"Abnormality" Quotes from Famous Books
... suicide because he wrote Timon of Athens as to say that he was a pessimist because he wrote Hamlet—the tragedy of an irresolute avenger. This interpretation is contradicted by the very play itself. "At Hamlet's side is the thoroughly healthy Horatio, almost a standard by which his abnormality may be measured. At Lear's side stand Cordelia and Kent, faithful and sound to the core. If the hater of mankind, Timon, had written a play about a rich man who was betrayed by his friends, he would unquestionably have portrayed even the servants as scoundrels. But Shakespeare ... — An Essay Toward a History of Shakespeare in Norway • Martin Brown Ruud |
Words linked to "Abnormality" : macrocephaly, acromikria, atresia, dysplasia, aberration, pachycheilia, misbehaviour, aneuploidy, fixation, foetal distress, regression, ectrodactyly, hydramnios, hypervitaminosis, brachydactylia, feeblemindedness, gynecomastia, physical condition, squint, retardation, retroflexion, normality, hydatid mole, megacephaly, cryptorchism, obliquity, macrencephaly, cryptorchidy, anorchism, acromicria, deviance, aberrance, physiological condition, abnormal, arrested development, physiological state, mental retardation, amastia, cryptorchidism, deviated septum, hepatomegaly, retroversion, hydatidiform mole, pneumothorax, backwardness, nanocephaly, hydrocephaly, strabismus, deviation, acephalism, hydrocephalus, anomalousness, atypicality, spinal curvature, acephaly, nanophthalmos, microcephalus, cyclopia, erethism, misbehavior, retroflection, acephalia, progeria, brachydactyly, acorea, anomaly, acardia, asynclitism, transposition, anorchidism, unfamiliarity, microbrachia, aberrancy, palmature, torticollis, infantilism, hypospadias, anorchia, dextrocardia, irritation, fetal distress, strangeness, inversion, subnormality, microcephaly, phimosis, sequela, megalohepatia, lagophthalmos, megalocephaly, slowness, varix, acromphalus, misdeed, molar pregnancy, wryneck, abrachia, infantile fixation, heterotaxy, untypicality |
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