished in the ac- quirement of a vocabulary in a short time and how few words are really necessary to convey ideas. I would point at the tent and say, "Tent," and he would say, "Tupek"; or at my sheath knife and say, "Knife," and he ...
— The Long Labrador Trail • Dillon Wallace

... Grotius (1583-1645) brought out his De Jure Belli ac Pacis Libri Tres at Paris in 1625. Towards the end of the dedication to Louis XIII Grotius says: 'Pertaesos discordiarum animos excitat in hanc spem recens contracta inter te & sapientissimum pacisque illius sanctae amantissimum ...
— Characters from 17th Century Histories and Chronicles • Various

... he said, changing the subject, "but do you know you've got an' oncommon ac'rate gun in ...
— The Bishop of Cottontown - A Story of the Southern Cotton Mills • John Trotwood Moore

... during those long, weary years coupled with the horrible crimes of the Thirty Years' War that the science of International Law began to take form, the result of that notable work, "De Jure Belli ac Pacis," by Grotius. It is ours to see that out of this more intense and thereby even more horrible conflict a new epoch in human and ...
— The Higher Powers of Mind and Spirit • Ralph Waldo Trine

... & 4 menses & amplius.] Vnde quacunque pro vestra vtilitate vobis scribimus ad cautelam, tanto securius credere debetis, quanto nos cuncta vel ipsi vidimus oculis nostris, qui per annum et quatuor menses et amplius, ambulauimus per ipsos et cum ipsis, ac fuimus, inter eos, vel audiuimus a Christianis qui sunt inter eos captiui, et vt credimus fide dignis. Mandatum etiam a supremo pontifice habebamus, vt cuncta, perscrutaremur et videremus omnia diligenter. [Sidenote: Frater Benedictus Polonus comes Ioannis de Plano ...
— The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries - Vol. II • Richard Hakluyt

... that although the articles were signed, that yet he in the instrument might prefix to the title these words "Serenissimi ac Celsissimi Domini," which words Whitelocke did observe to be in the Protector's title to the Dutch articles, which was not known to Whitelocke before the articles were signed here. Lagerfeldt promised to acquaint the Chancellor herewith, ...
— A Journal of the Swedish Embassy in the Years 1653 and 1654, Vol II. • Bulstrode Whitelocke

... spectaculi latitudo! quid admirer? quid rideam? ubi gaudeam? ubi exultem, spectans tot ac tantos reges, qui in coelum recepti nuntiabantur, cum ipso Jove et ipsis suis testibus in imis tenebris congemiscentes!—Tunc magis tragoedi audiendi, magis scilicet vocales in sua propria calamitate; tunc histriones cognoscendi, solutiores multo per ignem; tunc ...
— A Mere Accident • George Moore

... friends, Cicero expresses himself as if he thought death was to be followed by utter annihilation. But he speaks very differently in some of his other writings. The following passage occurs in a work (Consolatio) which has been ascribed to him—Gorgias orator, jam aetate confectus ac morti proximus rogatus num libenter moreretur maxime vero inquit nam tamquam ex putri miseraque domo laetus egredior—Mortem igitur in malus nullo modo esse ponendam sed in praecipius bonus numerandam debitaturum puto neminem—Gorgias the orator, when worn out with age and near death ...
— The Works of the Rev. Hugh Binning • Hugh Binning

... sensibility of the glans, no longer lubricated with prostatic lymph; thus the part is hardened against injury and disease and its work in coition is prolonged. On the other hand, "praeputium in coitu voluptatem (of the woman) auget, unde femina praeputiatis concubitum malunt quam cum Turcis ac Judaeis " says Dimerbroeck (Anatomic). I vehemently doubt the fact. Circumcision was doubtless practised from ages immemorial by the peoples of Central Africa, and Welcker found traces of it in a mummy of the xvith century B.C. The Jews borrowed it from the Egyptian priesthood and made it a manner ...
— Supplemental Nights, Volume 2 • Richard F. Burton

... in ardenti flammarum corde rotatur, Et fronte et rubris pingitur omne genis. Dum ruit huc illuc, speculum simulacra ruentis, Ora Mimalloneo plena furore, refert. Pectora vesano cum turgida conspicit aestu, Quae fuit (haud qualis debeat esse) videt. Ac veluti ventis intra sua claustra coactis, Quum piget AEolium fraena dedisse ducem; Concita non aliter subsidit pectoris unda, Et propria rursum sede potitur Amor, Jurasses torvam perculso astare Medusam ...
— The Life of William Ewart Gladstone, Vol. 1 (of 3) - 1809-1859 • John Morley

... moreover, we will frequently have a feeling of admiration for his courage rather than one of moral disapproval, which accompanies a wicked act. Who has not had acquaintances, friends, relatives, who have voluntarily left this world? And are we to think of them with horror as criminals? Nego ac pernego! I am rather of the opinion that the clergy should be challenged to state their authority for stamping—from the pulpit or in their writings—as a crime an act which has been committed ...
— Essays of Schopenhauer • Arthur Schopenhauer

... drugs that relieve pain, often induce sleep, and refer to opium, opium derivatives, and synthetic substitutes. Natural narcotics include opium (paregoric, parepectolin), morphine (MS-Contin, Roxanol), codeine (Tylenol with codeine, Empirin with codeine, Robitussan AC), and thebaine. Semisynthetic narcotics include heroin (horse, smack), and hydromorphone (Dilaudid). Synthetic narcotics include meperidine or Pethidine (Demerol, Mepergan), methadone (Dolophine, Methadose), and others ...
— The 1997 CIA World Factbook • United States. Central Intelligence Agency.

... th'owed hit on," Aunt 'Phrony proceeded, "de fire blaze an' spit an' sputter jes' lak dis do, an' de ooman she fotched a yell an' cried out, she did, 'Lan' er de mussiful! W'at cur'ous sort er wood is dish yer dat ac' lak dis?' De Owl he wuz startle' an' he look roun' suddint, dis-a-way, over his shoulder, an' de wimmins dey let out a turr'ble screech, 'kase dey seed 'twa'n't nuttin' but a big ...
— The Wit and Humor of America, Volume V. (of X.) • Various

... several were freeholders of other persons in military service. Their rights were recognized and guarded by the 55th William I.; [Footnote: "LV.—De Chartilari seu Feudorum jure et Ingenuorum immunitate. Volumus etiam ac firmiter praecipimus et concedimus ut omnes LIBERI HOMINES totius Monarchiae regni nostri praedicti habeant et teneant terras suas et possessiones suas bene et in pace, liberi ab omni, exactione iniusta et ab omni Tallagio: Ita quod nihil ab eis exigatur vel capiatur nisi ...
— Landholding In England • Joseph Fisher

... in terris gentem quae sua impensa, suo labore ac periculo bella gerat pro libertate aliorum. Nec hoc finitimis, aut propinquae vicinitatis hominibus, aut terris continenti junctis praestet. Maria trajiciat: ne quod toto orbe terrarum injustum imperium sit, et ubique jus, fas, lex, potentissima ...
— The Poetical Works of Addison; Gay's Fables; and Somerville's Chase • Joseph Addison, John Gay, William Sommerville

... ABC, is made by cutting from A to B and B to C, with the knife held perpendicularly, and its flat side against the line, then the shaded portion is cut with a flat chisel, sloping from the surface of the block at AC to a depth of about 1/16 inch along AB and BC. The straight notch, EF, is similarly cut, first with a perpendicular knife along EF, and then the shaded portion is chiselled sloping down to ...
— Wood-Block Printing - A Description of the Craft of Woodcutting and Colour Printing Based on the Japanese Practice • F. Morley Fletcher

... thaet he | He quoth that he abode bude on thaem lande northweardum | on the land northward against with tha West-sae. | the West Sea. He said, He saede theah thaet thaet land | though, that that land was sie swithe lang north thonan; | [or extended] much north ac hit is eall weste, buton on | thence; eke it is all waste, feawum stowum styccemaelum | but [except that] on few stows wiciath Finnas, on huntothe | [in a few places] piecemeal on wintra, and on sumera on | dwelleth Finns, on hunting on fiscathe be thaere sae. He ...
— Early Britain - Anglo-Saxon Britain • Grant Allen

... M deg. CCCC deg. XLIX deg. in festo decollationis Sci Johannis baptiste ante sumam missam. Et habebant ad hoc pergamenum sibi ex caritate provisum de venerabi li presbitero Dno NICOLAO WYT tunc temporis earundem patre spirituali & sibi ipsiis spiritualiter ac in Dno sat reverenter dilectio. Ex caritativo amore sitis propter Deum memores eorum ...
— Notes & Queries 1849.12.22 • Various

... AC to be a lever, held in equilibrio by the force B and weight W, then the whole momentum exerted at B must be equal to that at W, but the forces will be different. For B x AC W x AB, and if AC 10AB, then a force equal to ten times the weight to be raised must be exerted by the muscle. ...
— Popular Lectures on Zoonomia - Or The Laws of Animal Life, in Health and Disease • Thomas Garnett

... palely and weakly, that the librarians had great difficulty in making out the following notice, written by Petrarch himself: "Liber hic furto mihi subreptus fuerat, anno domini mcccxxvi., in Kalend. Novembr., ac deinde restitutus, anno mcccxxxvii., die xvii. Aprilis, ...
— The Sonnets, Triumphs, and Other Poems of Petrarch • Petrarch

... Russian-Siberian commercial undertakings, Beschryvinghe vander Samoyeden Landt in Tartarien, nieulijcks onder't ghebiedt der Moscoviten gebracht. Wt de Russche tale overgheset, Anno 1609. Amsterdam, Hessel Gerritsz, 1612; inserted in Latin, in 1613, in the same publisher's Descriptio ac Delineatio Geographica Detectionis Freti (Photo-lithographic reproduction, by Frederick Mueller, Amsterdam, 1878). The same work, or more correctly, collection of small geographical pamphlets, contains also Isak Massa's ...
— The Voyage of the Vega round Asia and Europe, Volume I and Volume II • A.E. Nordenskieold

... seize the day]; nulla dies sine linea [Latin][Pliny]; nec mora nec requies [Latin][Vergil]; the plot thickens; No sooner said than done &c. (early) 132; "veni vidi vici" [Lat][Suetonius]; catch a weasel asleep; abends wird der Faule fleissig [obs3][German]; dictum ac factum [Lat][Terence]; schwere Arbeit in der Jugend ist sanfte Ruhe im Alter[German: hard work in youth means soft rest in age]; "the busy hum ...
— Roget's Thesaurus

... sermonibus, iudicij, et certissimi et solidissimi, ab illo mundi angulo, nempe Scotia, venit ad tuam Academiam, ut abundantius in Dei veritate confirmaretur, de quo veruntamen testor, me vix alium repperisse, qui de eloquiis Dei, spiritualius, ac syncerius loqueretur. Saepe enim mecum de cisdem contulit. Praeterea et is primus fuit, qui post erectam a tua sublimitate Academiam, in eadem Christianissima aliquot axiomata palam et doctissime, me hoc illi ...
— The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6) • John Knox

... most imposing, and possesses conveniences and improvements quite comparable to the ordinary college of the West. For instance, as I passed through the many admirably-equipped schoolrooms, well ventilated and airy, I saw an Italian who was laying in the electric light,[AC] the power for which was generated by an immense dynamo at the basement, upon which alone twenty thousand taels were spent. Thirty professors have the control of thirty-two classrooms, teaching among other subjects ...
— Across China on Foot • Edwin Dingle

... sexto, magna pars borealis Scotiae, trans Alpes, inquietata fuit per duos pestiferos Cateranos, et eorum sequaces, viz. Scheabeg et suos consanguinarios, qui Clankay, et Cristi Jonsonem ac suos, qui Clanqwhele dicebantur; qui nullo pacto vel tractatu pacificari poterant, nullaque arte regis vel gubernatoris poterant edomari, quoadusque nobilis et industriosus Dominus David de Lindesay de Crawford, at Dominus ...
— The Fair Maid of Perth • Sir Walter Scott

... Nec tam Larissae percussit campus opimae, Quam domus Albuneae resonantis Et praeceps Anio, ac Tiburni lucus, et ...
— Letters to Dead Authors • Andrew Lang

... quaest. II questa. XVI. quaest. III. praesulum. XVI. quaest. I. cap. ult. XXVI. quaest. II. non statutum. et cap. non examplo. C. de sen. et interlo. nemo[AB] contra. The solution is that where rules fail recourse must be had from similars to similars, otherwise not. XX. distinct. de quibus;[AC] assuming that it is as there stated. Likewise the argument holds that good is assumed from the very fact that it has come from something good. As VII. quaest. I. omnis qui. & XXXIIII. quaest. I. cum beatissimus. IX. quaest. ...
— Readings in the History of Education - Mediaeval Universities • Arthur O. Norton

... said I had betrayed them into y^e hands of slaves; he is not beholden to them, he can set out 2. ships him selfe to a viage. When, good man? He hath but 50^li. in, & if he should give up his accounts he would not have a penie left him, as I am persuaded,[AC] &c. Freind, if ever we make a plantation, God works a mirakle; especially considering how scante we shall be of victualls, and most of all ununited amongst our selves, & devoyd of good tutors & regimente. Violence will break all. ...
— Bradford's History of 'Plimoth Plantation' • William Bradford

... See the text given in Comines-Lenglet, iii., 116. Charles is characterised as ducem strenuum in armis ac justitiae praecipium zelatorem.] ...
— Charles the Bold - Last Duke Of Burgundy, 1433-1477 • Ruth Putnam

... lorde treasurers clerke. Where yt is in this manner: Edwardus dei gratia rex Angli et dux Acquitani,&c. Supplicavit nobis dilectus noster Richardus de la Poole Pincerna noster, vt quum ipse de expensis officii Pincernari ac omnibus aliis officiu{m} illud tangentibus, ad dictu{m} Scaccariu{m} a festo sancti michaelis anno regni nostri decimo, vsque ad ide{m} festu{m} proxime sequens plenarie computaverit, et 2090^li: 13^s: et 11^d et vnus obulus sibi per computu{m} ...
— Animaduersions uppon the annotacions and corrections of some imperfections of impressiones of Chaucer's workes - 1865 edition • Francis Thynne

... dulcis Apollini, Carum nomen eris dis superis atque sodalibus Nobis, quis eadem quae tibi vivo patuit via Non aequis patet, at te sequimur passibus haud tuis, At maesto cinerem carmine non illacrymabilem Tristesque exuvias floribus ac fletibus integris Una contegimus, nec cithara nec sine tibia, Votoque unanimae vocis ...
— Poems & Ballads (Second Series) - Swinburne's Poems Volume III • Algernon Charles Swinburne

... faciunt, carminibus celebrant, Tempe vocant, Heliconi praeferunt. Hic Novitii seu recentes, qui annum nondum viriliter et nervose in acie Etonensi ad verbera steterunt sale primo condiuntur, tum versiculis qui habeant salem ac leporem, quoad fieri potest egregie depinguntur. Deinde in recentes epigrammata faciunt, omni suavitate sermonis, et facetiis alter alterum superare contendentes. Quicquid in buccam venit libere licet effutire, modo Latine fiat, ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 20, March 16, 1850 • Various

... towards C, whereby in the next unit it travels along AD instead of AB. Now the area of the triangle CAD, swept out by the radius vector in unit time, is 1/2bh; h being the perpendicular height of the triangle from the base AC. (Fig. 70.) Now the blow at A, being along the base, has no effect upon h; and consequently the area remains just what it would have been without the blow. A blow directed to any point other than C would at once alter the ...
— Pioneers of Science • Oliver Lodge

... facinorosorum supradictorum) tactu rancidus, intra perpaucos dies mihi domum rediit. Et, quum ipse tali victu ali non tolerarem, primum in mentem venit pistori (typographo nempe) nihilominus solvendum esse. Animum non idcirco demisi, imo aeque ac pueri naviculas suas penes se lino retinent (eo ut e recto cursu delapsas ad ripam retrahant), sic ego Argo meam chartaceam fluctibus laborantem a quaesitu velleris aurei, ipse potius tonsus pelleque exutus, mente solida revocavi. Metaphoram ...
— The Biglow Papers • James Russell Lowell

... assistance, and, as an inducement, had held out some hint of a disposition on his part to admit the papal supremacy and the Catholic creed. Less than this cannot be inferred from the language of Innocent. Literae illae praecipuam tuam alacritatem ac propensionem ad obediendum Deo in nobis, qui ejus vices gerimus, luculenter declarant ... a majestate tua enixe poscimus, ut quod velle coepit, mox et facto perficiat ... ut aliquo id aggrediaris argumento, quo te te ad Catholicam ...
— The History of England from the First Invasion by the Romans - to the Accession of King George the Fifth - Volume 8 • John Lingard and Hilaire Belloc

... day in regions extending over hundreds of square kilometres, started plundering the large estates. Near Bela Crkva, on the property of Count Bissingen-Nippenburg, a German, they did damage to the sum of eight and a half million crowns. At the monastery of Me[vs]ica, near Ver[vs]ac, the Roumanians of a neighbouring village devastated the archimandrate's large library, sacked the chapel and smashed his bee-hives, so that they were not impelled by poverty and hunger. In the meantime there had been formed at Ver[vs]ac a National ...
— The Birth of Yugoslavia, Volume 2 • Henry Baerlein

... er niggah Dan ter be er whi' man, Dough the whi' man considdah He se'f biggah; But of yo' mus' be white, w'y be hones' of yo' can, An ac' es much es ...
— Southern Lights and Shadows • Edited by William Dean Howells & Henry Mills Alden

... Dissertatio in aureum ac pervetustum SS. Evangelior. Codicem MS. Monast. S. Emmerani. 410. Ratisbon, 1786. Gives a large folding plate of the Gospel-book cover, and facsimiles of ...
— Illuminated Manuscripts • John W. Bradley

... insulsum a Virgilio magicis cantaminibus factum putant: ita clarorum fama hominum, non veris contenta laudibus, saepe etiam fabulis viam facit. De quo cum me olim Robertus regno clarus, sed praeclarus ingenio ac literis, quid sentirem, multis astantibus, percunctatus esset, humanitate fretus regia, qua non reges modo sed homines vicit, jocans nusquam me legisse magicarium fuisse Virgilium respondi: quod ille severissimae nutu frontis approbans, non illic magici ...
— The Tragical History of Dr. Faustus • Christopher Marlowe

... SAMUELEM JOHNSON, in omni humaniorum literarum genere eruditum, omniumque scientiarum comprehensione felicissimum, scriptis suis, ad popularium mores formandos summ verborum eleganti ac sententiarum gravitate compositis, ita olim inclaruisse, ut dignus videretur cui ab Academi su eximia quaedam laudis praemia deferentur [deferrentur] quique [in] venerabilem Magistrorum Ordinem summ ...
— Life Of Johnson, Vol. 2 • Boswell

... campa nicuiz yectli, ahuiaca xochitl:—Ac nitlatlaniz? Manozo yehuatl nictlatlani in quetzal huitzitziltin, in chalchiuh huitzitzicatzin; manozo ye nictlatlani in zaquan papalotl; ca yehuantin in machiz, ommati, campa cueponi in yectli ahuiac xochitl, tla nitlahuihuiltequi in nican acxoyatzinitzcanquauhtla, manoze ...
— Ancient Nahuatl Poetry - Brinton's Library of Aboriginal American Literature Number VII. • Daniel G. Brinton

... a Bumblebee!— Ef you don't think they can sting—you'll see! They're lazy to look at, an' kindo' go Buzzin' an' bummin' aroun' so slow, An' ac' so slouchy an' all fagged out, Danglin' their legs as they drone about The hollyhawks 'at they can't climb in 'Ithout ist a-tumble-un out agin! Wunst I watched one climb clean 'way In a jim'son-blossom, I did, one day,— An' I ist ...
— Riley Child-Rhymes • James Whitcomb Riley

... ASD making with AC an angle equal to the latitude of the place, and let it meet EC in D, through which point draw FDG at ...
— Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 8, Slice 3 - "Destructors" to "Diameter" • Various

... while the truth is kept under lock and key. In war time it is even better, for then it is the people themselves who are locked up. Allowing that they have ever known what they wanted, it is no longer possible for them to speak above their breath. Obey. Perinde ac cadaver.... Ten millions of corpses.... The living are hardly better off, depressed as they are by four years of sham patriotism, circus-parades, tom-toms, threats, braggings, hatreds, informers, trials for treason, and summary executions. ...
— Clerambault - The Story Of An Independent Spirit During The War • Rolland, Romain

... both me an' Cherokee sees thar's somethin' on the old chief's mind a lot, wherefore we lays aside our own dispootes—which after all, has no real meanin', an' is what Colonel William Greene Sterett calls 'ac'demic'—an' turns to Enright to discover whatever is up. Black Jack feels thar's news in the air an' promotes the nose-paint without s'licitation. Enright freights ...
— Wolfville Days • Alfred Henry Lewis

... all who visited the Holy Places at Jerusalem, were first granted by Pope St. Sylvester at the petition of Constantine and St. Helena. There seems no evidence as to the real date at which these special indulgences were instituted. Cf. Amort, De origine, progressu, valore, ac frauctu Indulgentiarum, Augsburg, 1735, pars ...
— The Cell of Self-Knowledge - Seven Early English Mystical Treaties • Various

... (5) The reformed churches at Nassau, in Germany, as Zeoper testifies, De Politei Eccles., printed Herborne, Anno 1607, in octavo, Tit. de Censuris Ecclesiast., Part 4, Art. 64, p. 813. (6) The discipline in the churches constituted by the labor of Joannes a Lasco, entitled Forma ac ratio tota Ecclesiastici Miniterii, &c., author Joannes a Lasco Poloniae Barone, Anno 1555, p. 291. (7) The discipline agreed upon by the English exiles that fled from the Marian persecution to Frankfort, thence to Geneva, ...
— The Divine Right of Church Government • Sundry Ministers Of Christ Within The City Of London

... the main-spring of the Society of Jesus, is summed up in those terrible words of the dying Loyola: "Every member of the Order shall be, in the hands of his superiors, even as a corpse (Perinde ac Cadaver)."—E. S. ...
— The Wandering Jew, Complete • Eugene Sue

... first draft of De conscribendis epistolis, the great dissertation on the art of letter-writing (Latin letters), probably also the paraphrase of Valla's Elegantiae, a treatise on pure Latin, which had been a beacon-light of culture to Erasmus in his youth. De copia verborum ac rerum was also such a help for beginners, to provide them with a vocabulary and abundance of turns and expressions; and also the germs of a larger work: De ratione studii, a manual for arranging courses of study, lay in ...
— Erasmus and the Age of Reformation • Johan Huizinga

... thousand little ac's o' kindness and respect— And me a-wishin' all the time that I could break his neck! My relief was like a mourner's when the funeral is done When they moved to Illinois ...
— Riley Love-Lyrics • James Whitcomb Riley

... 939. Ottoni comiti Oldenburgico in venatione vehementer sitibundo virgo elegantissima ex monte Osen prodiens cornu argenteum deauratum plenum liquore ut biberet obtulit. Inspecto is liquore adhorruit, ac eundum bibere recusavit. Quo facto, subito Comes a virgine discedens liquorem retro super equum quem mox depilavit effudit, cornuque hic depictum secum Oldenburgum in perpetuam illius memoriam reportavit. ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 56, November 23, 1850 • Various

... education. " Cogitavit," says Bacon of himself, "eam esse opinionem sive aestimationem humidam et damnosam, minui nempe majestatem mentis humanae, si in experimentis et rebus particularibus, sensui subjectis, et in materia terminatis, diu ac multum versetur: praesertim cum hujusmodi res ad inquirendum laboriosae, ad meditandum ignobiles, ad discendum asperae, ad practicam illiberales, numero infinitae, et subtilitate pusillae videri soleant, et ...
— Critical and Historical Essays Volume 2 • Thomas Babington Macaulay

... "dignissimum ilium ac lynceum in arcanarum rerum ac mysteriorum sublimitate speculatorem, Joannem Evangelistam sublimi velocium pennarum ...
— Notes & Queries,No. 31., Saturday, June 1, 1850 • Various

... mellis uinum decoques. quod igni lento: & aridis lignis calefactum comotum ferula dum coquitur. Si efferuere c{oe}perit uini rore compescitur preter quod subtracto igni in se redit. cum perfrixerit rursus accenditur Hoc secundo ac tertio fiet ac tum demum remotum a foco postridie despumatur cum piperis unciis iiii. iam triti masticis scrupulo. iii. folii & croci dragmae singulae. dactilorum ossibus torridis quinque hisdem dactilis uino mollitis intercedente prius suffusione uini de suo modo ac numero: ut tritura lenis ...
— Cooking and Dining in Imperial Rome • Apicius

... steam-frigate Gorgon; and he had under him, Firebrand, steam-frigate, Captain J Hope; Philomel, surveying brig, Commander BJ Sulivan; Comus, eighteen guns, Acting Commander EA Inglefield; Dolphin, brigantine, Lieutenant R Levinge; Fanny, tender, Lieutenant AC Key. ...
— Our Sailors - Gallant Deeds of the British Navy during Victoria's Reign • W.H.G. Kingston

... Lutherus ac Erasmus differunt Serpens uterque est, plenus atro toxico; Sed ille mordet ut cerastes in via, Hic fraudulentus ...
— Notes and Queries, No. 2, November 10 1849 • Various

... matter, mine friend," returned Gusher, patting Romer on the shoulder familiarly. "I ac-cept ze ap-pology. You are one gentleman, I am sure. We shall be very good friends." It was curious to see how quick Gusher regained his ...
— The Von Toodleburgs - Or, The History of a Very Distinguished Family • F. Colburn Adams

... loquentium sensum suo intellectu cepisset, et scopum scriptionis illorum divinae in mente sua fixisset, unum ex quatuor illis admirabile collegit evangelium, quod et Diatessaron nominavit, in quo cum cautissime seriem rectam eorum, quae a Salvatore dicta ac gesta fuere, servasset, ne unam quidem dictionem e suo addidit' (Mai Script. Vet. Nov. Coll. ...
— Essays on "Supernatural Religion" • Joseph B. Lightfoot

... a' things," resumed the cobbler, "luik 'at ye lo'e fairplay. Fairplay 's a won'erfu' word—a gran' thing constantly lost sicht o'. Man, I hae been tryin' to win at the duin' o' the richt this mony a year, but I daurna yet lat mysel' ac' upo' the spur o' the moment whaur my ain enterest 's concernt: my ain side micht yet blin' me to the ither man's side o' the business. Onybody can un'erstan' his ain richt, but it taks trible an' thoucht to un'erstan' what anither coonts his richt. ...
— Donal Grant • George MacDonald

... in his preface, p. 2, "est enim haec pars (compositio, scilicet) medicinae ut maxime necessaria, ita certe antiquissima, et ob hoc primum celebrata atque illustrata. Siquidem verum est, antiquos herbis ac ...
— Prometheus Bound and Seven Against Thebes • Aeschylus

... "man of sorrows" best understood the nothing- ness of material life and intelligence and the mighty ac- 52:21 tuality of all-inclusive God, good. These were the two cardinal points of Mind-healing, or Christian Science, which armed him with Love. The high- 52:24 est earthly representative of God, speaking of human ability to reflect divine power, prophetically ...
— Science and Health With Key to the Scriptures • Mary Baker Eddy

... of Raynaud connected with literature, I possess; it is entitled Erotemata de malis ac bonis Libris, deque justa aut injusta eorundem confixione. Lugduni, 1653, 4to, with necessary indexes. One of his works having been condemned at Rome, he drew up these inquiries concerning good and bad books, addressed to the grand inquisitor. He divides his ...
— Curiosities of Literature, Vol. II (of 3) - Edited, With Memoir And Notes, By His Son, The Earl Of Beaconsfield • Isaac D'Israeli

... Ac yn y wlad gyfrinawl hon, Ceir merched uchel fri, Sydd a'u gwynebau'n t'w'nu fel Goleuni haul uwch lli. Prydferthwch ffrostiawl gwledydd pell, Sy'n byw yn ngerddi'r byd, Nis byddant byth brydferthach im Na ...
— The Death of Saul and other Eisteddfod Prize Poems and Miscellaneous Verses • J. C. Manning

... intrandi, edendi, bibendi, et quod majus est, concumbendi; ex quo concubitu, si proles secuta fuerit, sancta similiter habetur. His ergo hominibus dum vivunt, magnos exhibent honores; mortuis vero vel templa vel monumenta extruunt amplissima, eosque contingere ac sepelire maximae fortunae ducunt loco. Audivimus haec dicta et dicenda per interpretem a Mucrelo nostro. Insuper sanctum ilium, quern eo loco vidimus, publicitus apprime commendari, eum esse hominem sanctum, divinum ac integritate praecipuum; eo quod, nec faminarum unquam ...
— An Essay Concerning Humane Understanding, Volume I. - MDCXC, Based on the 2nd Edition, Books I. and II. (of 4) • John Locke

... delicias tuas Catullo, Nei sint inlepidae atque inelegantes, Velles dicere, nec tacere posses. Verum nescioquid febriculosi Scorti diligis: hoc pudet fateri. 5 Nam te non viduas iacere noctes Nequiquam tacitum cubile clamat Sertis ac Syrio fragrans olivo, Pulvinusque peraeque et hic et ille Attritus, tremulique quassa lecti 10 Argutatio inambulatioque. Nam nil stupra valet, nihil, tacere. Cur? non tam latera ecfututa pandas, ...
— The Carmina of Caius Valerius Catullus • Caius Valerius Catullus

... Conrad Oelrichs, author of several scraps of literary history, and is called a Dissertation concerning the Fates of Libraries and Books, and, in the first place, concerning the books that have been eaten—such I take to be the meaning of "Dissertatio de Bibliothecarum ac Librorum Fatis, imprimis libris comestis." This is nearly as tantalising as the wooden-legged Britisher's explanation to the inquisitive Yankee, who solemnly engaged to ask not another question were he told how that leg was lost, and was accordingly ...
— The Book-Hunter - A New Edition, with a Memoir of the Author • John Hill Burton

... 5 Rich. II., st. 2, chap. 5. Walsingham thus describes them; "Congregavit ... comites ... talaribes indutos vestibus de russeto in signum perfectionis amplioris, incedentes nudis pedibus, qui suos errores in populo ventilarent, et palam ac publice in suis sermonibus praedicarent." "Historia Anglicana," sub anno 1377, Rolls, vol. i. p. 324. A similar description is found (they present themselves, "sub magnae sanctitatis velamine," and preach errors "tam in ecclesiis quam in plateis ...
— A Literary History of the English People - From the Origins to the Renaissance • Jean Jules Jusserand

... quos usus ac disciplina sublevarunt, at the uprising of the slaves, whom experience and discipline ...
— New Latin Grammar • Charles E. Bennett

... opus perfectum. Effulgebat lumen, lux intus stetit, non aliter qum cum a coelo lucidus splendet theris lampas. Ille per des gradiebatur, incessit juxta muros ensem tenens fortiter a capulo Higelaci minister ir ac constanti (sc. Iratus et ...
— The Translations of Beowulf - A Critical Biography • Chauncey Brewster Tinker

... Lolli, Dum tu declamas Romae, Praeneste relegi: Qui quid sit pulchrum, quid turpe, quid utile, quid non, Plenius ac melius Chrysippo ...
— The Works of John Dryden, Volume 5 (of 18) - Amboyna; The state of Innocence; Aureng-Zebe; All for Love • John Dryden

Words linked to "Ac" :   electricity, chemical element, atomic number 89, uranium ore, electrical energy, direct current, element, alternating current

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