"Water back" Quotes from Famous Books
... together to form the large flocks, and these can no longer float, but sink. If we look at the limed clay in our funnel experiment we shall see that the same change has gone on there; the clay has become rather loose and fluffy, and can therefore no longer hold water back. ... — Lessons on Soil • E. J. Russell
... and there come Sir G. Carteret, and then by water back to Deptford, where we dined with him at his house. I find his little daughter Betty, [Her name was Caroline. Elizabeth died unmarried.] that was in hanging sleeves but a month or two ago, and is a very little young child, married, and to ... — The Diary of Samuel Pepys • Samuel Pepys
... This is a bad sign, as extensive inflammation is no doubt present. Water, also, runs through the nostrils freely when the animal attempts to drink, due to the swollen condition of the throat. The animal forces the water back into the mouth, but is unable to swallow and hence the water gushes out through the nostrils. The animal evinces great pain when pressure is applied from the outside and he breathes with great difficulty. Although the pulse is not much affected ... — The Veterinarian • Chas. J. Korinek
... stronger than theirs and his chest deeper? He felt that he could outswim easily any bold fisherman among them, and as for this girl, he would overtake her very quickly and draw her to the bank, and then there would be an interview of much enjoyment, at least to him. His strong arm swept the water back, and his strong legs, working with them, drove his body forward swiftly toward the brown object not very far ahead. Along the bank ran the laughing ... — The Story of Ab - A Tale of the Time of the Cave Man • Stanley Waterloo
... pipe was free from leaks, and that the injector was getting a sufficient supply of steam. If the injector would not prime, would see whether overflow or heater valve could open wide, or if overflow pipe was obstructed. If suction pipe was very hot would blow water back into tank and let suction fill with cold water. If possible, examine for obstruction in the steam priming tube and water tubes. If it would prime and fail to deliver water to the boiler, would see that the delivery tube was not ... — The Traveling Engineers' Association - To Improve The Locomotive Engine Service of American Railroads • Anonymous |